Recurring Price Beat Garantee for Car Insurance

I noticed both SGIO and Coles offer price beat guarantees for car insurance and have for about the last two years.…

I personally have used Coles to beat RAC. The rep told me they'd beat it by just a few $ as it was well below their normal quote. Still good.

Theoretically then, isn't it possible to keep playing these two off each other, year after year, getting progressively chaper ad infinitum, as long as both still have the offer? If one company drops out, and if you can find another that does a price beat, you can keep going.

Could do this every time a renewal comes up.

Insuarance premiums always going up, nice to get something back.

Even as a way to stop the yearly price hike, doesn't seem bad.

I'd be interested in seeing how far someone could take this!

What I'd really like to do is find equivalents for home insurance.


  • yes you can but beware that while the price may drop to do so you will have reduced value of the car to do so. i like nrma but at the end of the period the price returns to rrp and you have to get another quote, thats ok but if i change insurance companies then i often loose in the amount the car is worth; insurance companies arnt stupid, they wont let you pay $1 for a 20k car!

    another thing is markup, i got lifetime new for old at my car dealers on a new car with suncorp at only 5% markup (profit for the seller) that saved me heaps! Markup is often 30% or even more! I also got $50 one off discount too…

    No other insurance offers lifetime new for old that i know of and on a new car its an awesome offer…

    My advice is try NOT to change insurance providers unless its the only choice but use the beatby10% nrma or whatever offer to get a better price on the current renewal offer. It works but less effectivly if you change providers to do so ive found. Also nrma offer glass protection which is worth having so maybe dont be too scroogie and use the savings to increase your coverage. A hire car if you use your car for work is a saviour too!

    Always have agreed value and not market value and beware excess savings in premiums. No point saving $10 to only have to pay double the excess!!!

  • HOME INSURANCE beware you get what you pay for often. The pensioner insurance/suncorp offers seem to be the best service in qld (mums back in her house after the bundy floods, her neighbours anrt and are only now getting cleaned up and asssesed)…

    I almost changed her policy but they all were expensive so may as well as get the best if your going to pay the same, its NOT like car insurance - read the fine print and make sure any savings are real!!! A home is too big an investment to flush down the loo for a $10 saving…

    • The pensioner insurance/suncorp offers seem to be the best service in qld (mums back in her house after the bundy floods, her neighbours anrt and are only now getting cleaned up and asssesed)

      May I ask who the neighbours are with? That seems an awefully long time to have been waiting for an assessment. I guess they're lucky not to have been with one of the companies that are refusing to pay out, once again.

  • the problem is the amount of work thats needs doing and the limited amount of skilled labor to do it in bundy. most have had the initial assessment but its done again for the building quotes, while work is progressing and every time you complain (and mum complained constantly) - thats runs them raggard, you often have all work stop for a week waiting for assesment, then you add in waits for weather ect… multiply that for a town of thousands effected too

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