ThePasserby » user profile

Member Since 25/01/2013
Last Seen 5 hours 56 min
Badges 1 2
Location Perth

Recent Activities

Using one at the moment. Just love it. I started using trackball some 8 years ago, just takes a day to get used to it. It would be great if…
20/05/2024 - 15:35
I did build one of those... there was a driver for it in Win 3.1! It was absolutely amazing as I did not have a sound card back then. I…
20/05/2024 - 13:26
True! they are still selling the Audigy! Reminds me of the days that you'd need to set the IRQ for each PCI card in the bios and make sure…
17/05/2024 - 17:48
Then they will bundle support with the free version. They'll tell you that you just need to pay for the useless support.
15/05/2024 - 12:22
They were testing the waters and did not pay heed to the tsunami.
15/05/2024 - 12:12
Waiting on @Clear to come up with a counter bargain. 😊
13/05/2024 - 15:55
With the high rate, I don't think anyone would be using this as a source of credit and considering the high annual fees, is this really…
13/05/2024 - 14:33
On one side there is a state with one of the most high tech army in the world, the best funded, the most diplomatically defended. On the…
12/05/2024 - 15:28
How many of these wars, how many of these deaths did US executed as proxy for Israel?
12/05/2024 - 12:02
I'm reading Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom : Finkelstein, Norman, The first few chapters talks about Operation Cast Lead 2008 by…
11/05/2024 - 22:22
They are getting ridiculously more expensive at launch too. Thinking of not upgrading anymore...
10/05/2024 - 15:20
Can this be used without a Metaverse account ?
08/05/2024 - 01:17
Seeing day in day out how much killing machines man makes, I'm starting to wonder if the eco fights has much relevance at the moment... I'm…
28/04/2024 - 14:40
There are some differences to the analogy though... CD Audio is uncompressed PCM. The sound experience will also be dependent on the ΣΔ…
15/04/2024 - 15:15
Sounds 🍉 approved.
01/04/2024 - 08:53
I remember the time a $80k car was a high yield investment. Now you also get the benefit of inflation.
28/03/2024 - 12:41
Did anyone receive their order? Mine was maked as delivered on Amazon but never actually delivered. Got refunded by customer service. Last…
24/03/2024 - 08:42
Why are we having Windows 11 *home* on a $3k+ PC?
27/02/2024 - 13:58