Sushi Train wanted to charge 50c for a glass of tap water

I went to Sushi Train the other day for lunch and after being seated, I was asked if I would like a drink. I hadn't decided what I felt like having so I just said a glass of water for now. The waitress then said I would be charged 50cents for just a glass of tap water! Wtf!

I remember Sushi Train selling alcohol beverages, it even states so on their website, and because do they, if I am correct, they legally have to provide drinking water free of charge.

I must say this is the first time Ive been told I would be charged for just a glass of water.

Outrageous imo!

Related Stores

Sushi Train
Sushi Train


    • +23

      What's the record for the number of negative votes received by a single comment? I think this is probably nearing whatever that is!

      • +8

        -201 by Broden on 27/01/2011

        This guy could get there. Almost half way and it's only been two days.

      • +4

        I proudly contributed to OzBargain history!

        • +6

          I think a tonne of people have only negged because they want to make it a record. I know I am in that basket :( (I also happen to disagree with the comment but I usually can't be bothered negging people)

    • +4

      I bow to Mikinoz, the neg King !!!

      • +1

        id say he has the mantle of most per comment, but i think you're the neg king still jv..

  • +30

    I spent $60 on food there. Its sushi train, you get food as you eat…

    See this…

    edit: where did you get this from " you go to a restaurant sit down eat nothing then complain they charge you only 50 cents." ???

      • +8

        its a reasonable assumption that when ones goes to lunch, one must pay for their own lunch

        i think its the law in NSW that a sit down restaurant must provide water for free for paying customers if they ask for it in an effort to not 3rd party force people into buying drinks

        but many companies will flaunt this law as few people will take them up on it

        if 50c aggreives you, dont eat there again, pretty simple

        • +6

          and yet the negs speak for themselves i guess

        • +16

          I read it as "I was there to buy lunch, and wanted a glass of water while I selected my dishes". Pretty normal :)

        • +4

          @tonyjzx said "if 50c aggreives you, dont eat there again, pretty simple"

          No, this is an easy fight that you will win. If you enjoy having an argument and winning, then do it at Sushi Train.

          Also, if they comply with the law, everyone gets free water. It's a win-win situation.

        • +2

          It's tap water. You don't pay for tap water. You pay for the food and that's where they make there money (+ beverages etc)

          I don't think you'd like it if you were in a cafe and got charged for a jug of water.

        • It's tap water. You don't pay for tap water.

          Not true… the water would be metered somewhere and someone would pay for it. However the cost of 1/2 litre of water would be so small (maybe 0.0001c).

        • +4

          if they serve alcohol they generaly have to provide water as part of law

        • +1

          76+41+34+31 negs in the space of a few posts surely this is a neg record.

          Feel good about yourself Mikinoz. NO ONE is on your side

        • check the votes on each of his comments…

        • Didn't meant to neg you. Bloody iPad.

        • +1

          You don't pay for tap water.

          I do… :(


    • +1

      Perfect profile pic

  • +17

    It's Justified. That glass of water could otherwise have been valuable ocean run-off. You're stealing it from the tuna!

    • +6

      It'll get to the ocean in the end, and the tuna won't care if it's slightly yellowed.

      • +2

        Maybe Yarkin, but would you acknowledge that you have a particular penchant for yellow?

      • +8

        So that's where yellowfin tuna come from!

        • +3

          Bluefin tuna are renowned for having teasing girlfriends.

      • .

  • +1

    Cheap maybe but certainly in Victoria licenced venues need to provide free drinking water.
    I'd take them to court if I was you….

    On the FAQ site it says

    “Just wondering which restaurant serves alcohol beverages.”

    Sushi Train Cairns Central(QLD), Broadbeach(QLD), Neutral Bay(NSW), Oxford(NSW) and Grenfell(SA) serve alcohol beverages.

    So if it's one of those stores you have a case…

    • +1

      Not sure if you're saying Im cheaper or they're (Sushi Train) is cheap.
      Im not gonna bother taking them to court, but I just find it …stupid! Fair enough if I didnt end up buying anything in the end, but I did!

      • +1

        They seem cheap

      • +1

        Haha, court. Yep tell them to suit up and inform them that they had better bring that 50c with them!

        I expect to hear progress reports on this one too.

        • It's not about the money. It's about sending a message.

    • +1

      Btw it was one of those stores - Grenfell SA

  • It's not illegal, it's only illegal if the tap water served is unreasonably prices(or is above the price for a soft drink)

    You think 50c is bad, I paid $45 for 5L of this branded spring water, the waitress didn't even tell me the cost of it lol

    • +1

      You're reading it wrong. That's for bottled soft drink and it has to be not above the price of the cheapest alcoholic drink. If they serve alcohol they have to provide it.

      Try social media feedback (facebook, twitter) or even send something in to the Checkout.

    • +1

      "(a) ensure that free cool drinking water is readily available to patrons on the licensed premises;"

      Well, that certainly seems to contradict your premise.

      • +1

        Woops, was referring to QLD…

        On 29 November 2010, the Liquor Regulation 2002 was amended to make it mandatory for commercial hotel licensees, community club licensees, bar licensees, licensees catering to a commercial public event and any licensee who trades after 12 midnight to provide cold drinking water free of charge to any patron who requests it, at any time the premises is trading. All other licensees must make cold drinking water available either free of charge or at a reasonable cost to patrons when the premises is trading.

        So as to what Joelab said, if the store had a liquor license, it would be illegal to charge for the water.
        Otherwise, it is fine unless it is unreasonably charged

        Varies state from state

        • +2

          However a liquor licence for a restaurant in QLD is a "Commercial - Other" category.
          Hence they come under the "All other licences" provision that you quote above. Therefor a licenced QLD based Sushi train would be required to provide water "either free of charge or at a reasonable cost" not Free.
          Technically 50c would appear to be a "reasonable cost".

          What a grubby store, I put charging for tap water in the same category as pie shops charging for tomato sauce. They are immediately banned and reported to the official Free-sauce watchdog here:

    • +3

      Why are you buying 5lt or water at a restaurant???? one BIIIIIIG bottle or many smaller litre bottles?

      • For 15 or so people so it added up; halfway through though the waitress asked if I wanted to switch to tap

        • +3

          At $9 a litre, I'd expect it to be sourced from the heart of the Martian Alps.

        • +2

          sounds like novotel hotel prices

  • +2

    Not cool but certainly against the Ozbargianer creed to spend $10K in legal costs to recover your 50c

  • A bit of a glass half empty story…I hope you got your 50c worth and they did actually fill it? :-)

  • +4

    Definately send the ole email to head office. This is genuine feedback and should be provided.

  • +6

    I'd have taken water from the tender tank attached to the locomotive.

      • The OP posted the SA licencing laws, so it seems Grenfell(SA) is the only licenced one there…………..

        • +1

          Grenfell was where I went.

  • +3

    I would have walked out and now bought anything.

  • I think if they add ice they can charge.
    Liquor license usually/ALWAYS state have to provide water as part of license.
    Just write a letter to liquor board stating your were charged.

  • +18

    I didn't end up ordering the 50c tap water, maybe if it was some kind of holy or demonic water I would pay, but it's just Adelaide tap water. If I did pay, I'm pretty sure I would lose my ozb badge.

    I've emailed them via their website with the relevant links. I'll see what they say, if they do respond.

    I know it's only 50c,but chances are they will keep charging unless someone does something about it.

    • +1

      50c for ADELAIDE Tap water!!!!

      That's clearly a hideous rip off right there!!!

      As far as water goes, SA does have it tough. Heavily chlorinated water in the 'burbs from the Murray, or artesian basin water in more rural/desert areas up north. They can't win! I remember going to Big Day Out in 2000 and they had water going non-stop all day… when it's 40deg you don't care what it tastes like, but after Sushi, I'd want some nice water.

      I wonder if it's a charge for cleaning the glass afterwards, and if so, do you get free refills after one glass?

    • +4

      if you're going to do that then you might as well just take the piss then and there

    • +7

      It would cost significantly more than 50c to bail you out of the local lockup.

    • +1

      lol. Thanks for that, I just started laughing uncontrollably at work after reading that and had to leave the office to compose myself.

      • +1 nothing beats toilet humour :)

  • +5

    Now that's just plain stupid,

  • +1

    I simply would not eat there again if I were charged 50 cents for tap water (or even told it would be 50 cents without buying). I would get a lot of satisfaction from taking my custom elsewhere.

  • +5

    It does seem an unusual policy. I can't imagine it would generate too much revenue, but I think overall, it will alienate customers. It just seems cheap and stingy and opportunistic and you have to feel sorry for the staff who have to enforce this. Losing customers over 50 cents is pretty stupid business sense going forward.

  • +1

    There would be no "taking them to court". The relevant authority investigates and takes the action it deems appropriate. You would merely be a complaining witness, not a party to any action.

  • ridiculous, considering the business they make. That place is forever packed (or at least whenever I happen to walk by).

  • +3

    I am in total agreement over the OP's complaint. As the sushi train he attended was licenced to server alcohol, under the SA Liquor Licence code of practice they must provide free drinking water. Breaching the code of practice is a breach of the liquor licence and they can be fined up to $15,000.

  • +2

    legally if they serve food they must provide free tap water, at least that is how it is here in Victoria..

    • +1


      • +2

        John 4:14 - But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.

        • You're thinking about Eddie McGuire's bidet aren't you jv?

  • +1

    Line one position four of the ITCAL act also stipulates that you must complain on a forum instead of taking your complaint up with the business.

    Line seven position sixteen also states that if people on the forum advise you to take your issue up with the business, you must refuse to do so.

    • +5

      Complaining on a forum is the better approach.

      Now if I choose to eat out (I'm way too tight for that, but if I do choose to, one miraculous day) I can avoid this business completely. I can also tell others to avoid it. It means I can look on in disgust as I walk past said business (assuming I ever feel the need go grab a bargain nearby), which is a priceless means of rebellious self-expression.

      It also means others can weigh in on laws and such like this on a forum, which benefit everyone's general knowledge.

      Assuming that the story here is true of course…and not a competitor of said business (I'm going to assume it is true).

        • +6

          Yep - if they want to be so petty over a glass of water that costs them almost nothing to provide and that they are legally required to provide I think we have a genuine gripe. Whatever the OP says on here it would be pretty hard to be more petty than the Sushi Train in question. Even if it weren't legally required providing free water is just good customer service. It's not like people will abuse it by coming in and having free glasses of water :P

          On an unrelated note I went to a restaurant once with my partner and placed an order for two dishes which came to under $30 (we are not big eaters and being ozbargainers we are very tight). We didn't order drinks and the restaurant was like "we have a $30 minimum spend" - this is after we'd sat down and ordered and there was nothing written on the door or on the menu. My partner argued for a bit but we ended up giving up and ordering something else. The food was great but we will never go back there again. Talk about the nerve of some businesses….

  • -1

    Take a nice dumb on the cubical floor. See how they like ur pennants.

    • this came out wrong on so many levels. And yes, pun very much intended.

  • +1

    Do they have a liquor license? complaint to the state liquor body. OLGR etc

  • +3
    1. Order 10 glasses of water
    2. Drink 10 glasses of water and do a runner
    3. ???
    4. Profit! And find a toilet fast….
  • +2

    geez, i eat out maybe once a fortnight in Qld (non-licensed places) and I have NEVER been charged for asking for tap water..which I probably do 50% of the time….i agree with the OP that this is a valid gripe…

    • +1

      same thing in nightclubs occasionally (they have gotten better). I usually say "legally required to serve me free tap water mate" and then walk away if the guy is a douche and ask another bartender.

  • You spent $60 on food you would think they could give you some water for free!

  • +1

    I'm surprised the OzBargain Horde hasn't descended onto their FaceBook page yet.

    • +1

      Maybe because you can't post on the page

  • I don't know about eastern states but quite a few HK restaurant in WA won't provide you free tap water but only sell you bottled water. Hot tea in a pot is $2.50 per person. Don't bother walk in to ask if you can use their toilets without buying something from them they will say no toilets if you are not their customers.

    • +2

      Well, anyone who lives in Kingsford would know this place known as Shalom. They sell really spicy food, don't provide tap water and expects you to buy their bottled water. Well don't plan to go there……

    • Can you name them so that we can avoid going there?

  • +2

    It reminds me of being charged $1.50 for a jug of water in waterfront at darling harbor. So damn ridiculous considering I almost spend 100 for food. Didn't realized until I came back, never went back there since.

  • +1

    Ive been to this pool lounge in Adelaide where they charge 50c for water + 50c extra if you want ice LOL

    • Where is this? So I know who to avoid.
      Are you sure they didnt mean the bad type of ice?

      • It was at the pool lounge on Grand Junction Rd, Ottoway. This happened ages ago, not even sure if the place still exists.

        • Retroku or something? They probably needed the money to fix up the place constantly ..

        • Nah Retroku is on crn of Regency & Days Rd. The place im talking about is on Grand Junction Rd near Pt Adelaide. Its been 9 years since I was last there so not sure if its still in business.

  • If it is 50c for tap water that is quite ridiculous… are you sure it wasn't like mineral water they pour into cups?

    • +2

      The first time she told me, I thought she was joking. When I asked again with emphasis on 'tap water', I realised she was serious. Her English was fine, so Im pretty sure there was no language barrier.

      Not sure if its their business plan to get as much money from customers as they can, or maybe telling me the shocking charge in hopes I'll switch from free water to priced beverage or whether they're just uneducated with the liquor licensing laws. Either way, dodgy!

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