butterboy » user profile

Member Since 12/10/2014
Last Seen 01/06/2024
Location Melbourne

Recent Activities

It took them how long to finally develop these, and they still won't join other zones to play in-sync?!?! That's a strong pass from me even…
22/05/2024 - 12:40
According to the site you have to drain the TV first! 🤣 1. Tell us about the TV to be recycled, apply the discount and then check out 2.…
30/12/2023 - 11:40
Likely either 2.5 (SFF) or 3.5 (LFF) when you purchased new. I have an old ML30 with 8 x SFF bays, but I use a couple of 3.5 to 5.25…
11/05/2023 - 11:09
Most local breweries will tell you to consume within 6 months as long as it's kept cold.
03/05/2023 - 16:18
We have two kegs. One we rotate with kegs from local breweries. This costs between $300 - $400 for a great Pilsner or IPA etc. The other…
03/05/2023 - 16:16
Do any of these units come with ThunderBolt 3? Thanks!
27/04/2023 - 16:33
There always a coup. The soldiers typically play rugby with the local kids when the TV cameras aren't around.
04/01/2023 - 15:48
Metz used to be a major competitor to Loewe back in the day. We used to sell their 32" CRT's for around $5000 from memory. However I…
06/10/2022 - 13:20
Glad we got refunds to this when tickets were originally $160! Originally Live was the headline act. Might buy tickets again at this price.
25/01/2022 - 12:46
Agreed, Nano have been excellent so far. The only thing missing for me so far is scheduled payments, but it's not a big deal. Most people…
24/12/2021 - 09:00
Just to close the book on this, the store escalated this to higher management and we had to follow up a couple of times. Just yesterday…
21/11/2021 - 08:28
Not IKEA actually. Definitely not a company that large, but one of the larger Aussie stores. I'll see how the reminder affects our…
04/11/2021 - 22:17
We were ok with waiting up until Xmas when we're likely to need it all when family are here. It would be nice to have a coffee table…
04/11/2021 - 21:01
04/11/2021 - 20:56
I can't find any clause regarding backorders and this was a standard off the shelf item. Thanks!
04/11/2021 - 20:55
Thank you very much. As always the ACCC leave a fair bit up to individual interpretation, but still very useful. Cheers!
04/11/2021 - 20:09
Definitely not custom. Thanks very much for the insight. Very interesting and fingers crossed for your shipment!
04/11/2021 - 20:01
Thanks for the feedback!
04/11/2021 - 20:00
Hi all, Just looking to see what the general consensus is with delays on household items at the moment. My partner and I bought a couple of…
04/11/2021 - 19:51
Showing as in stock at Scorptec & MWave if you're after it now. Shipping costs apply if you can't C&C, but same price otherwise.
23/09/2021 - 12:06
Didn't give me the option to choose Melbourne. Maybe it's only certain types, or they're out?
16/09/2021 - 12:30
Pulled the trigger an moved everything to Binary Lane. Seems pretty good and I like the backup options. Not as cheap as Servers Galore, but…
14/09/2021 - 15:17
Worth a shot. Grabbed a $4 server for a test. Thanks!
13/02/2021 - 16:57
As a Sonos dealer, I couldn't sell at this price. I believe this must be a warehouse clear out. Nice find.
10/10/2020 - 15:10
Thanks OP. Can confirm you are able to add the code to an existing account via Rockstar Launcher.
08/08/2020 - 08:09
Ha! Generally only the stinky, sweaty stuff.
19/02/2020 - 14:40
We tried. Apparently we're too picky.
19/02/2020 - 13:03
We actually use ours! I know this is rare :)
19/02/2020 - 13:01
Proform Power 525i Treadmill $999 + Delivery @ Rebel Sport (Free Membership Required)
First post, so let me know what I've missed. Had our old reliable treadmill go up in smoke on the weekend. Went on the hunt for a…
19/02/2020 - 12:59