Honda Remote FOB Key: How to Change Battery?

As per the subject, is there special screwdriver to open this Honda FOB key? I can't for the life of me figure out how to open this shell. I have completely flatten one FOB and don't want to damage the other one. I have tried using screwdriver that's used for glasses but it won't budge.

Any input would be much appreciated. TIA!


  • What model Honda? Have you checked the manual? You can always visit one of those key/shoe places in shopping centres to get it done, chances are you'll need to visit one of those places for the battery anyway.

    • -1

      i can always purchase the battery from eBay and pretty sure Bunnings have it too; just a matter how to crack open the bastard.

      • Fair enough once you know what is in it. Have you tried a thin bit of plastic like a credit card to pry it open?

  • What model and year is the car?

    • Civic 2008

  • As per the subject, is there special screwdriver to open this Honda FOB key?

    What is 'this'?

  • +2
  • Have you tried YouTube for a how-to video?

  • Unless there are visible screws these usually could be pried open using a knife blade or a spudger.
    Push the flat blade along the groove between the two halves and apply some gentle pressure and it will pop open.
    Once you have replaced the battery push the two halves and they will clip in.

    Please be aware that yours could use a completely different opening method so in case if the above doesn't work check youtube and you might find something, like this one:

  • there special screwdriver to open this Honda FOB key?

    WHICH Honda FOB key?

    Was there meant to be a link to a picture or something?

  • You pull the key out of the fob then use a coin as a lever to help separate the two sides.

  • -1
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