Gabbatron44 » user profile

Member Since 19/12/2017
Last Seen 24/05/2024
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The only thing "Pro" about this is the ridiculous price.
12/01/2024 - 15:47
100% - I read an article from a motoring journalist who stopped at McDonalds to eat and parked a shiny new $800,000 Lamborghini that he was…
03/01/2024 - 12:40
Been using this for years. It's brilliant, if anything for being able to have an 8 x 5 grid of apps.
23/12/2023 - 11:59
The only things I want are the excluded from promotions items
01/12/2023 - 17:35
I went through the exact same thing as you. Super sceptical and thought it was just another fad my wife was on. I really tried to avoid it…
27/11/2023 - 08:47
Blows my mind how excited people get over $3.
23/11/2023 - 06:24
Go Ryobi
22/11/2023 - 14:14
So it's the fly buys cards that prevents people from doing more than five cards per day?
22/11/2023 - 09:06
Yep came here because of the keyword Zigbee
11/11/2023 - 10:29
This was an absolute snore fest. Literally. I was trying to have a sleep in the movie theatre when watching this. If my son wasn't there, I…
08/11/2023 - 13:53
I cannot believe how expensive this doorbell is. I am a fan of the Unifi range and have 3 APs, 4 switches and a USG but I can't justify…
21/09/2023 - 09:59
After seeing these for $150 I could never buy them for anything more. The new version could be out when the pixel 8 is announced in…
25/08/2023 - 08:01
This is worth it for the sensors alone. I chucked the gateway in the bin and paired the sensors directly to Home Assistant via their…
18/07/2023 - 12:08
Many TVs either don't get the app or the TV OS sucks or the app is out of date. I prefer one consistent OS across my 3 different TVs, one…
02/07/2023 - 17:12
Did you see the ABC Four Corners show on Monday?
28/06/2023 - 19:28
Looks like only Bluetooth. But look at the comment further below about an Aliexpress controller.
23/06/2023 - 08:30
So this makes it Zigbee but you also need it plus a 12v power supply?
23/06/2023 - 08:23
We've had a kmart one for years. 1) Our Kmart air fryer is dangerous as the bottom of the basket some times detaches from the handle and…
22/06/2023 - 16:30
Brilliant, thank you. I've been waiting months for a good price on this one.
22/06/2023 - 16:20
Can't stand the SUV craze. Cars that are heavier and thus use more fuel, handle poorly, are slower to brake and go through brake pads…
18/06/2023 - 17:44
Honestly, who buys road cycling shoes that get tied up by laces? I haven't had a pair of cycling shoes with laces in 15 years. It's either…
15/06/2023 - 11:34
There is no F in way that I would ever trust a smart door lock for my home. I've seen enough videos of these getting bypassed or having…
14/06/2023 - 16:04
This is not the PS version, go to their site to look for it.
14/06/2023 - 11:40