• expired

FREE: 2015 Cartoon Calendars (Delivered) by WSP


You can actually order up to 10 calendars, but please don't be greedy :)

Click here to see what the 2014 calendar looked like.

Basic access to water and sanitation is fundamental to human survival, growth and prosperity. It has been declared a human right by the United Nations. Between 1990 and 2010 more than two billion people have gained access to improved water sources and almost 1.9 billion to improved sanitation. This is good news. However, with nearly one billion people today who lack safe water and with 2.5 billion who still lack access to improved sanitation, improvements need to happen faster and on a much larger scale. This is essential to reaching the World Bank Group’s two corporate goals, to end extreme poverty by 2030 and boost shared prosperity for the poorest 40 percent of the population.

Conventional approaches such as financial support to construct toilets or water pipes have proven insufficient to translate to sustained usage at scale. One of the most significant innovations in water and sanitation in recent years is the focus on behavior change interventions as a key ingredient necessary for sustainable access to billions of people.

This year, the World Bank/Water and Sanitation Program cartoon calendar depicts water and sanitation challenges through a behavior change lens to help demystify some of the nuances that must be understood in order to succeed.

We thank the talented artists from around the world who helped us craft these critical messages with creativity and passion, while staying true to the calendar’s tradition of raising awareness through humor.

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closed Comments

  • Order two
    Thanks OP

  • another 2 here thankyou Op

  • Believe it or not, I ordered two too

  • Thanks! Ordered just 1.

  • +1

    This Connection is Untrusted (on both chrome and FF)

    • +1

      Yeah even on the android mobile

    • fine on firefox for me.

  • Thanks TA, just one for me.

  • considering it's for 2015 anyone want to guess when they turn up? closest guess without going over wins a Scotty approved OzB shirt?! lol

    • +1

      This calendar epitomizes 3rd world problems.

  • +1

    Not gonna order but +1 for a true OzB finding,TA

  • +3

    a true ozbargainer would order the max number and then adjust each calender for the following 9 years.

    10 years of free calenders.

    • are u going to actually use 10 or just stack them up?

  • +1

    I just needed a new calendar and then this popped up. Thanks a bunch and i hope the message gets out.

  • +1

    Thanks TA. If you are looking for more free calanders just walk into a pharmacy.

  • Thanks TA, I've ordered 1!

  • Ordered one

    Might get here june next year if we are lucky

  • +2

    Better to use a fake name and email. Your order is open to public, anyone can access the contents from


    Eg (not real links)

    • goms, an you help me understand the risk and message you are eluding to. Thanks

      • +1

        The risk is that someone could access those data publicly by using some sort of scripts. They can get your name, email and address and use it to spam you.

        • Thanks, always learning

  • Grabbed 2, thanks very much!

  • -2

    If water is one of my human rights then why do I have to pay for it? Such injustice in this world.

    • +8

      You don't have to pay for it. You can collect your own rainwater or drink from a stream. What householders pay for in this country is a purification and delivery service.

      • Rubbish….there is a "dam tax" for farmers for dams that they've built for generations…for collecting rainwater and not "letting it" go into the basin. Where do they think the water goes? Wait for the 'rainwater tank' license round the corner…
        Vic. also pays $500M a year for a desalination plant that is not in production ('just in case') for the next 20+ years.
        Assumption is that water, gas and electricity will increase in consumption as populations grow. Yet, when you become more efficient (solar, wind, rainwater tank) - they hike up the prices - because it didn't fit the business model (for investors).

        • (For the investors)!¿

          I was direct that comment to visit the compensation for ceos. Bonuses based on performances as measured by ……….. profit increase?…….?…increase in share price? ……………less expenses ~ ±…..wages, compliance, efficiency. Review this with contract time of employment¿

  • +1

    Cheers TA. The amount in which I ordered is to remain a mystery to the greater OB Community.

  • Thanks got there in end 3 for family.

  • +3

    Cheers, ordered 9 Xmas sorted.

  • As it said cartoon I thought it might be a spider-man calendar or something.

  • Not sure about this one - could cause many unwanted mail from affiliated companies because of all the pop ups that come with it. Absolutely fed up with logging on every day to check mail - only to find so many are scam. Wish there was a way to block continuously so they bounce back to the idiots who sent them in the first place!!

  • Not telling how many I ordered, but its more than 1 and less than 3.

    • +1

      Two and a Half?

  • +1


  • has anyone gotten theirs delivered yet?

    • Nope. Was wondering the same thing.

      I ordered two.

      Bought one the other day. Hoping to still get these.

    • Nope not yet

  • hopefully they will arrive by at least december so i can get 1 months use out of them

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