======= Mental Health ======= **In case of Emergency: PLEASE CONTACT 000** ====== Introduction ====== This page came about as a result of [[https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/327196 | some discussions ]] about R U OK Day and Mental Health issues on OzBargain. OzBargain (and other forums) shouldn't be a substitute for seeking advice from a health professional, especially in the case of mental health. It is strongly recommended that you seek help from the professional organisations below and to report any users to us who may need assistance. ====== Organisations ====== * [[http://headspace.org.au/|Headspace]] * Kids Help Line **1800 551 800** (free from landlines and any Optus/Virgin mobile phone) * Lifeline **13 11 14** (cost of local call from landline or free from mobile phone) * Mensline **1300 78 9978** * [[http://www.1800respect.org.au/|National Sexual Assault, Domestic & Family Violence Counselling Service]] **1800 737 732 (1800RESPECT)** * Suicide Call Back Service **1300 659 467** (cost of a local call) * VVCS – Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service **1800 011 046** ===== ACT ===== * [[http://findahealthservice.act.gov.au/c/fahs?a=sp&pid=1316133581&site=51107&servicecategory=23|Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team]] * [[http://www.assistance.act.gov.au/child/someone_to_talk_to/care_and_protection_services|Child Protection (The ACT Department of Disability, Housing and Community Services)]] ===== NSW ===== * [[http://www.community.nsw.gov.au/about-us/our-services|Child Protection (NSW Family and Community Services)]] * [[http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/aboutus/services/assistance/rural-resilience-program/guide|NSW Rural Mental Health Support Line]] * [[http://salvos.org.au/need-help/|Salvos]] * [[https://www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au/|Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention]] ===== NT ===== * Northern Territory Mental Health Line – Call 1800 682 288 * [[http://standbysupport.com.au/|Standby Support After Suicide]] 0418 575 680 (in the Top End) or 0439 842 155 (in Central Australia). Support for people who have been impacted by suicide. ===== QLD ===== * [[https://www.communities.qld.gov.au/childsafety/protecting-children/reporting-child-abuse|Child Protection (Department of Communities - Child Safety)]] * [[https://www.qld.gov.au/housing/emergency-temporary-accommodation/emergency-accommodation/|Crisis Counselling Service]] ===== SA ===== * [[https://my.families.sa.gov.au/IDMProv/landing.html|Child Protection (Department of Communities and Families)]] * [[http://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet/health+services/mental+health+services|Mental Health Assessment and Crisis Intervention Service]] ===== TAS ===== * [[http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/children/child_protection_services|Child Protection (Department of Health and Human Services)]] * [[http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/service_information/services_files/lifelink_samaritans_tasmania_inc|Samaritans Lifelink]] ===== VIC ===== * [[http://www.dhs.vic.gov.au/for-individuals/children,-families-and-young-people/child-protection/about-child-abuse|Child Protection (Department of Human Services - Children, Youth and Families)]] * [[http://suicideline.org.au/|Suicide Help Line Victoria]] * [[http://www.casa.org.au/|Victorian CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault) and after-hours Sexual Assault Crisis Line]] ===== WA ===== * [[http://www.dcp.wa.gov.au/crisisandemergency/pages/crisiscare.aspx|Child Protection (Department for Child Protection)]] * [[http://www.thesamaritans.org.au/contact-us/|Samaritans Suicide Emergency Service]] ====== General Mental Health Resources ====== ===== Nationwide ===== * [[http://www.beyondblue.org.au|Beyond Blue Information Line]] **1300 22 46 36** * [[http://www.livingisforeveryone.com.au|LIFE - Living Is For Everyone]] * [[http://www.reachout.com.au|REACHOUT]] * [[http://www.sane.org/information/factsheets-podcasts/434-sane-steps-how-to-help-when-someone-is-suicidal|SANE]] **1800 18 7263** 9-5 weekdays EST. Request free InfoPack 24 hours. * [[http://www.theline.gov.au/ |The Line (Youth advice on where to draw the line in relationships)]] **1800 695 463** * [[https://headtohealth.gov.au/ | Head to Health - For Digital Resources on Mental Health]], as well as [[https://headtohealth.gov.au/covid-19-support/covid-19|COVID-19 support]] ===== ACT ===== * [[http://findahealthservice.act.gov.au/c/fahs?a=sp&pid=1316133581&site=51107&servicecategory=23|ACT Mental Health Triage]] * [[http://www.wchm.org.au/|Women’s Centre for Health Matters]] ===== NSW ===== * [[https://www.carersnsw.org.au/about-us/contact-us|Carers NSW]] ===== NT ===== * [[http://www.carersnt.asn.au/|Northern Territory Carers Association]] * [[http://www.teamhealth.asn.au|Top End Association for Mental Health]] ===== QLD ===== * [[http://www.carersaustralia.com.au/|Carers Queensland]] * [[http://www.womhealth.org.au|Women's Health Queensland Wide]] ===== SA ===== * [[http://carers-sa.asn.au/|Carers SA]] * [[http://www.flinders.sa.gov.au/|Flinders Medical Centre]] * [[http://www.whs.sa.gov.au/|Women's Health Statewide]] * [[http://wch.sa.gov.au/about/contact/index.html|Women's & Children's Hospital]] ===== TAS ===== * [[http://www.carerstas.org/|Carers Tasmania]] * [[http://www.mhct.org/|Mental Health Council of Tasmania]] ===== VIC ===== * [[https://www2.health.vic.gov.au/mental-health|Mental Health Advice Line]] * [[http://www.carersvic.org.au|Carers Victoria]] * [[http://www.wire.org.au/|WIRE – Women’s Information]] ===== WA ===== * [[http://www.carerswa.asn.au/|Carers WA]] * [[http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/training/index.cfm|Centre for Clinical Interventions]] * [[http://www.womenshealthworks.org.au/|Women’s Healthworks]] ====== Parenting Advice ====== The Parent Line is available to assist parents, with stressful parenting issues or concerns. * [[http://parentlineact.org.au/contact_us|Parentline ACT]] * [[http://parentlineact.org.au/contact_us|Parentline NSW]] * [[http://parentlineact.org.au/contact_us|Parentline QLD & NT]] * [[http://parentlineact.org.au/contact_us|Parentline SA]] * [[http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/service_information/children_and_families/parentline|Parentline Tasmania]] * [[http://www.parentline.vic.gov.au |Parentline VIC]] * [[http://www.communities.wa.gov.au/communities-in-focus/parenting_and_children/Pages/default.aspx|Parentline WA]] ====== Eating Disorders ====== ===== ACT ===== * Eating Disorders Foundation of ACT (EDFACT) **(02) 6166 1679** ===== NSW ===== * [[http://thebutterflyfoundation.org.au/|The Butterfly Foundation]] * [[https://insideoutinstitute.org.au/|InsideOut - Institute for Eating Disorders]] ===== NT ===== There are currently no eating disorder-specific associations in the Northern Territory. * [[http://www.relationships.com.au|Relationships Australia NT]] (counselling service available for eating disorders) ===== QLD ===== * [[http://eda.org.au/|Eating Disorders Association Inc]] * Gold Coast Eating Disorders Support **(07) 5593 8356** * [[http://www.isis.org.au/|ISIS - Centre for Women's Action on Eating Issues]] ===== SA ===== * [[http://www.thepanicroomsa.com/|ACEDA (Anxiety, Compulsive & Eating Disorders Association)]] ===== TAS ===== * [[https://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/publichealth/community_nutrition|Community Nutrition Unit - Eating Disorders]] ===== VIC ===== * [[http://eatingdisorders.org.au|Eating Disorders Foundation of Victoria Inc (EDV)]] * [[http://www.ceed.org.au|The Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED)]] ===== WA ===== * [[http://www.bridges.net.au|Bridges Association Inc at the Centre for Clinical Interventions]] --------------