• expired

MacBook Air 11" (MD711X/A) $844 at Myer


11" Too small for you? 13" available for $934 ;) at http://www.myer.com.au/shop/mystore/100-off-mac/apple-180972…

MacBook Air 11.6" MD711X/A
All the power you want. All day long

The new MacBook Air is thin, light and durable enough to take everywhere you go and powerful enough to do everything once you get there. Fourth-generation Intel Core processors and Intel HD Graphics 5000 deliver high performance, while using less power. So you get remarkable battery life up to nine hours on the 11-inch model and with up to 45 per cent faster flash storage compared to the previous generation and new 802.11ac Wi-Fi for up to three times faster wireless, the new MacBook Air is quicker and more responsive than ever.

Key Features:

  • Fourth-generation Intel Core processors
  • Intel HD Graphics 5000
  • Faster all-flash storage
  • 802.11ac Wi-Fi support
  • Thunderbolt and USB 3 ports
  • 720p FaceTime HD camera
  • Thin, light, durable design
  • High-resolution display
  • OS X Mavericks, the world?s most advanced desktop operating system

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closed Comments

  • +1

    wow cheap!.

  • Is this 2014 model?

    • nope Mid 2013. I think they are clearing up for the new models

      • +4

        Very little difference with the 2014 models. 2013 and 2014 both have Haswell, both have HD5000 graphics, both have PCIe SSDs. I suspect the main difference is Apple can make the 2014 model for less.

        • +2

          They increased the processor by 100mhz, but reading other sites…both read and write speeds for the SSD have declined significantly.

        • +1

          Depending on which brand SSD you receive.

  • +11

    Good price on a petite ultrabook. Resolution is only 1366 x 768 though, I don't think it's deserving of the 'high res' claim.

    • -4


      • You sure? I googled "MD711X/A" and got the specs from here. I get 1366 x 768

      • +7

        11" is 1366x768. 13" is 1440x900.

        I think 1366x768 is ok for an 11" PC - considering the price.

        I have 15.6" 1920*1080 and I love it. But my colleague has a 12" with the same FHD resolution and the tiny text drives him crazy.

        • +2

          my bad, have a 13' inch myself and thought 11' has same resolution

        • +4

          If it were an android tablet, similar res gets flamed even at 7". Why the double standard for 11" mba?

        • But my colleague has a 12" with the same FHD resolution and the tiny text drives him crazy.

          If he's using Win 8 can't he scale it? Even on a 13" I thought FHD not scaled was really not enjoyable.

        • +1

          The scaling works well on Windows 8 Apps. It works fine on Windows OS stuff and many desktop apps, but definitely not all, and not consistent. I peronally want an Ultra HD Windows laptop, but not in a hurry due to this problem.

        • +1

          Should change Windows default text size.

  • +1

    Just bought a new laptop. I must…resist.

  • Wow, price would be great if you know a staff member can claimed TRS.

    • +1

      This made me chuckle. The obligatory TRS comment because we all know everyone is always flying in and out of the country just to get their GST back, but this time with a staff member discount twist. I love it.

      Next time, staff member with TRS, write it off on your tax and sell it for a profit. Rinse, repeat and move to Thailand on your modest disability pension and return to Australia occasionally to stay on the books and claim that sweet, sweet, GST booty on your outward bound journey and sip your 50 cent mai tai while being massaged from head to head and scan OzBargain for your next big tax free hit, all while living in a tropical paradise.

      • +5

        Cool story bro. I'm actually typing this from Thailand (I really am) so thanks for the tip.

        The obligatory TRS comment is a bit old but there's probably a few on Ozb who do actually fly in and out quite often. With 90 days to claim TRS, you only need to travel every 3 months to be able to claim every purchase (that's portable and over $300). With the amount of airfares that get posted here, TRS is quite relevant so no need to be so condescending.

        • +2

          I thought it was 60 days now?

        • I stand corrected… It is indeed 60 days.

      • +1

        Welcome to Ozbargain where you can find deals, more ways to save, and the more you save the more mai tais you can buy

  • Is this good for a highly productive uni student? By highly productive I mean I'll use it for uni ( opening up lecture notes and word to type simultaneously) along with watching tv series and your typical surfing? Also is the battery good? Cheers

    • +5

      Plenty of uni students use macs (pro/airs)

      The main benefit for us students is that it's light/small/thin and boots up quickly.

      The issue with note taking: you're most likely going to use 'word'anyways. There's not much in the way of innovative uni tools on this. (ie: transferring notes to your android device unless you have an iPhone).

      Another note: split screening for a PowerPoint lecture and a word document isn't that convenient. And the keyboard takes some time to get used to!

      Edit: you're going to be bringing the charger everywhere you go (it's light as well although you might need the adapter along with it…)

      • When you say split screening is not convenient do you mean in general its not convenient or on the 13" air?

      • Re: Split screen - You can have multiple screens with different docs and swipe between them.

      • not sure what your on about with the battery i have an air and i can get myen to last roughly 8hrs. though thats just web. quite impressive if i say so myself

      • +1

        if you're using "word" at uni then you're doing it wrong… You have to learn to use Onenote. It is essential to uni once you know your way around it. e.g. using the "print to onenote" to copy pdfs into a onenote workspace where you can freely add notes to your notes.

        • I'm just talking about everyone I see typing up at uni. They use word or notepad.
          I'm old fashioned and handwrite.

          I carry around my android which has evernote and that syncs between my devices.

        • everyone i saw at uni was typing directly into powerpoint or whatever it was.
          eg, on the actual lecture slide. so was relevant when revising for exam.
          possibly slide exported into word doc.

          honestly note taking in lecture is b.s. most people write 1-2 lines in pen for 2 hr lect.

    • +3

      Apple made Macbook airs specifically to target students, they're lightweight, battery lasts roughly 7 hours (Apple claims 9, but this is not a realistic figure), and have fairly modest CPU performance.

      Strictly OK for what you've mentioned above, but will be underpowered for media editing or gaming.

      • +5

        If you are a serious gamer, you'll get Windows for your Mac. More AAA games. Some figures from the Macrumors forum for 2013 Macbook Air with HD5000 graphics.

        FarCry 3 - (Win 8) 20-35fps in DirectX 11, all medium/high but shadows low, 1280x800
        Team Fortress 2 - (OS X) 50-80fps on all max settings
        Black Ops 2 - (OS X) 40-55fps on all max settings
        Modern Warfare 3 - (Win 8) 45-60fps on all max settings, 1360x768
        Minecraft - (OS X) 30-60fps on all possible graphics settings set to max, 1440x900
        Star Craft 2 (OS X) 25-35fps on high settings, 1440x900
        Diablo 3 (OS X) 20-40fps on all high settings bar shadows, no AA, 720p
        Portal 2 - (Win 8) 60+fps in all conditions, all settings max, native resolution
        World of Warcraft - (OS X) 35-45fps in all conditions, all settings max, 1080p external display

        • +20

          If your are a serious gamer you wouldnt buy a mac
          no hate on macs there just not good for gameing.

        • +34

          If you are a serious gamer, you wouldn't be gaming on HD5000 graphics…

        • Shrugs. There are many kinds of serious gamers and they aren't all the same.

          Macs are OK for some games. More games if you put Windows on them. And some games need a better GPU than you might get in an 11" $800 laptop which will fit in an envelope.

        • +9

          If you are a serious gamer, you wouldn't be gaming on a laptop …

        • +17

          Serious gamer
          Plays on laptops

          Pick one.

        • I'm not :P

        • If you are a serious gamer, you wouldn't be gaming on non-mechanical keyboard

        • +2

          Laughs out loud.

          My children play Sims 3 and Minecraft on laptops! Are you telling me they aren't serious gamers?????

          How dare you insult my children.

          Next thing you'll be saying my grandmother can't seriously play Minesweeper on her 2003 Pavilion.

        • +7

          My children play Sims 3 and Minecraft on laptops! Are you telling me they aren't serious gamers

          They're well on the way to become the next Fatal1ty e-sports superstar. I'd sign them up for QuakeCon.

        • Thanks.
          But you will need a PC for serious gaming…

        • +6

          If you are serious gamer, you should have been playing games instead of being on Ozbargain!!

    • +1

      start with the easy one - battery is around 7hrs.

      I think the 11" may not be big enough for watching tv and doing work.. you should look for the 13" option

    • +5

      I bought a 13 inch MBA for uni in Jan. Battery is unbelievable, total liberation from carrying round charger, easily lasts 10 hours plus. Takes some getting used to coming from windows though. But wow, the battery..

      • The only issue I have is trying to re-establish the WiFi again. Takes me several on/off attempts to regain connection after closing and opening the screen. Besides that there is a massive difference between 11" and 13". I would highly suggest the 13" to everyone considering 11".

        • This could be software issue I believe. I had this problem for ages, then I ran a little script I found on the Apple forums which cleared out some sort of garbage data/cache and then suddenly the WiFi was connecting perfectly again.

        • can you elaborate a lil bit more? what script and stuff? this problem happens every now and then for me and it's getting quite annoying.

        • +1

          Please do go into detail. I'd also like to hear about this script.

        • https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1352518?start=885&tstar…

          It's not a script, but doing the above solved my wifi issues.

          Delete network
          Delete keychain associated with that wifi network
          Repair disk permissions (I also did the other option too, validate or something else).

          Wifi now works perfectly (for now, at least).

    • I'm literally attached to my MacAir whenever I'm awake and I'm completely dependent on it for uni as I don't like printing out notes. You can download a free app that snaps two screens side by side. I sometimes have PowerPoint and Word open at the same time when I'm taking down notes in class, but usually I end up typing my notes directly onto the Powerpoint/PDF. I always have my charger on me but I think it's pretty decent especially if you turn on wifi when you don't need it. I would recommend it. (y)

  • Hey guys, considering buying the 256gb 13 inch model

    Is there much difference between the 2013 and 2014 macbook air models?

    I'm not in a rush to buy, should I want longer if they release a new retina model next year or something?

  • What. At least mention the awesome resolution, 1366 x 768.

    • TN panel too.

  • +3

    Good deal, but I'm definitely hanging out for retina display.

    • +1

      The whole point of "retina"(aka LG IPS panel) is a wider viewing angle. I don't think it's a "must have" for 11" or 13" laptop.

      • +1

        the whole retina thing is a just Apple's technical / marketing buzzword, isn't it? It just means the pixel density is high enough that at a certain distance, and at a certain screen size you can no longer perceive individual pixels.

        • +1

          Pixel density of a typical 42" full HD TV is around 50~60 ppi. I don't see many people complaining about it. lol I mean no one really cared about it before some "reviewers" made it a big deal.

          IPS panel is all about a wider viewing angle and it has own disadvantages over TN panels(eg. response time, draining more power, expensive).

        • +2

          That's because you're sitting quite far away from the screen for a start. IPS panels also have much better colour

        • +1

          That also equates to higher resolution (it's higher than 1440p) and at 11" or 13", everything looks much better, regardless of the size eg. text. If you compare 1080p with 1440p, there is a glaring difference once you're accustomed to the latter.

        • I always thought retina = ips

      • +2

        The point of "retina" is high DPI and how much better it makes everything (but particularly text) look.

        Sit a retina and non-retina MBP next to each other and the difference is subtle, but very noticable.

        Like the poster above, I'm very tempted by this deal, especially since I'm heading overseas on a holiday this weekend, but I'm holding out for the rumoured 12" Retina Air due later this year (which will also hopefully have the SDHC slot the current 11" lacks).

    • +1

      yeah, I dream of an 12" Macbook Air with the same display as a Google Pixel.

      • +7

        or that you are comparing your second hand macbook against the post deal of a new macbook air…

        take your pick

    • -1

      Size queen!

        • +3

          People neg for anything around here.
          just enjoy all the butt hurt the neggers are feeling.

        • -3

          Mac attack

  • Can this be used to order a BTO? I cant see an exclusion for that.

  • +2

    got mine from dicksmith for $719.00 last month (display model but as brand new)

    • +4

      Display is brand new?

      • +12

        I think the Sales person has done a wonderful sell..

        • Haha, best comment of the year!

      • +2

        As brand new.

  • +2

    For anyone who is complaining about OSX, you can install Windows on MacBooks, I have several friends who have done this.

    • +2

      I've put Windows 7 on mine for certain software i have to use for study, but I really notice a major hit on the battery when Windows is open (using virtualbox), it depletes pretty quickly, apparently OSX is much leaner on battery than Windows

      • Not really Windows fault - Apple just hasn't optimised the hardware/drivers for Windows. High end Windows laptops basically caught up with Apple in 2014 in terms of battery life.

      • isn't the battery also draining faster because you're running a os inside a os?

        • +1

          isn't the battery also draining faster because you're running a os inside a os?

          os-ception.. it actually self-charges the battery

      • That's because you're running Windows through VirtualBox, if you run it natively, you'll find that the battery life is better.

  • +1

    Interesting…the Apple Store is offline.


    Refreshed hardware imminent? Perhaps Mac Mini?

    • +1

      Yosemite is coming soon..may be tomorrow?

      I am ready to move from Mavericks!

      • +1

        I know its Yosemite (yo-sammity)
        But i still read it like (yose-might)

        • thanks to bugs bunny.

    • Booooring, looks like just a lower cost/spec iMac - http://store.apple.com/au/buy-mac/imac

    • Apple just released new iMacs. No retina iMac for now.

  • seriously, I only paid about $200 extra back then on Aug 2013 for a 13" one, wow, seems like mine still worth the bucks lol

  • +1

    OMG,just hours ago I bought the exactly same one on dicksmith of $999. the status of that order is still "Awaiting Fulfillment"
    I'm wondering whether I should get a price match otherwise cancelling the order.

    • I would just cancel if it was online, shouldn't be too hard

      • it's a little bit inconvenience once paid. maybe i should call the customer inquiry tomorrow. thx anyway!

        • How did you go?

        • +4

          Still on the phone.

  • +2

    I got my MBA 11" in mid 2011 when they launched (got the 128gb SSD). Still going strong now and definitely a laptop which I really enjoy using. I installed Win7 on it and Parallels thinking I would use that alot for gaming or Excel… in the end, for most of the time when listening to music or surfing the net, I find Mac OS X more relaxing/easier to use… maybe because the UI doesn't remind me of work!

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