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Free Hanky from Telfast Australia Valued at $9.95


Instead of going aaaaachoo… go phewwww!

Fill in your details here to register for your FREE Telfast Hanky.

There are 4,000 Telfast Hankies, valued at $9.95 each

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Free snot rag!!!

    • +7

      yes.. snot..

      • +10

        None of that Hanky panky on here

        • +1

          You win.

  • +1

    Remember to always read the label and use only as directed.

  • +14

    I always think using a hankie is somewhat like wiping your arse then putting the paper into your pocket. They would've been better off giving out tissues IMO.

    • +7

      yeah hankies are pretty yuck, only people who use them anymore are snuff takers and old men

    • +1

      I think you can get re-infected from your own poo, but not from your own snot.

      • +1

        There is a study out that dr Karl talked about that re ingesting your own snot gives you some immunity for nose Bourne illnesses .
        Try it if you like

        • Yeah, licking public toilet bowls probably improves your immune system too, until one of the horrible diseases you catch actually kills you…

        • Such as herpes of the tongue…

        • It was done by a biochemist Scott Napper, but it was more of a theory than a study as it was too hard to find enough people to make a sizable control group.

        • +2

          your own snot gives you some immunity for nose Bourne illnesses

          nose Bourne illness (noun):
          A disease of the sinuses contracted while outrunning police in a Mini Cooper.

    • +8

      I always carry one for emergency use (as well as tissues. Yes I've been brought up well). Wipe my face or sweat away after running for the bus, dry hands when friggin paper towel has run out in office bathroom, clean my phone screen, etc. If I have to blow my nose I use tissues - hanky is just a backup. Better than seeing blokes use their hands/sleeves or do it footy style on the footpath.

      If you think hankies are just for snot though then you've already limited your view!
      Plenty of uses for a hanky http://www.artofmanliness.com/2009/03/26/every-man-should-ca… "But the best reason to carry a handkerchief has nothing to do with you. It’s the chance to lend it to others that’s commends this practice the most…" A clean hanky of course. One use then wash it ;-)

      • +1

        I totally concur. I learnt my lesson of how handy hankies are while travelling in Japan years ago. Many of the public toilets there have nothing to dry your hands with, no blower, no paper towels, and often it was so hot and humid it was great to wash your face then pat it dry with a hanky. I never leave home without one now, even if my friends mock me.. I often then see the same friends wiping their noses with the back of their hand or their sleeves….

        • -2

          Ok, I must admit that when I read this comment last night… I thought you were being serious.

          Now that I read it in the cold light of day… I can see the sarcasm.

      • You have convinced me to carry one. I won't be lending it to others though.

        Thanks for posting OP.

    • -2

      Totally agree hankies = messed up levels of gross.
      And then you wash and all the snot+ nasal-grogans mix in with your washing ensuring an even diluted snotting on everything.

      In short, hankies only make sense if you are, or are contemplating playing the role of Steve Jones in a Sex Pistols tribute band.

    • -2

      I find it far preferable to have a used hanky in my pocket, than the residue of a paper-wiped arse on my rear end.

      • -2

        Right, so you dont paper wipe your arse you….???
        Grab a filthy ecoli ridden poop-water ladle and use your left hand like in Indonesia? What?
        Bidet-ed by your private butler??

        • +2

          I guess we can assume that Indonesia is the limit of your non-Australian hygiene experience.

          You really do need to look further afield.

          But given that you are a tight arse, it may not be something that you realise in a timely manner. :)

        • -2

          "I guess we can assume that Indonesia is the limit of your non-Australian hygiene experience"

          Why on earth would you assume that?
          I have been equally revolted in many other non-hygenic, disease infested third world shit-holes :)

  • +7

    A $10 hanky?????

    • +9

      You are paying for the brand name.

    • I can get them for 50c or so from China so not sure where they get the '$10' from

      • +3

        20c I reckon. Delivered.

      • +2

        australia tax

      • The really cheap ones are too smooth and non absorbent. They are pretty useless IMO…. but yeah, I cna't see how it would be worth $10… silk maybe?

  • +2

    Agree with everyone. Hankies are disgusting.

    • +2

      Did you still order it?

  • +4

    Page not found.
    Blown away.

    • +1

      Still working for me?

    • +1

      Works if you go the long way round: find Telfast Australia in FB and click on the link on the page.

    • +4

      S'not there.

  • You aint cool these days, unless you sport a hanky!

    • +1

      Yeah, but you need a t-shirt with a pocket.

  • Glad it's not a Mr. Hanky.

  • +5

    Yeah hankies are pretty rank. Never understood why you would want to put your own snot back in your pocket. That being said It won't be stopping me from receiving my free hankie :D

  • +8

    if their drugs actually worked we wouldn't need a snot rag

  • +2

    I used the link on the timeline: https://apps.facebook.com/telfast-free-hanky/ and I didn't have to like the page.

    • thanks - deal updated - facebook not required :)

  • +16

    Valued at $9.95.

    Why not just exaggerate more, like valued at $99.95?

  • +2

    Gonna use it as a cleaning cloth around the house. Cheers!

  • It would be more beneficial for consumers and their marketing impact to give discount coupons than icky snot rags…

  • Was gonna use this to clean sunnies, but probably not smooth enough. Might use it to wipe away the fingerprints off of my fingerprint resistant phone screen protector.

  • Ten bucks for a hanky? sheet!

  • +2

    Usually I feel proud to be an ozbargainer? But then I see this deal, and the 98 positive votes……and I think…wtf is wrong with you guys? A hankerchief? People defending its usage in Japanese toilets??

    But I'll admit…for a second I did ask myself, do I need one….ha ha.

    (Of course I don't. Nobody does)

    • and then you proceeded to order it? in true ozb fashion :p

      buy/claim first, think later

  • BTW @ donga100
    That IS An-Pan man in your gravitar, right?

    • Yes it is. He's a hero! :)

      • +1

        Lol and …. delicious to boot.

  • Cannot wait to get my $10 hanky!!!!
    Such great discussion over a hanky :) :)

  • +1

    Just registered, said there's snot very many left.

  • +2

    Hanky haters: You are all completely wrong on this.

    I've had hayfever since I was very small and I have a runny nose regularly every day, no fault of my own. Carrying around a box of tissues all day, every day, is not a logical solution to this problem. Hankies are.

    I also get way less illnesses than others I know, but that is from being careful about having clean hands and not touching my face with them. Germs, and other stuff you catch, mostly come from surfaces and your filthy hands that touched them. Has nothing to do with using hankies.

    Bottom line - I'm the one not ever having to waste money on tissues.

  • A $10 hanky- geez. What is it made of?

    • +1

      $10 note

  • +7

    WOW! We didn't realise our handy lil’ Telfast Hanky would create such a big conversation, but we're absolutely blown away (no puns intended!) by everyone's response, so thank you for sharing and helping promote the giveaway!

    So, as some may have noticed we've temporarily suspended the giveaway, but we wanted to remind everyone that redeeming the Telfast Hanky is only one part of the promotion we're currently running. Once you've received your Telfast Hanky we're encouraging you to take a photo of you and the hanky, upload to your Facebook profile and tag #Telfasthanky and our Facebook page @TelfastAU (Telfast Australia). We'll be giving away 3 monthly draws of $500 for the most creative pics so we can't wait to see what everyone comes up with once their hanky arrives.

    We also understand a few people might be a bit put off by the traditional use of a handkerchief, but like fellow Ozbargainer's have mentioned there's plenty of other reasons for carrying a handkerchief, including the chance to win $500! Since we've already mentioned the $500, you can find out info on the best uses, history and pros and cons of Handkerchiefs on our website and Facebook page. Hopefully we'll see a few people joining us over the hayfever season and beyond!

    Thanks again for your fantastic support!
    -the Telfast digital team

  • +1

    Got it! It's so cute! Thank you

    • +1

      Got it too, thanx Telfast.
      But $9.95???

  • Got mine in the mail yesterday too! Thanks!

  • Got mine. Good

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