Uniden XDECT 7055+1 Batteries

The batteries in our cordless home phone have died, and my mum has been unable to find any replacement batteries. The one place she did find was Dick Smith? but they were expensive.

I decided to check Ebay, and I found this http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/UNIDEN-BT694-BT694S-REPL-BATTERY-… my concern is that according to the Uniden website the phone's batteries are 500mAH whilst the batteries at that link are 650mAH.

Does anyone know if it's still safe to use them, and if not where I might be able to find reasonably priced replacements?



  • +1

    I bought my 3 Uniden replacement batteries on ebay from an Aus seller, they were generics and have worked fine for the 2 years since. Most important is to charge first time for 24+ hours as instructions say.

    I emailed the seller to ask re my exact reqmts and they told me that I should get x and the price was very good compared to DSE.

  • +1

    Hey BargainHunter,

    the difference between the 500mAh and the 650mAh is that the 650 has a higher 'fuel tank' it will take a little bit longer to charge than the 500, but will also take longer to go flat. the good thing about the Nickel Cadmium battery that you are buying is that it doesn't have a defined life like a lithium battery. rather, it goes by how many times it is discharged and recharged through normal usage.

    anna10 is correct - about 2 years life is what you can expect.
    the other thing to check is to make sure that the black and red wires are in the correct side of the plug (these batteries can come in either configuration even if the packet says otherwise - not common, but can happen). pull your battery of your phone and double check it against the one you are putting in, just to be on the safe side. there is the odd chance you can damage the circuitry in the phone if it isn't correct — not a high chance at all, but better to be safe than sorry.

    hope this helps.

    on a final note, from memory - the dick smith batteries use a brand of battery called GP - these are actually a reliable and hard working battery and will definitely serve you well. the other bonus of buying from dick smith is you should be getting a one year warranty and the stock will hopefully be fresher. if it is around the $12 - $15 mark from Dick Smith - its still not a bad price. but i understand the logic in buying two cheap ones over one expensive one - not always the best practice but its each to their own.

  • Thanks for the info guys, from what my mum recalls the batteries at dick smith are like $27 or something.

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