Apple launched iPhone 5c 8GB Model - RRP $679 on Apple Store AU

heard a rumour this is happening tomorrow
wonder what the RRP will be now they changing the capacity on the handsets.

Wonder if it is going to change handset pricing in carrier stores.

Update — it is now available on Apple Store website.


  • +2

    Smart move. 8GB models allow them to sell iphones cheaper without sacrificing performance. Then again I wonder how much an extra 8GB would cost them.

    I'm guessing that the people who would buy it would want an iphone for as cheap as possible without caring that it's only 8GB until they are constantly deleting stuff. Then in the future they'd probably skip the 16GB models and go straight for the 32GB. As always, storage capacity requirements is different for everyone. I know quite a few people who use less than 8GB on their smartphones.

    • +2

      It's all about having multiple products to hit different price points. By differentiating only on space (regardless of marginal cost vs. price for Apple), it enables them to sell to more people.

    • +1

      If you only need less than 8gb then you would prob not require an iphone either.

  • +6

    Unless its $299 they will still struggle to move any.

    • ^^^ This. Apple have a massive inventory of the 5Cs they can't move. They can't simply drop the price as it would send failure signals Apple likes to avoid at all costs, so they need to respec it. 8gb is easiest path.

      • Also helps preserve resale values which iPhones buck the industry trend.

  • +1

    i will never think of iphones after dropping them, even my kids dont like to use iphone at age of 7 years. they say whats new in these phone i give them for playing game or for videos, they dont like iphones. lol

    • i will never think of iphones after dropping them

      Yeah… if you drop any phone, bad stuff usually happens. I'm looking at a cracked Samsung Galaxy right now…

    • +1

      What a joke. If you are a Sheeple, do yourself a favour and buy a second-hand iPhone 5 off Gumtree for $400 instead.

  • The suggestion is good, thanks, but "sheeple"? It would be nice if we can get past the name-calling put-downs.

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