SCAM sites using domains

There are probably more by this same scammer.

I have not had time to check, but I think scammer is using a pre-paid credit card (pay as you go - load and go) to receive the money.


  • Best redress against auDA for its apparent negligence (in not checking registration compliance and not acting when non-compliance is brought to its attention) may be a class action against registrars by all affected by scams so facilitated when auDA and other registrars accept payments for fraudulent registrations. Are any of the big Australian class action firms interested?

  • sarahp1985 4 hours 19 min ago

    Yesterday I purchased and paid for my order. After searching I found this forum and now I'm worried I might lose my money. Is there anything I can do A3Australia to get my money back?

    Sorry to say that you should have searched before sending money.


    1) Contact the Police as detailed here.

    Mod: Requested by police to remove details

    Make a report to your local police station.

    2 Contact BOTH Banks. Yours AND the scammer's bank
    -> Ubank. BSB: 082991 Account 190931446
    Hopefully you have a record of the account number you paid into - as it may not be the same as given here (scammer is known to change accounts).
    Report the fraud, and request a reversal.

    Good Luck, and please let us know how it goes.

    • Please do not contact Const. Campbell or the police detailed above. She has contacted me and asked that you please report it to your local police. I made the original police report detailed above.

      • Please do not contact Const. Campbell or the police detailed above. She has contacted me and asked that you please report it to your local police. I made the original police report detailed above.

        I would like to know the 'sense' behind that.

        Local Police just either refuse to accept reports and/or refer complainants to 'on line fraud' in Queensland.

        All those defrauded need a central place of reporting - so authorities can 1) take this fraud seriously 2) see the totality of this fraud 3) colate evidence.

        As it is - nothing is being done to arrest and charge the fraudster. Police need to seize records from banks, registrars, and hosting companies. Then track and trace IP numbers used.

        After months of fraud, still no domains have been seized (they still belong to the fraudster), no one has been arrested.

        The domain that was fraudulently registered using your company is still active, and still being used to defraud. EVEN THOUGH YOU REPORTED THE MATTER TO ALL RELEVANT AUTORITIES (INCLUDING AUDA) WEEKS AGO.

        Have you asked Const. Campbell just why nothing appears to have been done after weeks? If so, what was the reply?

        • I've removed their details as requested. A3, you may want to contact the constable directly as you can probably explain it to them best.

        • the domain status of is reported as inactive and is marked as pendingdelete

  • According to this whirlpool thread the scammer has struck again with this web site accepting direct deposits only. Says it's a fraudulent web site.…

    Edit: oh yeah I see that web site has already been bought up in this thread on page 2. Oh well unfortunately people have probably got caught out again.

    Basically the rule of thumb now is don't buy from online shops that ask for direct deposits only. Avoid any that do. Simple as that.

  • Please do not contact Const. Campbell or the police detailed above. She has contacted me and asked that you please report it to your local police. I made the original police report detailed above.

    I would like to know the 'sense' behind that.

    Local Police just either refuse to accept reports and/or refer complainants to 'on line fraud' in Queensland.

    All those defrauded need a central place of reporting - so authorities can 1) take this fraud seriously 2) see the totality of this fraud 3) colate evidence.

    As it is - nothing is being done to arrest and charge the fraudster. Police need to seize records from banks, registrars, and hosting companies. Then track and trace IP numbers used.

    After months of fraud, still no domains have been seized (they still belong to the fraudster), no one has been arrested.

    The domain that was fraudulently registered using your company

    Have you asked Const. Campbell just why nothing appears to have been done after weeks? If so, what was the reply?

    • Yes the authorities seem to take forever to act on any thing. While at the same time the scammer continues to reap in money from fraud. The authorities are just way too slow in doing any thing.

      • It's not a matter of taking forever. Most police are overworked and prioritize issues such as violent crimes and such. Most stations don't have the tools or expertise to deal with these crimes. Not sure if anything has changed in the past 4 years but when I was sending evidence to the NSW police, each email account had a 10MB limit or something ridiculously low for emails . I had to pass documents via the detective's Hotmail account.

        This case is very confusing. You need to request directly and specifically what you want the police to do.

        1) Go to police where reported crime.
        2) Ask them to contact Crazydomains and get the information on the user who registered (Billing address, name, etc). I know eBay has a special email address police can send emails to request info (or they used to).

        Bonus points if you can get the details of the other domains mentioned here.

        This will be how you can identify the thief. Once you figure out what state they are located in, assuming the details are real, then you can get the police in that state to act.

  • +2
  • Having Australian addresses, phone numbers and URLs doesn't guarantee anything unfortunately. But it does mean it's more likely for people to be caught out.
    These cases appear to be out and out fraud.
    But there is another problem - that of grey importers purporting to be Australian operations. DWI is one such case. To all appearances you are buying from an Australian company. But they are just another Hong Kong grey importer with zero backup service. Whirlpool is rife with horror stories on DWI - it's fine if nothing goes wrong, but the moment you need to return anything, it all goes pear-shaped and they stop replying.
    Luckily I bought via Paypal and was able to get a full refund after weeks of worry at $800 lost…

    • +2

      ozbargain is now a consumer advocacy site apparently :)

      • Funnily enough, I only recognise OzBargain and Whirlpool as potential consumer advocacy sites in Australia. Having tried to assist family and friends with fraudsters in the past through government authorities has been fruitless. I hope they'll realise their departments are slow, ineffective and (at least appear) incompetent. And of course they'll do nothing about websites based overseas since it's outside their jurisdiction.

        The problem with the official consumer websites, whether they deal with scams or recalls, is that they lack general interest from the public to encourage a recreational following. I wonder what other forums there are though for people who aren't cheapskates or tech-nerds.

        I also wonder how AAP/ninemsn got a hold of the story (press release etc). It's not easy to crack onto mainstream media unless you're a pensioner tricked out of thousands of dollars by "un-Austraaalian" roof repairers, plumbers and financial advisers.

        • I also wonder how AAP/ninemsn got a hold of the story

          They saw the story on the SMH then asked for more details from me and one of the victims.

          The loophole of registering's is still there and the scammer doesn't seem to be caught so we are really in the same position as before.

  • Did anyone get money back? What is the best way to do? Should I fill up Fraud Report form with local police? Thanks

  • +1

    Looks like he/she/they are back.

    • That's been blocked. Any evidence to show this site is tied to the others or is it just a one off "possible" scam site?

  • +1

    That's been blocked.

    Good. Thanks for the quick action.

    Any evidence to show this site is tied to the others or is it just a one off "possible" scam site?

    The domain registration shows:-
    Registrant ID: ABN 89114151370
    Eligibility Type: Sole Trader

    I have confirmed that the ABN used (89114151370) belongs to:-
    ABN status: Active from 10 May 2005
    Entity type: Australian Private Company
    Goods & Services Tax (GST): Registered from 10 May 2005
    Main business location: NSW 2170

    The real owner of ABN 89114151370 is -

    My Smart Phone Words
    Po Box 228
    1871 Liverpool Retail
    New South Wales
    Phone: 1300 773 554

    I have contacted the real owner of the ABN, and they have confirmed that their ABN was used to register without their knowledge and/or permission.

    There is no way to know if it is the same scammer(s) or just the same scam.

  • Scam Web Site is using ME Bank.

    Bank: Members Equity
    Account Name: MySmartPhones
    Account BSB: 944300
    Account Number: 014637448

  • An old bloke I know got done by the directcamerawarehouse. Dodgy pricks.

    He's trying to recover his money.

  • made an appearance on The Checkout last night. their address (in peters avenue) which they have listed on their website appears doesn't appear to exist.

    the whois information for says the domain is registered to "The New Pistol Clothing Pty Ltd" so i'm guessing they have registered the domain using someone else's details. also seems to be related and is registered to "Wugang (Australia) Pty Ltd" which appears to be in the mining/steel industry.

    not necessarily a scam site but it seems all too easy to register australian domains using other peoples details

  • Add
    to the list.
    National Australia Bank
    Lynn Dean
    Lorraine Said
    Account Name: SVH
    BSB: 082991
    BSB: 082-991
    Account #: 213120065

  • +1

    My friend got done by these bastards and we have had the whole run around from everyone.

    NAB were very interested, took all the details but still have not refunded the money. My friends bank ING have No interest in any of it.

    Has anyone found out more info?

    • My friend got done by these bastards and we have had the whole run around from everyone.

      I take it that you are referring to SPORT VIDEO HOUSE ?

      NAB were very interested, took all the details but still have not refunded the money.

      Why would NAB "refund" anything?

      I believe that a UBank account is being used. UBank is not the NAB, it is a separate business. Have you, or indeed anyone in authority (such as Police), notified UBank that one of their accounts is being used for fraud?

      My friends bank ING have No interest in any of it.

      Has your friend contacted the ING Fraud Department?

      Has anyone found out more info?

      Have you even read the rest of this thread? There is no more "info". No one will investigate these crimes. No one will track the IP numbers used to access/send emails and to upload the website. The AuDA, and the banks, will do nothing to prevent this crime being repeated over and over again.

      Please inform the current Whirpool thread
      of this OzBargain thread. Then perhaps they will stop all their running around in circles.

  • +1

    People need to educate themselves and stop relying on banks and authorities to back them up on everything. As long as lazy, gullible people who dont think before they buy exist, these scam websites will never disappear- and why would they stop, they're making loads of money.

    • People need to educate themselves and stop relying on banks and authorities to back them up on everything. As long as lazy, gullible people who dont think before they buy exist, these scam websites will never disappear- and why would they stop, they're making loads of money.

      Truck loads.

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