Advice on Credit Cards to Keep or Apply for - Details in Description

Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time posting.

I've recently have been reviewing and culling my cards, and am having trouble deciding which card to use as a 'main' card due to trying to get into the whole flyer points thing / value worth. Also open to getting another card if you think it'd suit.

My current situation - I put most of my spend on credit and pay it off in full each month. I've transferred most points from various sources to Velocity during promo periods last year, but also have some points sitting with Qantas frequent flyer. I don't fly often, except budget airlines domestically, and have read up on point hacks etc regarding points but am relatively new to the whole using points to upgrade & trying to amass a big point base or status credits. I hope to fly to Europe again in future, but am all for travelling anywhere in the world as there's much to explore. For overseas trips I don't stick to the same airline as I'm an infrequent flyer. Would consider sticking with same airline if I could quantify the rewards associated with it.

Main cards I will keep;

ANZ travel rewards - love the free domestic flight, passes and international use - transferred the bonus points to Velocity after opening.
Coles mastercard - as I applied ages ago, still have the 2 year price protection but often forget to actually use it.

Other cards I own but not sure if I should cull;

28 degrees - tempted to keep for the 'any retailer' price drop clause, has been good to use overseas.
Latitude infinity rewards - kept it going after Myer visa split - $20 gift cards with 2,000 point accrual. 1 point per dollar, uncapped.
This seems to be one of the best 'value' for points in comparison to others, but can only be redeemed for cards not flyer points. Worth noting - I could redeem for Qantas and Jetstar gift cards. As I'm continuing on from Myer the annual fee is only $39.

American Express I'm waiting for my 18 months to pass before reapplying. But I'm considering the Platinum Altitude bundle via Westpac, but hesitant as I want something with a high earn/reward rate. I don't qualify for the Black bundle.

I don't want to churn cards endlessly.

Any recommendation on what to keep, what to cull, and possibly what to apply for? I know it's quite a personal and subjective matter, but would appreciate the input.


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