Cheaper Pixel 7 Pro


I want to buy pixel 7 pro, but it's expensive. I am currently on 3 XL.
Based on the history, is there any chance to expect any of price drop in near future?



  • +4

    is there any chance to expect any of price drop in near future?

    When the 8 Pro is about to be released

  • Magic 8 ball says… maybe.

    Usually only takes JB Hifi a month or two to run a Telstra deal, but it will depend how well it's selling. If there's no stock there's no need to discount it.

    • So there is a hope, I can wait a month… Thanks!

  • +1

    is there any chance to expect any of price drop in near future

    Yes. There is always a chance.

    If you're asking us to opine on probability of a price drop then I'm tapping-out.

  • Save your $$’s and get the 6 pro. They should be on sale now or if not, soon. I think the 6 pro is going to be better at a lesser price point because it already had a year of updates and bug fixes. Very very similar phones and not much of a big leap. Downside is that you are already a year behind on their guaranteed update plan.

    • +3

      As someone who has the 6 Pro, the OP should get the 7 Pro.

      • As someone who has a 7 Pro, if I had have known it was going to be a big pile of shit, I wouldn't have bought it. That (fropanity) search bar needs to (fropanity) right off. I shouldn't need a launcher skin on base Android just to get basic functionality. Miui is so much better than this steaming hot pile of garbage. The only way I can change the colour theme is to change my wall paper. And at this point, after only owning it a day, I am not sure if they even put a battery in this phone. There is no way I am going to get a who days worth of heavy usage out of it. Not to mention almost every app I had on my last phone that relied on the camera now doesn't work.

        Instead of the free shit they gave away with it (nest hub/chromecast/ect), what it should have come with is asbestos welding gloves and a fire suit I had to hold it at one point yesterday with just the tips of my fingers on the side because the back got that hot, I was afraid the glue holding the back on was going to come off.

        And WHY did they bother with a (fropanity) on off button if I cant use it to shut the phone down or reboot it. I dont want Google Assistant, I just want you to (fropanity) reboot when your stupid arse hangs.

        Then there are the lack of on screen buttons where I get stuck in an app and cant go back, so I have to kill the app and reopen it and just hope to christ it goes back to the main app page.

        And have I mentioned the fact that I have had to enter my finger print about 400 times because after about 10 mins, it just forgets who I am, and no amount of moving my thumb around will get it to unlock and then after 3 tries it locks me out anyway…

        If this was any other phone that I didn't pay this much for, it would have met with the wall at a fairly high rate of knots.

        • +2

          That (fropanity) search bar needs to (fropanity) right off.

          Is this your first time owning a Pixel? The search bar is always on the home screen.

          Also you do know it's profanity, right?

          • @kerfuffle:

            you do know it's profanity, right?

            (fropanity™) <- Is that better?

            Is this your first time owning a Pixel?

            No, (also owned nearly every Nexus as well)

            The search bar is always on the home screen.

            Last time I owned one, you could just grab the search bar and delete it/remove it from the home screen. Almost every other Android phone I have owned, nay EVERY other Android phone, other than this one, even if it did have that search bar, it could be removed. On this Pixel 7, I have had to install Nova launcher to get rid of it. I should not have to use a 3rd party launcher to get rid of this shit.

            • +2

              @pegaxs: Sounds like Pixel isn't for you.

              • +1

                @kerfuffle: As I stated from the first line of my above comment.

                If I had have known that the "pure" Android experience had deteriorated this far, I would not have bought back in, or at least no where near this price point. This is a $400 phone with $800 worth of "brand tax" attached to it.

                At this point, I literally feel like a beta tester for their firmware. It reminds me of when I used to mess around with things like AOSP and CyanagenMod ROMS on the old Nexus range.

        • +6

          The only way I can change the colour theme is to change my wall paper.

          Long press empty part of home screen, tap Wallpaper and Style, instead of Wallpaper colours tap on Basic colours.

          And WHY did they bother with a (fropanity) on off button if I cant use it to shut the phone down or reboot it. I dont want Google Assistant, I just want you to (fropanity) reboot when your stupid arse hangs.

          Settings > System > Gestures > scroll down and tap on Press and hold power button, and un-check Hold for Assistant.

          Then there are the lack of on screen buttons where I get stuck in an app and cant go back, so I have to kill the app and reopen it and just hope to christ it goes back to the main app page.

          Settings > System > Gestures > System navigation > change to 3-button navigation.

          And have I mentioned the fact that I have had to enter my finger print about 400 times because after about 10 mins, it just forgets who I am, and no amount of moving my thumb around will get it to unlock and then after 3 tries it locks me out anyway…

          Yep, the fingerprint scanner is shit but still much better than the Pixel 6's.

          • @victorwilson: Thanks Victor. If I could give you some more upvotes, I would.

            Some of those things I found myself, but it's still shit that I should have to go digging for a setting to turn a phone off or reboot it. There are literally 2 ways to access the Google Assistant and none to easily just reboot the phone.

            And changing the theme settings has done nothing to my messenger app. I dont get the nice blue standard messenger colours, but I get this gawd awful salmon pink. One of my mates got pissed because he thought I changed his chats to pink.

            As for the three button thing, it was supposed to have gesture control or some crap, where if I wanted to go back, I just swiped. Some older apps dont seem to like this and just dont want to swipe back.

        • I'm coming from a MIUI device and I just don't think I can make the change after reading this. How are you finding the quick settings from the notifications swipe down menu?

        • "Lack of on screen buttons" Haven't you been able to add on screen buttons since the pixel 2?

    • Am I missing something here? 6 Pro & 7 Pro are listed at the same price $1,449 for 256 mb?…

      • If you can, then wait for 6 Pro to go on sale.
        Above is just a sales tactic from google to make customer believe that they are getting better value for money by buying 7Pro (keeping the price same for 6 and 7 Pro)

  • trade in any broken phone to telstra and get $300 off. best deal around by a mile

  • Do you have Google One? I just got sent a 10% off code for the 7s

  • Based on Pixel 6 Pro price history, you might be able to get a used one around $700 after Pixel 8 series is release.

  • +1

    OzBargainers on this thread are saying that until 31/10 the Pixel 7 Pro 128Gb can cost as little as $828. @samjacksonau, I hope this helps.

  • returned my p7p, looking at maybe getting a p7.

    issue i have with the pro is:

    touch screen doesnt always work, specially on the curve edge
    over heats like crazy
    when you plug in some charger or usb outlet phone turns off

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