Non-Sony Wired PS3 controllers

Got a PS3 recently, wondering how the non-Sony controllers on ebay etc are, as they are around a 1/3 of the price. Any recommended brands etc.


  • +2

    3rd party controllers are usually cheaper than genuine sony controllers.

    Most of the "sony" controllers on ebay are actually fakes. I wouldn't recommend getting a fake one, they are usually really badly made and very stiff and non responsive.

  • +3

    Check out that deal, official Sony controllers on sale locally for $47. I prefer getting official stock and that's a damn good price for it.

  • +1

    I'll have to echo videoman, I've owned a couple and used more than a handful of 3rd party controllers. Even the branded ones that are not knock offs from ebay were still lacking compared to the genuine one. (Plus the branded ones aren't actually all that cheap anyway)

    All the 3rd party controllers were good for was for guests or little kids you didn't want messing up your genuine ones.

    That being said, I've toyed around with the idea of buying pre-owned genuine controllers…. I've never gotten around to doing it and I really don't know if its such a good idea.

  • Thanks everyone, I appreciate the advice.

  • +1

    Target has a $19 wired controller starting in next week's toy catalogue, not sure of the quality but if its garbage you can always return it.

    (bottom half, to the middle right)…

    • Beautiful. I'll try that first knowing I can return it easily enough if it's no good. Thanks.

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