Recommendations sites to build a online shopping site

my cousin is seeking to build a site for her make up shop and wants to know whats the best but easy to use site. i had a look at and shopify had a play with them wix seem straight forward for a novice user.

any recommendations??


  • Most hosting packages will have easy to install/setup shopping cart software. If the hosting service has something like cPanel youll be able to access these quite easily and many of them integrate into content managment sites, wordpress etc.

  • You've got 2 main options as a start.

    1. Use the shopify's or the wix's. These providers host custom estore software as a service. There software has a lot of ready made tools you can use to setup your store very quickly. However once you outgrow these, it can be difficult to migrate over to something bigger and better as these custom solutions are owned and operated by their creators. Your felxibility is also limited by their closed source software which limits independant developers.

    2. Use shared hosting and use an application installer (most hosts offer softaculous or installatron) to install an opensource eCommerce script like Magento or osCommerce (or even WordPress for the matter). These are generally cheaper but there is significantly more DIY and customising involved. You get a lot of flexibility with these scripts and it very easy to move them between hosts or onto bigger servers.

  • If you want to make i professional take a freelancer and install Magento, it's really amazing shop system for all purposes. ALso from the seo point of view it's ver good

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