MP3 Player for 6 year old


My grand daughter wants an IPOd for her birthday. Seeing she is only 6 years old I don't think I want to "fork out" for an ipod and have decided an MP3 player will do as she will probably drop it at some stage.

Can any recommend a good MP3 player which is pretty robust.




  • +2

    Before you go ahead and get an MP3 player, I would clarify what she means by an iPod.

    She might have seen some friends with iPod Touches, and wants to play games, rather than listen to music.

  • Agree. 6 year olds will soon be 7-8 year olds. They will WANT an iPod.
    Might as well just direct the coin there now and buy a pretty robust case.
    A cheap MP3 player will be rejected in a year's time.
    Do it once, do it right. (but limit their playing time)

  • Also agree. When my 7 year old wanted an ipod a year or 2 ago it was for games and not for music. He ended up getting a cheap android phone (without SIM) which he has been very happy with and now uses it for music and videos as well. He got money for his birthday and bought it himself which seems to have caused him to take better care of it, as he has some idea of its worth

  • +2

    Buy a Huawei G300+ from Coles

    $59 (33 percent the price of an iPod touch, does more than just play music.). Also very easy to unlock for $5 bucks.

    Add $14 for a Class 10 16GB MicroSD memory and you have a very capable media player, for a crap load cheaper than any touch-enabled music player.

    Some accessories you could consider is a silicone case, screen protector all of which cost like a buck from eBay.

  • Damn. I'm only 26 and have trouble wrapping my head around the idea of a 6 year old wanting an iPod lol. When I was 6, I wanted a pet goldfish.

    Hope your granddaughter does want it for gaming rather than music, though. I'm probably paranoid/overprotective, but I can't imagine it being good for kids that young to start having headphones plugged into their delicate ears. Can't be great for their hearing long-term.

    Good luck anyway :)

  • I'm with scrimshaw

    My daughter's 7th birthday is this week, and we are getting her a Huawei Y300 for music and apps. Combine that with a $5 bluetooth dock/speaker from Kmart and hopefully she'll love it.

  • There's different types of iPods eg Nano, shuffle, Touch etc. If you get her a Nano when she wanted to play games, the iPod will probably end up under the bed = waste of money. Also, she might want an iPod (not a cheap Huawei/phone) because all her friends have one.

    Some kids do like to follow the trend in their group of friends, doesnt matter if the Huawei does the same thing. Its like getting a little girl an ugly knock-off barbie from the $2 shop, while all her friends got the real quality Barbie. So maybe take her out shopping and see if she's ok with the cheaper phone option.

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