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4 $0 eBooks on Business Documents, Workplace Activities, Verbal Presentation & Managing Risks

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4 skills development books by Enterprise Educational Resources.

1) Planning and writing business documents
US: https://www.amazon.com/Planning-writing-business-documents-development-ebook/dp/B01LZ6YK4C/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1484400384&sr=1-1&refinements=p_27%3AEnterprise+Educational+Resources
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Planning-writing-business-documents-development-ebook/dp/B01LZ6YK4C/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1484400384&sr=1-1&refinements=p_27%3AEnterprise+Educational+Resources

Amazon's Description:

This book covers the skills and knowledge required to plan, draft, write and finalise documents of some complexity. The documents prepared range from shorter texts of a few pages to those with numerous pages. The reader will prepare both text and additional items such as figures, graphs or images. They should be capable of using personal discretion and judgment as they prepare workplace texts.

The types of texts covered in this book include (but are not limited to) business reports, presentations and process documents……

2) Planning, scheduling and monitoring workplace activities - a practical guide
US: https://www.amazon.com/Planning-scheduling-monitoring-workpl…
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Planning-scheduling-monitoring-wor…

Amazon's Description:

Team leaders and supervisors are often required to plan and implement work activities that support the strategic and business plans of their organisations. The challenges associated with successfully planning and implementing work activities can be met by careful analysis of work requirements and translating these into work plans and work schedules.

The purpose of this book is to provide practical advice on how to develop and implement work plans and schedules. Tools and techniques for monitoring, evaluating and reviewing work performance at an individual and group level are demonstrated. Particular emphasis is made on the use of self-evaluation and feedback for reviewing individual work performance……

3) Prepare and deliver a verbal presentation
US: https://www.amazon.com/Prepare-deliver-verbal-presentation-development-ebook/dp/B01LYJG2CM/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1484400688&sr=1-3&refinements=p_27%3AEnterprise+Educational+Resources
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Prepare-deliver-verbal-presentation-development-ebook/dp/B01LYJG2CM/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1484400688&sr=1-3&refinements=p_27%3AEnterprise+Educational+Resources

Amazon's Description:

This book covers the skills and knowledge required to prepare, deliver and review a range of presentation formats. The types of presentations that are covered include verbal presentations (to both large and small audiences), web conferencing, video and audio file preparation and poster creation. Presentations that do not require digital tools and aids for delivery are also included.

The book is a handy and reliable guide for those who are required to prepare and present formal and informal presentations, training sessions, interviews, speeches and information briefings. The critical importance of meeting the presentation purpose and the needs of the target audience are emphasised throughout each chapter. Step-by-step procedures explain how to develop key points, then expand on these to cover a range of concepts, information and ideas. The techniques are simple to follow and are useful for simple or more complex presentations……

4) Managing risk - a practical guide
US: https://www.amazon.com/Managing-risk-practical-Skills-develo…
AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Managing-risk-practical-Skills-dev…

Amazon's Description:

If we know for certain that something is going to happen, it has no risk attached to it. Should there be an element of uncertainty surrounding it, then risk(s) will exist. Risk can encompass both positive and negative outcomes that may have an impact on the ability of a business or organisation to fulfil its objectives.

The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of the key concepts of risk management. It also provides guidance on how the risk management process can be practically applied at an operational level within an organisation. It outlines how managers can identify risks and apply established processes to manage those risks……

eBooks are free at time of posting. Please check price before buying.

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closed Comments

  • Great job

  • I get this message when I try to buying it: "we did not find a Kindle device or reading app registered to your Amazon account for which this content is available".

    • I noticed that some books are only available if you have registered your Amazon account to a non-Kindle device Kindle account (i.e download the PC version and register your Amazon account to it).

      • Yeah couldn't get a couple of titles delivered to my kindle but ok to my kindle app on my iPad

  • -2

    Never get any free eBooks which are pure filth / porn

  • Thanks OP!

  • Half of them cost money now.

  • +1

    1 and #3 are back up to 11.99 on the AU link.

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