What charger should I get for Eneloop batteries?

do i just get any one they all work the same?


  • You need smart chargers to maximise battery life, longetivity and/or minimise charge times.

    Like these


    http://www.fasttech.com/search?i4 - can do Li ion batts

  • Look around for an Accupower IQ328, its much like the la crosse above, but I believe higher amps so will perform better with challenging batteries. Its a clone of the linked items big brother. Half the price of its equal specced model, almost as many read out options too. Unless youre a Remote Heli pilot techie nut, you wont notice them missing.

    Theres an ebay seller selling them with an Aussie plug too.

    Here ya go
    IQ328 http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Australian-Plug-AccuPower-IQ328-B…

    Bigger brother of the above linked la crosse (the same specs almost as the IQ328)

    no idea about this one

    Note, you might find better prices, but this is what I found and was pointed to in my research over the last week or so.

  • La Crosse Technology BC-700 (AA & AAA) Battery Charger ~ $43 Delivered (Amazon.com)

  • Bought a La Crosse Technology BC-1000 last year and it works great with all my Eneloop & other rechargeable batteries.

  • Why not use a standard Eneloop charger? (That's around $20 incl 4 batteries) That goes into trickle mode too according to the salesperson at batteryworld.

  • Ok so ive been researching all the better chargers for the eneloop and other batteries. I need to make a decision between the following:

    • IQ-238
    • BC-700 - usnure because i dont like the US plug
    • Nitecore i4
    • Panasonic BQ-392

    Im mainly tossing up between the first 2. I have a soshine 18650 charger so i dont need the nitecore for those extra features.

    I have just started using these rechargeable batteries and im not sure whether i really need to outlay roughly $60 on a charger if the cheaper one would do just fine.

  • Based on those choices Id get the IQ328, but then again I recommended it. The BC 700 will struggle to charge a 'stubborn' battery (great charger though otherwise, its big brother is excellent). With a little more power a charger can 'crack' stubborn batteries and in some cases restore an older battery.

    Note Im only repeating stuff I read recently when researching batteries for myself. But the advice was given by people who understand this stuff at an incredibly anal level. The recommended budget charger was the IQ328 due to it using a highly desirable charge process, appropriate protections and added functionality.

  • Just jumping back onto this topic.

    I think the top choice is the BT-C2000 now, given the glowing review from NLee.

    Either from Amazon, if they can ship to Australia (ive asked the question and waiting on a reply)
    US$46.88 (approx A$50 plus shipping, if they can send it to AU)

    or from Ebay with AU plug (Approx A$75 shipped)

    Its a tad more than the popular BC700 but seems to have resolved all(most) of the issues of previous generation intelligent chargers.

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