Nintendo to release the inferior 2DS

It's too early for April Fool's Nintendo.

The design has lacked much thought and the drive for innovation. The design lacks common sense and it's not good enough how you argue that the 2DS will be targeted to demographics that desire value. As tablets get more powerful, at this rate, tablet gaming is really going to kick Nintendo and Sony out of the handheld market.


  • -3

    This isn't meant to be a huge platform driver, it is for throw away christmas presents for kids. In this regard it will sell, but it isn't going to save the DS platform.

    • +5

      Last time I checked 3DS was doing great sales wise, Pokemon in October is going to drive it further; on the side I love this form factor.. I never use the 3D on my 3DS XL

      • Less that expected, but well. For the reasons mentioned above though, no one is sure how sustainable the platform is in the smart phone/tablet world.

        • +9

          I love my 3ds, despite having all sorts of games on my phone.. At the end of the day, the phone is an interesting diversion for a bit of casual play, but I find that the interface limitations requires the games to be too simplistic to be really enjoyable.

          Maybe that's the old-school gamer coming out in me, but I do like joysticks and button interfaces for games.

      • Mono sound sucks though.

        • +1

          head phone jack for stereo

    • +1

      save DS from what?
      save it from selling millions more?
      Sure it took a price drop but it is selling bucket loads.

      • where did you get such information from???

        • +1

          It is selling very well, it is known!

        • +1
        • +1

          that sir is a good site that I never knew about :)

        • +1

          Except that it is widely condemned by industry insiders and enthusiasts as being completely unreliable.

  • +4

    I would rather buy this for my kid that one of those leapster kiddy tablets. He would probably prefer it as well.

    I actually don't mind the look of it as well.

    • My kids killed two DS's in the past (broke the hinges) they are both much more careful nowadays but this would have saved the grief.

    • +1

      this would replace my 2 and 3 year olds playing mario kart 7 on my 3ds.
      It would replace their ds lites as well.

      A plus one from me with no hinges to break!

      We have a library of games from nds and 3ds games.
      So it makes it an easy choice to make to buy this.

      • +1

        You should wait for the 2DS XL to come out, I heard its a stunner.

  • there's also a $50 price drop for the wii u and also the wind waker bundle! 8GB basic is being dropped

    • +1

      I'm waiting for the Wii U Basic fire sale :D

      • same here :)

    • +3

      Not for Australia.……

      And I got a newsletter in my email from Nintendo Australia, no mention of either of those. Sucks…

      Why can't Nintendo Australia just merge into Nintendo Europe and we get everything they get instead of being limited all the time? Okay maybe Scribblenauts Unlimited for Wii U releasing at launch was a plus, but most of the time we have pretty much the same release dates as Europe…not to mention our Club Nintendo is probably the worst one; it's catalogue is really lacking.

  • +1

    This is a Japanese business decision which we will find strange in the West. Nintendo have done this before, remember the GameBoy Micro and more recently the Wii Mini ?

  • +1

    I thought the video was a joke at first

  • +3

    People are making such a big deal out of this, as if it's supposed to be an upgraded model of the 3DSXL. It's not.

    Some people even seem to be taking it's existence as some kind of personal insult. The reality is it's simply a budget model designed to expand the user base. It's an interesting business decision and I'm looking forward to seeing if it sells.

    • Exactly! Some people don't seem to understand that not all new releases are upgrades from previous models, and the fact that it isn't an upgrade seems to make them angry. It's not for anyone who already has a 3DS, Nintendo are taking a step down with this one to make it more affordable to play 3DS games.

      I'm sure there are many Pokemon fans out there who will be happy to pick up a system that can play the new game for under $150.

  • Man…this was not called for.

  • meh, not sure what to think. on one hand I'd like to think that Nintendo is catering for an unreached market (those who want to save money/under 7 yo's). At the same time not sure on the design of this "wedge" like thing. Seems very bulky, but not sure - will probably have to try it out

  • +2

    This is great news. Ive always considered buying a 3ds for pokemon and monster hunter, but the price was just a little bit out of reach for me, i have too many other things to spend it on. This will be great product for me. I like the design as well, a throw back to the old school gameboys, before the sp and ds filp designs.

    • can't say im a great fan of the design, but at least i won't be out of pocket as much cash if i grab this alternative :) Ace attorney games and pokemon are my only real interests on these i think.

  • I find the existence of this insulting - as if the 3ds is in some way premium because they found a way to make an even worse model.

  • Hope this draws the price of the 3DS down. This version should've came out earlier and I would have gotten it. The 3D effect gets me feeling dizzy. Seems to late to get a DS though because it seems the 3DS is almost teaching the end of its life(no source).

    • +1

      There won't be a 3DS successor for a few years yet.

  • "Nintendo 2DS hands-on: surprisingly not the worst thing ever"…

  • i'm waiting for the 1ds

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