• expired

Start Menu X PRO (Adds Start Menu on Windows 8 & Replaces It on Other Versions) FREE - Save $20


Nice piece of software

Selling for $20 on official website (Currently $10 on special)

Get it only for the next 18 hrs

Start Menu X PRO replaces the regular Windows Start button and menu on Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7, and it adds a Start button and menu to Windows 8


  • Replace the Start button
  • Replace the Menu
  • Shut-down timers
  • Easily varying size
  • Any scale for any DPI
  • Internal document search
  • Virtual groups
  • One-click-launch
  • Tabs


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  • +2

    Is it because of the release of 8.1? But 8.1 start key is still not Win7 start.


    • Please note we usually allow installation or re-installation of freebies after the offer is over but the terms and conditions of this particular freebie dictate that you must install and register before this offer is over.

  • +5

    I prefer Start8 but can't argue with free!

  • waste of time - requires activation within 16 hours

  • +2

    Start Menu X PRO is a replacement of the system Start menu for professionals.

    How did they know?

    • +4

      That we are professionals?

      Must be an ozbargain exclusive !

  • +4

    ViStart is a great free alternative, if anyone was interested,

  • +3

    forgive the ignorance folks - this is helpful to those of us who hate the way W8 makes it hard to find things ?

    • +2

      Microsoft have a knack of making things more confusing with each edition.

    • -1

      If it does similar to StartisBack, then yes: it takes you back to a startup screen that looks just like Win7, so you basically never have to see the stupid stupid stupid STUPID "Metro" interface again (until you try to do anything with configuration, in which case Microsludge's disastrous half-finished insecure bloat-ware rears its ugly head again and tries to ruin your life).

      Gotta go - Windows update tells me there's yet another quarter-gig of stuff that they forgot to get right in their first releases…

  • +5

    Since everyone's mentioning alternatives, I'll plug StartIsBack - it's the closest thing to the native Windows Vista/7 Start Menu (even works with visual styles). It also has some neat features like including an option to show the taskbar on the Start Screen. Regrettably it's not free ($3 for 2 PC licences, $5 for 5, and there's a 30-day trial), but it's really worth it.

    • +1 for StartisBack (and +1 for the deal… free is free, yo!)

  • +1

    Can we re-install later on if one re-format their computer?

    Ashraf (verified owner):
    @Daniel. Typically, we do allow you to re-install at a later date, such as if you re-format. However, the developer of Start Menu X PRO insisted otherwise, so you must download, install, and register before this offer is over.

  • Thanks OP.. activation is instant

  • thank you

  • I use Pokki which is great.

    • I agree I haven't had any issues with Pokki

  • +1

    I use classic shell so I give it plug as well.

  • a new guy here, hello!
    like other posts id go with start8, i have been using start8 in all my windows 8 installs and I think its the closes one to windows 7 as possible. The interface is great and easy to use and you also get other features like the option to run windows 8 app in desktop mode. Using it for mail mostly. its not free, but 5$US there no much to go wrong with

  • is there a place this is independently reviewed against other software?

  • Thanks OP! I got Classic Start Menu and not too impressed with it.

  • Windows 8.1 will be released on October 18. It's free upgrade. So wait for that if you don't want to hassle with installing potential malware.

    • +1

      Perhaps if you don't really know what you are talking about, don't say anything? (I'm only saying this because you may be misleading other users)

      Windows 8.1 is not going to add back an old style Start menu, just a button you can click with the mouse to go to the (same) Start screen.
      Regarding malware, not sure why you think this may be potentially malware? I've just scanned the file with VirusTotal:
      Nothing to worry about.

  • I use start8 too. $5 and using on 3 PCs without any problem.

    but I'll give it a try.

  • Skipping 8, waiting for 9.

    Microsoft is on a tick-tock schedule like Intel, with the ticks being FAIL, and the tocks being good. 8 is a tick.

    • Skipping 8, waiting for 9.

      Skipping Vista, 7,8 and 9

      Still old skool on XP lol

    • Intel hasn't had a FAIL for a long time…

      Anyway I disagree that win 8 is a fail, the UI decisions are just atrocious.

      • I didn't mean that Intel have fail cycles, only that they have a tick and a tock. A tick is just a die shrink of the last tock, while a tock is a new architecture.

        Windows also cycles markedly in a similar way, except that it alternates from good and bad.

        However, Intel have really been dropping the ball lately as far as heat transfer and overclocking are concerned.

        • That's because they don't care about OC…. ;-)

        • +1

          They used to, before AMD left them the market uncontested.

          Sandy Bridge K models were awesome OC'ers. After that they added an internal heat sink which practically killed OC.

  • http://www.classicshell.net/

    Classic shell is good and its free.

  • I use Pokki, not bad.

  • +1

    yeah I agree win 8 is the snappiest windows ever. Although I hated it at first for metro ui but I installed start menu replacement and its all sweet.

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