Should Woolworths Be Responsible?

I’ve just had an experience at Woolworths that has left me with a somewhat ripped-off feeling.

I paid for my goods through the self-help checkout and asked the machine for twenty dollars cash. When the receipt and the money came out, instead of twenty I received a fifty. I showed the girl and then had to wait for ten minutes for someone to come over and check the tins in the machine. They then took back the fifty and handed me a twenty.

If Woolworths make a mistake like that they should have to forfeit the thirty dollars. Why should the shopper have to waste their time to help Woolworths fix their problems? It may well be that I also saved them more money by pointing out the problem so that they could fix it before anyone else used that automatic checkout. If Woolworths are going to have a banking facility they have to be responsible and take the rough with the smooth.

If Woolworths aren’t going to take responsibility for their mistakes (as in it costing them something) then they will never learn and simultaneously put people off. They are quite happy to pay professionals to come in and help them solve problems but because you are a lowly shopper, to hell with you. You just don’t count. It seems that the customer is always considered the end of the chain. A necessary inconvenience.

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        • -1

          Theft is still theft (or larceny by mistake).

          And I don't disagree it's theft in any shape or form. But it's their problem, not mine.

          Justify it how you like.

          How do Woolworths justify their ruthless business practices? Thousands of jobs gone. Farms closed down. Lives destroyed. Do they do it with diplomatically-worded press releases? Millions of dollars worth of advertising saying how they give back to the 'community'? Giving away 0.0000001% of what they steal, as a tax reduction initiative?

          We are in a battle between the seen & unseen. PR and truth.
          I'm proud to have my messages faded by the ignorant and ego-bruised.

          Roger Corbett has had extensive experience in the retailing industry, both in Australia and overseas. He served as the CEO of Woolworths Limited (1999–2006) and has held numerous board positions. Mr Corbett is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management and the Risk Management Institution of Australasia.


    • Not sure why you got negative votes mate. You backed up your comments with further references. Far more than the anonymous down voters.

  • +1

    So you pointed out the problem then you're complaining that the problem was rectified by giving you the correct change? If you wanted to keep the whole $50 why did you even open your mouth in the first place? I don't get it..

  • You could debate this until the cows come home… pointless.
    Whilst it is illegal to knowingly take something given to you in error Woolworths also must bear some responsibility for using a faulty auto c/o system.
    WW knows that there are and have been faults in their auto checkout system before (check some of the scams).
    It was honourable of the op to report the matter and while it is a decent thing to do being rewarded for honesty is not compulsory. If he wanted a reward he should have kept the $30 bonus.
    I doubt they would have sat down and watched the entire video of that machine for the day for the sake of $30?

  • Maybe a link to Woolworths here would get the PR drones doing some 'community' work here to appease the unwashed masses and tell us how great they are. It would be entertaining to watch them spring into action, so I'm posting a link to their site.

    Woolworths Trolley Trends report reveals Australia’s evolving tastebuds…

    Even though I think the OP is not entitled to any more than what was given (or taken in this case :) maybe we can raise some 'compassion' from the Parasite and the OP could go home happy :)

  • +1

    I think mistakes are part of everyday shopping, parking etc, so move on..

    I was on the way to home on busy traffic, guy in front of me was trying to do reverse parking and was unable to do so and complete traffic was jammed, 10 mins wasted for all people waiting for me and all behind my car…but i could not do much except waiting…

    Its good on your part that you informed staff at woollies about mistake though it wasn't your duty…

    In everyday situations/life, we stuck at parking spot because people forgot their PIN for parking entry, we wait at checkout because people does not swipe their car correctly etc waiting is going to stay make mistake , i make mistake….so my take is just move on…..

  • Good on you for your honesty. (If you weren't honest… they would have come a knocking eventually )

    Those machines would be treated exactly the same as an ATM.
    If an ATM distributed the wrong notes (usually because someone has loaded the notes into the wrong trays); then the bank is entitled to reclaim their money.

    It's pretty easy given that your card number is on record, and that they would have a log of when the trays were filled; and who has used the machine since.

    There is no need for someone to go through video footage.

    If Woolworths were a little smarter than they would have just
    1) written down your details and card number;
    2) swapped your fifty for a twenty (make sure you get proof of this)
    3) put the machine out of action till the issue was resolved
    4) given you a sincere thankyou.

  • +2

    If you had walked off Woolies wouldn't have done anything, it's a minor unfortunate error through no fault of your own and as long as your not maliciously trying to get more out of them then it would have just been seen as a one off loss.

    In saying that you did the right thing, you advised them of the problem and thus helping them to resolve it so they don't suffer further losses.
    What they should have done in my view is apologised for the inconvenience, thanked you for your honesty, switched the 50 back to a 20 and given you a token of appreciation which could have been a $10 Woolies gift card, a couple of their 'select' brand products for you to trial or a 20cent petrol voucher. After this they should have confirmed which machine caused the problem, immediately shut the machine down (out of order) and checked the machine when they had the time to do so.

    • love your logical approach Rekabkram.

  • Dude! Haven't you heard of Karma. God gave you $30 and you gave it back. You must have done something nice for someone the day before. Never ever return the money God sends you - you'll just make Her angry.

  • +1

    Well I'm a Police Officer and if you did keep the extra money it is actually theft. Not that anyone would have known if you had just walked off.

    • I hope you don't fine me for speeding. BTW is flashing my headlights illegal if I see you on the side of the street with a radar? I have been told it's not.

      • -3

        Why would you do this anyway? You are just letting people get away with something they shouldn't be doing in the first place.

        • +1

          OH Bruce, heaven forbid the thought!

          Let me get my list of things gov is doing that they shouldn't be doing in the first place…

        • -1

          Because getting caught speeding on a road that is empty when you're fully aware and not fatigued is revenue raising in my opinion and has little to do with safety.

      • +1
        • no pun intended?

        • +1

          Of course the pun was intended. Ozbargain has a 10:50:1 post ratio (puns:smart ass posts:helpful posts) just trying to do my part.

      • Very technically in Queensland… though I wouldn't bother

    • policy enforcer ;-)

    • I'm a little bit different to a police officer (not a Cert II warrior either), I would just write the report and file it under the 'Don't bother' pile. While drugs are being dealt and people getting assaulted out on the streets woolworths is very low on my list of priorities.

  • +7

    So… I want to make sure I've got the whole story right.

    1. You went to the shops and served yourself.
    2. You withdrew $20 cash
    3. The machine spat out a $50 note instead
    4. You voluntarily chose to go let someone know and waited an entire 10 minutes.
    5. Then you took the correct amount of money and left the store.

    And now, NOW, you're on the internet, angry that a piece of machinery in a store made a simple error and you lost ten entire minutes of your day. It wasn't an hour, it wasn't 2 hours. It didn't give you a 20 instead of a 50.
    You left the store with EXACTLY what you intended to leave with, and the total impact was 10 minutes wasted.
    The same amount of time as if 6 people had walked into the store before you.

    Kudos. I'll look forward to an extraordinary post from you the next time you go to the post office and wait in line for 15 minutes.

    • seems OP wanted to have some reward from woolies for his/her honestly and that dint occur…hence all blaming on woolworth for wasting his/her 10 mins…Or am i reading OP wrongly…

      • Sounds like it to me. Soon we're gonna have people expecting rewards for holding the door open for you (when you're right behind them), separating stubborn trolleys, saying 'bless you' when you sneeze and maybe even calling the ambulance for you when you're dying!

        • For some reason that made me think of having tip jars in ambulances, awesome idea. I know if an ambo had saved my life then they would be entitled to a damn good tip.

    • -1

      TBH I sympathise with the OP because if he earns $200/hour that could be $33. :O

    • So what's the cut off for when the OP has a right to feel disgruntled, 15 mins, 30 mins, 1 hour?
      Everyone has a different value for their own time.

  • +3

    When younger I used to walk when I snicked the cricket ball and no-one noticed.

    Then I found I got given out sometimes when I hadn't snicked it and the umpire thought I did.

    So today I'd walk out with the $50 and call it even from all the times I've returned home with milk or fruit that was bad or ice-cream refrozen.

  • thanked you or offered you a voucher or something facebook this to woolworth they should give u gift card as you could have just keep drwaning out money

  • +7

    what annoyed me was the title "Should Woolworths Be Responsible?"

    responsible for what?

    • +2

      Ok, here's where I think the OP went wrong with his argument, with my reaction in italics:

      1. I did the right thing. OK
      2. They wasted my time. Seems so
      3. They owe me something. Maybe, but saying this out loud this makes you look mercenary
      4. I should be allowed to keep the windfall. Uh oh, now you're getting into contentious territory
      5. There should be a law about this. Oh no, let's not go there

      I think the OP should have interrupted the clueless clerks when they were going to count the cash box and said, look you are wasting my time, just take the difference and my contact details, OK? Otherwise escalate to a manager and point out how keeping you around is poor customer relations when you've done them a favour.

    • -3

      Their mistakes …. Either employees that loaded the machines with cash or the machine issues themselves.

      I reread the post, the OP wants Woolworths to forfeit the money, I.e. their mistake, OP should get to keep the money, sort of similar to if their price scanner scans a barcode and gives you an incorrect price, Woolies should wear the cost of the item and give the customer the item (in this case, give the $30 to the OP).

      OP feels ripped off, because OP wants to be acknowledged for their good deed, and didnt get a monetary reward.

      • Am I getting negged for answering the question asked?

        I'm not agreeing with the OP just interpreting his original post, and I might add that the OP has not really posted anything since…

  • +1

    They should also have taken faster responsibility of this situation.…

  • +1

    Just donate the $30 to charity and do woolies a big favour for ripping us off on groceries.

  • +1

    Thanks for doing the right thing, that's what we need in our society, being honest everywhere about everything.

    But sorry "No" is your answer, the "conditions of entry" says it all, while nowadays because of the high level of customer service and their "courtesy", we forgot our responsibilities and rights, we just demand more and more about every thing

    I am sure they were nice and thankful about what you did and not rude. The reason you were waiting there for sure was because they wanted to make sure you have the right change and that $50 note was not yours, otherwise they did not need you to fix their machine.

    After all, those companies, they don't publish notes, they take it out of someone else pocket somewhere else which is another story,

    But here It could be 3000 dollars, 3000 grands or 30 cents, but no, that money is not yours!

  • Sounds like someone screwed up and put the wrong notes in the slots in the machine. Have a friend who told me about the time someone mixed up the $5's and the $50's. Took an hour or two to notice and the machine was short several thousand dollars.

  • +3

    OP what's your address? I'm going to send you a medal

  • +1

    Do you know how often people leave the self serve checkout without their banknote change/cash out? What do you think Woolworths does with money that isn't theirs? Sure they'll keep it by the counter in case you come back, but at the end of the day it just goes back into the store. Or, best case scenario, the staff put it into the charity boxes.

    Whether you take it or leave it, it really amounts to what your conscience can handle. On a scale any larger than yourself, that $30 means absolutely nothing.

    • What do you expect them to do other than hold it incase you come back?

      • Sorry mate, it meant to upvote you, went down!

  • What happened to doing whats right without expecting a reward.

  • We live in a capitalist society- if the time/effort is worth more than the money involved, nobody cares- not the police or a judge.

  • -1

    I would of just walked off with it, woolworths break the law repeatedly anyway

    • Me too it's $30 , unlike some posters here me thinks it's not 30000 not 300 but 30 I think theres a difference in morals

  • +2

    I had the similar experience in BigW, which I realized after getting out of the store. I actually was confused if I tried to get the cash out of $20 or $50, made sure by checking online after getting home. Later I sent an email asking what to do, and they never come back. Donated that extra $30 to some charity.

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