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[WA] Student Assistance Payment up to $250/Student (ServiceWA App & Account Required) @ WA Department of Education


From the email

The new WA Student Assistance Payment will provide parents and carers with a $250 payment for EACH secondary student, and $150 for EACH student attending primary school or Kindergarten.

It’s support for all families – helping them to pay for those essential school uniforms, a new backpack, a calculator, sport and music costs, or even food for their kids’ lunchboxes.

Because I believe all students should have what they need for school – regardless of their financial situation.

You'll need a valid WA Student Number (WASN) to be eligible for the payment. You can find that number on your kid's Smartrider, school report, or NAPLAN results.

You can head to education.wa.edu.au/wasap for a bit more information on eligibility and how to claim.

The payments will be available through the ServiceWA app from the start of Term 2 (April 15), and I'll have more details in coming days on how to set up your ServiceWA account and digital identity.

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Department of Education, Government of Western Australia
Department of Education, Government of Western Australia

closed Comments

  • +18

    It's nice being in a state with a budget surplus. :)

    • Your GST at work (well, 70% of it, anyway).

      • +12

        No, its a lack of bullshit over priced infrastructure projects, good fiscal state policy and good government - why do you think the government has 53/59 seats in the legislative assembly?

          • +2


            locking it down for months at a time

            I think you have us confused with another state. Hardly any lockdowns in WA. Offhand I only remember a couple of weeks, though the mask mandate on public transport and inside buildings meant that I WFH for several more weeks (by choice).

        • a lack of bullshit over priced infrastructure projects

          nah, look around more. Hardly anyone using the $2.2billion airport line. Hopefully the Ellenbook one will give better value. Demolishing hospitals while people are wanting over a year to officially join the queue to see a doctor.

          We are still $28 billion in debt - $24,000 per household.

          why do you think the government has 53/59 seats

          Because of the Liberals. (And lots of iron ore money helps, but that is slowing down.)_

          • +3

            @bargaino: Can I just pay my $24,000 share now and they will leave me alone forever after?

          • @bargaino: "why do you think the government has 53/59 seats"
            can't be bothered opening that can of worms at this hour, so who wants to go to DoT Cannington with me tomorrow?
            According to Google reviews, if we get there before they open it's only a 3 hour wait to be served. Thanks prudent fiscal management

          • @bargaino: So you're saying the airport line shouldn't have been built?

            • @R4: Any time you hear "So you're saying…" , BS follows. Not a good way to make an argument. Try again please, and construct a real proposition, instead of a snowman.


              And of course Cathy Newman :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkcXRC4HZqc

              • +1

                @bargaino: I'm not making an 'argument'. You're the one doing that.

                Get over yourself turbo.

                • @R4: You most certainly are not :)

                  "You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means" - Inigo Montoya

                  a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory.

                  • @bargaino: Then we're in agreement.

                    One thing I learnt a long time ago is that 'arguing' on the internet with people you don't know is pointless.

                    • @R4: Yes. So to clarify, I said a lot of money was spent for little return, because people are not using it.
                      It therefore raises the question of what cost-benefit analysis was done on big projects generally.
                      That is just one example. The gov't is spending big, and not always for proven returns.

                      ( In contrast, the Mandurah and Joondalup extensions have been a big success - I'm not anti-train.
                      Given the low numbers using the airport train, a bus link to Bayswater might have made more sense? - including same major road upgrades. Maybe even a bus tunnel under the runways. )

      • No, our GST at work.

  • +11

    I identify as a student…a student in the classroom of life

    • -2

      🙄 👀

      • Home educator with self-enrollment and private ID - is it eligible?

    • +3

      The Facebook bio classic

      School of Hard Knocks
      University of Life

    • +1

      The (profanity) are you on tonight?

        • +2

          Child free people dont incur the cost of paying the average $32,552 on kindergarten per annum. Nor the cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood which runs into the hundreds of thousands to provide the next generation…

          • -7

            @AircraftFreight: Imagine raising your own children instead of paying a kindergarten too, send them with all the grotty kids for 40k a year so they can get sick and have development issues later on in life. I just can't stand people who have children and dump them off, why have them if you aren't going to raise them yourself? The iPad generation is screwed.

        • +7

          You realise once children grow up they'll contribute taxes in their lifetime right? And us breeders pay tax aswell.

        • -1

          I feel ya

          Maybe the gov should be handing out free condoms now to them breeders.

        • +1

          Glad you ain't a breeder then mate. Doesn't sound like you're in the right mindset to be a parent. Keep on practising abstinence whilst some of us go about bucking the trend of population decline.

    • Completely out of touch with reality

    • +6

      TV?, no I was going to buy alcohol and smokes. Thanks for the money

      • +1

        Invest it in scratchies.

      • +1

        New BBQ for me!

        Of the glass variety!

    • +5

      Theres lots of pointless government spending but things that make it more financially viable for people to have children and therefore encourage it, especially when not means tested, are good because we need people to have kids to offset the aging population somewhat.

      At the end of the day you're getting a massive free ride by not having kids and not doing your part to avert a demographic catastrophe to the tune of millions of dollars in time and money saved. A few dollars going to the people keeping the country from a demographic collapse is peanuts in comparison.

      • +3

        While mostly true, they'd achieve a lot more for families if they just reduced all school fee's by $250 instead.

        Because the kids who need this the most are the one's who have a single parent that is gonna blow this payment on booze, smokes, drugs or worse.

        • +1

          Agree, this also seems like it would cost almost as much in administrating it than is being given out.

        • +1

          they'd achieve a lot more for families if they just reduced all school fee's by $250 instead.

          You're thinking too rationally, think like a politician. Making it a permanent fee reduction will only get you an electoral boost once, this way they do it again and again and can time it just before the next election.

        • A lot of people don't pay the fees, or have it paid for them. They'd not be happy :)

          • @bargaino: Who cares about what those with an unemployed lifestyle think?

      • -1

        Um actually some annoying crotch goblin was being noisy during my viewing of the cinematic masterpiece "my little pony: friendship is magic: the movie." So this is wasting my taxes and all the parents will just blow it on CIGS and IPADS

        • +2

          The ones who will blow it on cigs and iPads already are doing so via Family Tax Benefit A and B and parenting payment and other increased welfare and practically free child care, etc. The people you want having kids get nothing to make having kids more financially viable so good to see something that isn't means tested for a change.

    • +2

      Imagine if these children don't exist. When you are old, fragile and can't walk anymore, there are no young people (nurse, doctors, caretaker) to help take care of you. You will be too weak to do things by yourself and will most likely die sooner than those who were taken care of by the younger generations.

    • breeders!


  • Thanks, but how about fixing the school system and the hospitals while your at it? Trying to buy votes so people know who you are come the next election isn't that impressive.

    • +2

      I'm not sure why you're mad. Both these things have been an absolutely massive agenda focus for the government
      As part of the Gonsky report almost $1.6 billion will be invested in West Australian public schools over the next four years through a new state and federal government agreement. The agreement has resulted in the state becoming the first in the country bar the ACT to fully fund each student to 100 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard — the estimate of the minimum amount of funding schools need to meet students’ educational needs.

      • WA health budget increased significantly, up 33.4 per cent from $8.8 billion in 2016-17 to $11.8 billion in 2023-24.
      • The Mental Health Commission’s annual budget increased by a massive 57.3 per cent, from $863 million in 2016-17 to $1.4 billion in 2023-24.
      • Western Australia has the highest per capita spending of any State on our hospitals, 18 per cent above the national average.
      • In the past two years, 547 new beds have been added to the system – the equivalent of a new tertiary hospital.
      • $3 billion will be spent over 2022-23 to 2026-27 on health infrastructure, adding a further 600 plus beds.
      • In the past three years, Health’s workforce has increased by 22 per cent including an additional 1,784 nursing and 779 medical FTE

      • -1

        • Western Australia has the highest per capita spending of any State on our hospitals, 18 per cent above the national average.

        LOL, that's because they closed a hospital and shuttered sections of others, then re-directed a small portion of the costs of running those former state assets as "new additional health spending".

        $3 billion will be spent over 2022-23 to 2026-27 on health infrastructure, adding a further 600 plus beds.

        Also LOL, the WA govt have been making that promise every year and always failing to deliver on it for years now: https://thewest.com.au/politics/state-government-falls-short…

  • -4

    Inflation go brrrrr

    Thank god those sending their kids to private schools get a huge $250 helping.

    Might pay for their gucci schoolbag

    • +2

      You can't even buy gucci bag for $250 anymore lol.

      • Bullshit! Try Aliexpress with Clear's discount or Temu - I never said it was gonna be real though :p

  • I'm interested to know how separated parents claim this for a child.

    • I have joint custody of my children, who is eligible to claim the payment?
      Where possible, parents and carers should discuss between themselves which party will lodge the claim.

      Those with joint custody are both eligible to make a claim, however, only one payment is available for each eligible student.

      Duplicate payments will not be made.

      A payment will be made to an eligible claim that progresses through to the final approval phase first.

      • +1

        So lodge first? 😅

        • Your call i just copied it from the site

    • -3

      Like many of these payments, it's a case of "first in best dressed". Centrelink and other agencies will often only send out communications about the payments to the mother of a registered child though, even if they don't have custody.

      • Where are you getting your information from?

  • +1

    Another WA bonus not means tested. How the fuk does this help the people that really need it.

    I need to seek political asylum from these politicial assholes making bad decisions for the economy and the state.

    • Don't worry mate, rest easy knowing that every single member of the Legislative Council in the next government will be there to be your representative …..

    • -1

      means testing just results in the government spending $250/h on solicitors to go over all the appeals from people in the means testing grey areas. cheaper to just hand out the money to anyone with kids.

  • I'm going to skip this $150 for my primary school student - just to avoid using the amazingly awful WA government COVID app they're using to hand out this money.
    Enter your childs digital identity into a old broken unmaintained app and we'll give you some money!

    • +3

      AFAIK the actual identification bit is handled by myGovID.

    • +2

      what the heck is this digital ID it talks about. I don't want to give them anything more….

      • +2

        Sign up bribe

  • +1

    Cool, this will make up for the $1k that got taken away from me at Tax Time!

    Oh wait, 3 kids… no it doesn't.

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