TightAl » user profile

Member Since 15/08/2013
Last Seen 5 hours 33 min
Badges 1
Location Sydney

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Yes a Ferrari is bad value because a model 3P is faster. Great logic
30/05/2024 - 23:29
Sounds like alot of non-car buyers in this thread :) Even a run of the mill camry is pushing 50k
30/05/2024 - 23:07
Freezer too small
29/05/2024 - 17:23
29/05/2024 - 10:16
Lmao tinfoil hatter
28/05/2024 - 14:58
ANy option to provide on board wifi with the asus option?
28/05/2024 - 10:21
the question is, is it worth it?
28/05/2024 - 00:27
I've always been able to hop on an earlier bus when requested in check in. This happened even before I had any status. Free EconomyX sure,…
27/05/2024 - 23:35
There's literally no perks of being any status with Virgin IMO. (over qantas)
27/05/2024 - 15:50
You bought a $3795 55INCH TV. LOL
25/05/2024 - 13:07
Sucked in LMAO, there was no car beside you and you wanted to be a F1 driver to switch lanes? Literally the guy beside you turned into the…
25/05/2024 - 12:58
You got zero substance to back that up. You'll only realise how wrong you are.
20/05/2024 - 17:20
Every car maker is subsidised in every corner of the world. Are you daft?
20/05/2024 - 09:29
Do you do the same calculations with German, Japanese cars? lmao what
20/05/2024 - 09:27
Strong reading comprehension.
17/05/2024 - 22:55
None of anything you say is true, it's actually hilarious.
16/05/2024 - 22:56
You are HILARIOUS Literally E-SIM, ROAMING, ALIPAY Hotels for foreigners are limited?! Haha good joke. Hotels in major cities shit on…
16/05/2024 - 22:45
He can't afford to get out of backwater Australia. To even list Bali as an alternative destination is much lol.
16/05/2024 - 15:28
Have you ever flown out of australia? The counters open 3 hours before departure too..
16/05/2024 - 12:13
Are these comfortable? Can't decide between the Pros and these. I just want comfort :(
16/05/2024 - 12:12
More money to Ukraine lmao, what a joke.
15/05/2024 - 19:30
Wish I could change the chips to colesaw
14/05/2024 - 11:09