Neighbours visitor suspected of driving over water meter.. How to address

Dear OzBargain

We live in a rental property which shares a battleaxe driveway. The other neighbor which shares the driveway is owner occupied and we have no issues with them.

I had returned home today and observed that our water meter was spraying a fine mist, and observed a tyre track over the surrounding grass area and over the meter which had been severely bent on both the pre and post meter connecting pipes.
We always drive out of the driveway in a forward direction and when I spoke with the neighbor about the damage and use of the driveway they indicated that someone had reversed up the drive the night before but didn't mention hitting the meter.

What are my options in this case as I haven't caused the damage but it may be difficult to determine who is at fault?

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  • You need to notify the real estate so they know that you didn't do it.You may also want to contact some entity like Consumer Affairs to find out your rights in regards to a situation like this one. All the best getting this sorted out.

  • +4

    Just contact the local water authority and say someone (unknown) has hit the water meter. They may just come and fix it.

  • -4

    Given you are renting I would just leave it and hope that someone comes and fixes it or just leave it until you move out and then say "i dont know what your talking about!!!!" If asked.

  • I reckon Lequ83 is on the money- Just ring your local water Authority maybe Sydney Water 13 20 90 (24 hours)(if you are in Sydney…going by profile not sure.)

  • Thanks Everyone

    I've contacted the real estate agent who called Sydney water. So hopefully I don't get smacked on this one!


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