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Raid Auto Insect Control 305g Refills 2pk $9.97 Costco Docklands [Membership Req'd]


Here's a .97 special I spotted at the Costco Docklands Warehouse.

They have a 2 x 305g pack of Raid Auto Insect Control refills for $9.97.

A quick look at Coles and Woolworths websites show they sell them for around the $22 per 305g can so Costco Docklands has them at less than one quarter of the price.

Not sure if they have them at other Costcos, but comment if you spot them.

Corey @ Loaded Trolley

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closed Comments

  • Combine posts…

    Same store, same sale, same OP

    • It's not a sale or coupons. These are random reductions around the store. It would be like combining all of the reductions at Dick Smith or Big W into one post here.

      • It's not a sale

        The Costco ’97 Cent’ Special ??

        • +1

          Nope…random reductions I sniff out. Costco do not advetise these as sale items as they do with their coupon special, therefore they are just like the random reductions often posted here by any one else for any other store. I just happen to find a number of them at once.

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