Starting a community website to track grocery prices?


What do OzBargainers think of an open community-run website to track grocery prices?

For example, to track the price of milk, or fruit or bread over time.

Users could submit prices, either through the website, or say, via a mobile app.

I've read the government actually had a grocery-choice website previously (…), but apparently that died due to lack of data/updates.

Is this something you would use and/or contribute to? What are some of the problems you see? Any features/suggestions you'd like to see?


Poll Options

  • 14
    Yes, I'd use it
  • 2
    No, I would not use it


  • Contact the guys from They hold all the historical data of grocery items but as far as I haven't seen them do anything with it.

  • +1

    Well, all I know is shapes just went up 10c at woolies! What a rort! ;)

    Probably to make their select crappy "snapz" look more appealing. Gosh it just rustles my jimmies!


  • +1

    Wasn't Grocery Watch one of your policies from last election, Kevin?


    • Yeh I was looking forward to grocery watch but who knows who was PM at the time heheh ;)

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