• In 16 days

[QLD] Queensland Households Will Get $1,000 off Their Electricity Bills in 2024–25 @ Queensland Cost of Living Rebate


Queensland households will get $1,000 off their electricity bills in 2024–25.

$1,000 will be automatically credited to eligible residential customer bills from 1 July 2024—there is no need to apply. Exact timing will depend on individual billing cycles.

To be eligible, residential customers must have an electricity account with their electricity retailer or embedded network provider on 1 July 2024 and be separately metered and charged for their own electricity consumption.

Look for the ‘Queensland Government Cost of Living Rebate’ on your bill.

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Queensland Government
Queensland Government


      • This policy is neither inflationary or deflationary. All it does is improve household disposable income.

        • +1

          You’re quite close to understanding my point! Now, think about the economic effect of (artificially) increasing everyone’s household income…

        • +1

          All it does is improve household disposable income.

          Repeat after me: INFLATIONARY

    • +1

      Doesn't infrastructure spending increase inflation?

      • -2

        Not in the long term.

        • +4

          Oh, so you don’t know about QLD’s $89 Billion Big Build capital program

          • -2

            @toasty: ?? that's not relevant.

            I genuinely believe the free $1000 per household is against the long-term interests of most people (as it is inflationary). They should use it for something else, eg, pay down dept, or make it a $91B program….

            Personally, as someone with almost 2m of (good) debt, I benefit from inflation a lot, so this is (selfishly) a great thing for me… I just worry about the increasing gap between the rich and poor in the country… and this makes me richer and the poor, poorer… but with a PR of being the exact opposite!

            • @The Wololo Wombat: While I disagree with your assumption that this measure will increase inflation, and therefore the gap between (asset) rich and poor, I do agree that we need to do more to decrease the gap.

              Fortunately, this measure is beneficial as it will be applied as a credit to power bills, which will lower the total energy expenditure reflected in Consumer Price Index (CPI) calculations. Additionally, a considerable number of Queenslanders are expected to allocate the savings from their electricity expenses towards mortgage payments which does not impact CPI in an inflationary manner.

              This approach should work out to be deflationary overall and is potentially even slightly more advantageous for those of us who are less affluent.

              • +1

                @toasty: I am not sure how you can say this is deflationary, reducing the cost of an item from a rebate is not deflationary. If this was a genuine reduction in the per unit cost of electricity across the board and every electricity consumer benefit from it without a cap it could then be considered deflationary. The very fact that it is aimed at consumers and not producers make it inflationary. It adds nothing to the reducing the cost of supply of goods or services to consumers and therefore will not increase GDP. its wasted opportunity to invest in something that would increase GDP.

                This is effectively giving away $1000 of power for free resulting in either freed income for other purposes or increased usage of power. And suggesting that the QLD government owns all the generating assets is wrong, many retailers have their own on demand generation and QLD imports power from NSW.

                Investing in say the PowerGrid or building out some high voltage lines into areas where solar farms could be built or in localised battery storage to take advantage of excess PV would be better as this would result in longer term benefits and reduced prices for all.

      • For infrastructure

    • +1

      $1000 added per citizen makes everything inflate $1000 per citizen in the long run.

      This is the 3rd year of larger quarterly "cost of living" rebates directly to electricity accounts.

      Qld electricity accounts have received,Qld owned "generator dividends" for such a long time before that.

      Think that is enough time to show an adverse effect. So who has published it?

      I'd just like to see some proof.

      • -4

        It's just how inflation happens… If you increase the amount of money in the economy by $X, without increasing the size of the goods and services to buy/use by $X… you get $X of inflation.

        • +1

          If it was an unregulated market where firms are price makers then this policy would be inflationary.

        • +1

          A bit simplistic. Used to teach at Uni with a Finance / Economist mate. He always warned about simplistic models & assumptions in the field. It's never that simple.

          It's basically a State owned industry, where the State controls many prices.
          It gives back some money into peoples electricity accounts on a quarterly basis.
          Reducing their spending on mainly state produced electricity…

          Sounds very Socialist, Comrade!

          • @INFIDEL: Yea, I could be wrong… and I'm happy/would find it helpful to have it explain why this idea to too simplistic :)

  • +1

    Laughs in WA, i haven't seen an energy bill for the last 3 quarters.

    • +7

      This thread is basically people in Victoria complaining… I love it!

    • i haven't seen an energy bill for the last 3 quarters.

      You guys in Perth don't see many deals either sometimes :P

      Laughs in Brisbane, Sunshine State

      • Yep, no privatisation = no choice.

        But at least we haven't had a blackout for a decade.

  • +1

    Sweet now I can waste the money I would have spent on power bills.

  • -8

    This should be means-tested! What is the purpose behind it? You tax people and then refund them, why bother? So each time we getting a tax cut, that become a deal too?

    • +2


    • +6

      The word from Canberra on Tax!

      It's not a tax. A Rebate paid out of windfall coal royalties.

      This is a long running electricity rebate (steadily increasing), paid quarterly to electricity accounts.

      It has existed in Qld for so many years as a "dividend" from Qld Govt electricity production.

      As electricity network was interconnected, only way to give back to Queensland consumers was a dividend or rebate in bill. Rather than lower price for all (interstate) who consume Qld produced electricity.

      • That's a good explanation, but still, how about passing it to lower-income earners, and invest the remaining on something worthwhile, which can reduce the future tax?

        • +1

          Needy get an an additional daily electricity rebate. Just supply a Commonwealth concession or Qld Seniors card.

          Reduce future QLD tax?
          Qld has reportedly the lowest per capita State debt.

          With over $10B surplus - there's a lot that is being done.

    • +2

      Australia has a national energy market. This is actually really clever - they charge other states full price and give Qld residents a cashback directly.

      • Qld apparently didn't see the advantage of joining with those Southerners.
        But big bad Canberra offered a huge productivity payment to sign up.
        So Qld joined the national energy market. And worked out how to make it work for Queenslanders🌞
        At least that's the bedtime story I was told up here.

  • +1

    NSW government is so dodgy that they are only giving electricity cost relief based on who was poor last financial year so what about those who are poor now?

    They are giving support to those who received parent support from last financial year but I didn't get last year but I am getting it now as I am poor now … :( idiots

    This is the dumbest Labor government I have seen so far in NSw… !

    • +2

      Qld has had additional daily electricity rebates to needy, on top of this Quarterly Rebate.

      Based on Commonwealth concession or Qld Seniors cards. An easier system, as applies from day you apply with a card.

      Other States, a Commonwealth concession card should get an electricity rebate.

    • -1

      NSW was plunged in to debt years ago by the liberals, Labor is currently trying to remediate the books.

      • Mate, my point was they are using previous financial year to judge people's current financial condition to support them but people like me who had job last financial year but nothing this year are left behind while those who had job get the benefit because they didn't have it last year…so how logical is it?

  • Is this inflationary?
    So while the RBA is trying to fight inflation with interest rates, the Queensland government fights the RBA with cash handouts.

    • +2

      NOT a cash handout!

      Rebates to electricity bills have been happening for many years! Just the amount has increased.

      Qld Treasury has said the scheme was implemented as a quarterly payment direct to household electricity bills - to minimise inflationary effect.

      • +1

        Handing out money, whether by cash, subsidy, rebate, is inflationary. In fact a cash handout would be more economically responsible. Rebates cause economic distortions amplifying the harm.

        • +2

          Simplistic! Some economists would disagree in this particular situation.

          This rebate has been operating for years!

          Rebate is paid quarterly into household electricity account. But when switching electricity retailer, the remaining funds are refunded to the person. That's what I did & received over $300 recently.
          So effectively as cash.

          While theoretically in a free market economy, Rebates cause economic distortions amplifying the harm.

          This rebate is for electricity mainly produced by the State & costs partly paid back by the State.
          It's not a deregulated market. There is control over electricity pricing by the State. Most of Qld has only 1 retailer.

          Queensland always has had a strange socialist bent to some of its systems.

          • +1

            @INFIDEL: The only economists that would disagree are those working for the QLD government.

        • Qld does things differently!

          Queensland had a petrol subsidy, paid to petrol stations, to reduce petrol price in Qld. Failed as there was no way to know if subsidy was applied or kept by business

          Free hospital system (predating Medicare) was only available for Queenslanders.

          Free Ambulance for Queenslanders was initially paid by a electricity account Levy. It continues.

  • +6

    Lolin' at the salty southerners itt

    • +2

      Cruel, but true. Same as last year.
      We do things differently up here, and cop the abuse for it😜

      • +1

        Their loss for not being in the sunshine state 😎

        • +2

          They will be heading here as it gets colder down south🌞
          Met people from Melbourne who spend 6 months a year here, at their holiday home on Magnetic Island. (I'm jealous)

  • +8

    Enjoy it while it lasts!

    If the LNP get in this year say goodbye to anything good like this because multinational mining companies and their shareholders need these billions more than Queenslanders!

    • +1

      Reduction in the windfall coal royalty rates that fund this & more, while pushing a "cost of living" line popular at elections by the LNP - would be a difficult policy to push.

      An expecting a good ol' Law & Order election that's popular in Qld. Scare the voters over a complex issue (youth crime) that many countries struggle with.

      • +4

        That’s how it goes. They don’t campaign on all the horrible things they’ll do they just stoke fear and blame labor for everything under the sun. THEN if they get in all the scumbaggery starts. Spending cuts, public sector cuts, privatisation, etc.

        I am 100% confident if the LNP are elected they will eliminate or at least massively cut back mining royalty taxes (which will probably be the least scummy thing they’ll achieve in their time).

        • Working as a consultant, had a LNP Minister as a client. As there was strict confidentiality, he shared a lot of secrets. I admired him, but maybe not his politics.

          There's little difference between the major parties. So little really changes.

          Scare tactics & smearing opponents is a nasty (but effective) way to power.

          Was robo-called recently by LNP to give my views on terrible youth crime. I just told them they were scaremongering a##holes. Would do that to any group using wedge tactics to try to change my vote.

          People forget the political past, naively believing a change in their vote & party in power will solve everything😜

          Some will be better off, others much worse. My guess is the (mining) friends of the LNP will be the main beneficiaries of change of Government.

          • -2


            There's little difference between the major parties. So little really changes.

            LNP, a##holes
            ALP, Incompetent a##holes
            Take your pick.

        • Dont like either of the main parties but you may need to check your facts on QLD asset sales Labor has sold many public assets.

          • @tomfool: Aware, but it is usually the Liberal M.O.

            However Queenslanders have shown that they don’t appreciate asset sales come election day.

  • +1

    Only ozbargainers would complain about free money lol

    • -3

      Only a simp would not understand basic economics

      • Like half the ones complaining about the rebate?

  • Nice! So far Qld Labor have my vote.

    Federal Labor don't.

    • +8

      You think LNP is better as a Federal option? Are you serious?
      They did NOTHING in a decade, other than destroy our economy.
      Nothing on EV's, nothing on renewables, nothing on climate action.
      And not because Liberal's didn't want it, its because Nationals didn't… and without their support they just treaded water for 10 years.

      And you think THAT is worth voting for? Goodness.

      • Fed Labor hasn't done shit either. They did however break the tax cut promise which directly cost me $4.5k+ a year going forward.

        Won't vote LNP either. Probably go with an independant.

        • +3

          What promise?

          It was crap legislation that was IMPROVED for 90% of the population.
          The original Stage 3 benefited the richest people in Australia… and since you're one of them, I think you can afford $4,500 less (remembering you'll still be getting $4,500).

          • -2

            @UFO: Don't be daft. It'll save everyone a few hundred now but long term it's taxing everyone a lot more over time.

            You know very well they went into the election promising not to alter the tax cuts.

            I'll be fine but I'm not voting for anyone who dicks with my finances 6 months out of the EOFY.

            Federal Labor have not executed a single thing properly in their entire time in office.

  • +3

    I have zero sympathy for people who can't read and vote on the basis of policies in front of them.
    Maybe they need to start voting in people who will you know…. drop electricity prices!!!

    LNP and One Nation are addicted to coal.
    Even with the Liberals and Nationals, they can't agree WITHIN THE SAME PARTY on renewables.

    ACT has the cheapest power in the nation… and you'd never guess who's been running the joint for 20 years. A party that can actually forward plan and utilise renewables for all our benefit. The scare campaign that QLD'ers have fallen for is laughable.
    Renewables ARE part of the solution.

    • +2

      It's really easy to pay for your infrastructure and keep costs down when you're tiny and import all your goods from everyone else

    • Renewables are definitely part of the solution but how much subsidy goes into ACT's renewable systems? How much energy intensive industry does the ACT have?

  • The factors that have driven global and local inflation have largely been outside the ability of consumers to moderate their income to curtail it. Nevertheless, the message to Australians with mortgages is, "The whippings will continue until morale improves and inflation falls. So cut your whining about the evisceration of the middle class you evil sinners."

  • +2

    Smell that? It's a state election coming!

    • They have been doing this for that last 3 years?

  • What about me? It isn't fair
    I've had enough, now I want my share
    Can't you see, I wanna live
    But you just take more than you give

    • Hope you paid a royalty for that😉

      • I wonder if Nollsie did

    • I read this in Ed Sheeran's voice

  • And they'll take this out some other way, plus interest

    • Thanks Vic! Why would you care, it doesn't affect you.

  • I know a lot of people are struggling right now… but throwing money at privately owned electrical companies isn't the way to go about it. I hate the way the government words everything… "we're giving you $1000"… no you're not. It's our tax money to begin with.

    • +2

      throwing money at privately owned electrical companies

      It's your money!
      I switched to different electricity retailer recently - rebate was paid out to me by old retailer.

      Rebate is paid quarterly into your electricity account, to help pay the bill. No matter what company you choose.

      Rebate is effectively paid out of windfall coal mining royalties.

      If you're struggling, try switching electricity retailers for incentives. See Deals. Recently received $150 bill credit & $150 Gift Cards. I switch every few months!

      That way, I make a profit on my electricity bills (no solar or gas), especially with these increasing annual "cost of living" rebates💰

      [Edit] Got negged for my actual experience under this scheme in its 3rd year!

      • rebate was paid out to me by old retailer.

        can you tell more about how you got paid? Did they transfer to your bank account?

        • Need to request refund from old retailer after switch to different electricity retailer.

          Paid to payment method set up to pay your bill - my bank account.

          I switch every few months, for the incentives - found in Deals. So have had many rebate payouts in 2 years of this scheme.

          It's easy.

  • +1

    Western Australia have had a number of these handouts. State owned electricity for the win.

    • +2

      Criticism here is mainly from States that sold their electricity production to private companies. And can't benefit from this.

      • Indeed. Some salty people that were never taught to be happy for others and when good fortune comes their way others will be happy for them.

        • +1

          Such a good Ninja😉

          In studying Rakugo (Traditional Storytelling) in Osaka, learnt an important story about that.

          Japanese would not approve of the ways of the Ozbargainer😉

  • -1

    Read: Your electricity bill will go up by $1000 in the 24/25 financial year.

    • +2

      Read: How would I know in Melb??

      This is the 3rd year of this scheme!
      Everyone got a smaller rebate
      for many years before that.

      bill will go up by $1000

      Read: BS Scaremongering because you can't get it!

      Hasn't been my experience - I make a profit each year rather than paying higher electricity bills💰

      Even better this coming year with $1k! Up from $550 last year
      💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵 💵

      • -3

        Ok but also you live in a deadbeat state

        • +4

          So sad - you are so butt hurt🤣
          So your ridiculous comments are totally irrelevant.

          Besides, we need to find ways to spend our $14B surplus. Not bad for a "deadbeat" State🤣
          How's Vic doing??

          $13.96 billion surplus is the largest surplus ever recorded in Queensland's history. “

        • +3

          This is a brine level of saltiness.

          • -1

            @Wasabi Ninja: I dunno mate I'm not the one with 18 comments on this deal about how frugal I am with my power, screwing over the average consumer with my corny cost-saving harrassment of minimum wage sales employees

            • +1

              @King Steuart: Yikes. Hope you’re okay mate. Life good, enjoy it for what it is. Missing out on a thousand dollar bucks is not the end of the world.

              • @Wasabi Ninja: I'm doing a >$100k reno of kitchen, floors and balcony doors this year and flying business to the UK for a five week holiday so I'm doing alright, HBU?

                • +1

                  @King Steuart: I retired 5 years ago at 38. Life’s what you make it.

                  • @Wasabi Ninja: Still hunting bargains.. damn

                    • +1

                      @King Steuart: Of course lol. I’m not Elon Musk. I have a few streams of income that give me a modest lifestyle.

                  • @Wasabi Ninja: About same for me. Haven't gone back to work in years.

                    Mainly travel (up to 9 months a year) overseas. Spent over a year travelling in Japan.

                    But do like a bargain, like many wealthy people😉
                    So $1000 is a nice bonus.

                    • +1

                      @INFIDEL: It’s the way life was meant to be lived. Old mate could probably retire too if he invested instead of blowing it on a kitchen haha.
                      Of all the properties I own and all are positive geared, I live in the worst one haha. Still has ocean views though so can’t complain. Half of Perth has ocean views, it’s a great lifestyle.

                      • @Wasabi Ninja: I've met people who work so hard to pay the mortgage, they are never home to enjoy the view or relax.

                        One in cliff top Northern Beaches mansion (Sydney), told me hadnt had a holiday in 3 years.
                        He asked where I was staying. Pointed to old van parked in front of beach. He laughed with delight🤣

                        He appreciated its the quality of life that matters! Not how much you spend 🤔

                        • @INFIDEL: Exactly. I’ll take my fitness and health over an extra $200k from working everyday.

                • +1

                  @King Steuart:

                  flying business to the UK for a five week holiday

                  I've flown to UK & Europe on economy flights.
                  One cost $650 return from Deal here. And 1€ Ryanair flights in Europe😉

                  Can't see the benefit for me in paying more. It's just public transport to get to my destination. I spend the time sleeping, to arrive refreshed.

                  Stayed in UK & Europe for 3 months on 2 journeys & 10 weeks on other. Had a ball. About to return for 6 months.

                  Have had so many flights to Japan. Spent over a year exploring there. On Jetstar $400 return!

                  Rather spend much less on the flight & spend more at my destination - to stay far longer, treat myself & enjoy myself more🤔

                  After all, this is Ozbargain🤔

  • Must be an election coming up…

    • +1

      Well yes. BUT, this is the 3rd year of this "cost of living" rebate!

      People now expect this rebate, so not a great inducement to change vote.
      Incentives need to be much closer to election to have an effect.

  • Yasss stimmys!!! Moarrr inflation!

  • government provides thousands of households assistance during a cost of living crisis

    Australians - something something (profanity) you government

  • +1

    Give the rebate to solar panels, might cost more at first but it'll save everyone money in long run. Is that a bad idea?

    • +2

      there is a rebate. issue is tech on batteries and something called night time

  • Gerry Harvey would much rather that taxpayers are paid the money directly than the government spend it for them on something silly like electrickity.

  • Thanks but still not voting for him

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