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Penalty Box

What is the Penalty Box on OzBargain?

It is a place to put users who have violated the Rules & Guidelines. Users in the penalty box can still log in, but with limited capabilities.

Penalty box placement can be temporary or permanent; it is dependent on the offence type and/or number of past offences.

How to determine a User is in Penalty Box?

You can click on the user's username, and “In Penalty Box” will be printed under their name in the popup box. It will also be shown in their user profile page, along with a penalty expiration if the user is only in the penalty box temporarily.

What Abilities do You Lose When You are in the Penalty Box?

For users in the penalty box, you

  • Cannot post or edit deals and comps
  • Cannot post or edit forum topics
  • Cannot post comments
  • Cannot vote for/against deals and comps
  • Cannot vote for/against comments
  • Cannot submit reports
  • Cannot upload files to the file uploader
  • Cannot sent private messages

How Long Will I Be in the Penalty Box for?

Currently the expiration date of the penalty box will be shown on your user profile page, i.e. clicking on your username at the top of the page.

Your user profile page will show that you are currently in the box and when the penalty will expire. Note that if your account is permanently banned an expiry date will not be shown.

Why am I in the Penalty Box?

Ensure you have both checked your private message inbox and clicked the 'reason' link on your penalty box notification as further information will often be detailed there. If you still do not understand why you have been put in the penalty box, you can use the Talk With A Moderator forum to ask for clarification. However, as moderators follow standard penalty durations depending on the number of past offences, in most cases no negotiation will be entered into regarding shortening or lifting the penalty.