Standing Jewellry Cupboard from Kogan not complete

My son ordered a standing jewellery cupboard from Kogan. A Christmas present. BUT the item is missing important screws to put it together… and we have emailed and fb messaged and can not get any response. The item is useless without everything.
How do we contact Kogan.

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  • +4

    I think you’re doing the right thing to contact them, you just need to wait for a response. They’d be pretty busy right now I’d assume.

  • +2

    If all else fails there is always Bunnings?

    • Thank you. We will try Bunnings.

  • When did you first contact them?

    • +1

      2 hours and 23 mins ago, I would guess ;)

      • +2

        Im guessing that too. Going by ops post history, its post on ozbargain first, think second.

      • -2

        No the last 5 days to try fix the missing parts we started before Christmas.

    • -2

      Ordered on line. We have sent emails and messages and quoted order number. For the last five days. So just wondered if anyone knows if there is a contact for cutomer service as we can not find one

      • +1

        Ffs and of those 5 days, only 1 of them was a regular business day. Are you working during these 5 days??

        • +1

          Yes I did work all weekend as it happened.

    • -1

      5 days ago by email and messages

      • +3

        5 days ago by email and messages

        hahaha so that was Sat, Sun, Mon, Christmas day and boxing day. Yet you really don't understand why they haven't replied? Have a think about it.

  • we have emailed and fb messaged and can not get any response. The item is useless without everything.

    You do know its Christmas? You do know that a lot of stores are closed on reduced staff during this period.

    You just need to WAIT.

    • -2

      It was Christmas but we have been trying to contact them for 5 days.

      • +1

        Ummm yes the last 5 days have been all public holidays and weekends.

        Did you work? No…. so why do you expect them to be there.

        They'll reply when they return.

        • I did work as it happened in Emergency all weekend.
          And the first email we sent was Friday so sorry it was 6 days. But Friday was not a public holiday Monday not a public holiday and today not a public holiday. 🙂

          • @hsk: If you work in emergency you have plenty of money, buy another initiate a return for the other

  • I wouldn't even be surprised at a 5 day wait outside of Christmas time with Kogan. Buying the screws you need from Bunnings would be a lot less effort but maybe Kogan will give you a $25 off voucher or something?

    • Thank u we tried bunnings but they do not stock the screws we need.

  • raise a complaint on the kogan site.
    they will get back to you but you have to give them what they want in terms of their procedures.
    a bit of a pin.
    a necessary evil.
    if they don't respond then complain to your consumer affiars dept.

    • Thank you. We have FB messaged and emailed. I am not sure how to raise a complaint but we have certainly been trying to get what we need to assemble our mirror. Last email they asked us to send a picture of what was missing. Made me wonder if they are listening as how could we possibly send a picture of what we don't have..

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