Paying speed ticket after 28days?

Recently I received a speeding ticket last month and today is the 28th day which is the last day to pay it, if I send it via express post tomoro, would it still be fine?


  • +1

    Yes, except for a faster way of paying, express posting payment is best. I have no idea what happens with unpaid fines, whether they go to state debt recovery office or what, but no doubt they send a payment reminder letter next. Just pay it. Sooner better than later. All will be fine.

    • +1

      The wheels (Of justice and government administration) turn slowly.

  • +2

    Cant you pay online or over the phone?

  • +1

    I can't since the fine was in qld, I live in sydney, u need a qld drivers license. I'm jut worrie that after the 28 days it says no latter, they might issue another fine.
    It mentioned you will not get a reminder and must pay within 28days.

    • I would just give them a call maybe allowances can be made.

  • Both of the above posters are correct.

    As grasstown mentions, as long as you pay it within a week of the supposed 'deadline', all should be fine. There is an unstated 'leniency-period/ buffer-zone' re such things, precisely BECAUSE the cogs turn slowly re govt. admin', and it's often not clear entirely who was to blame for any delays that occur; provided they are vaguely reasonable (i.e., within a week or so of the deadline).

    That said, as shadow131 asks, are you sure you cannot pay over the phone, or on the internet? Either of those options would be way better than sending a letter off "into the ether", because with a phone or internet payment, you get an instant "receipt number", which is essentially proof of your payment being made less than a week after the deadline. Don't worry that the deadline has passed and send payment in the post hoping that they think it may have been sent before the deadline… just pay now, either online or on the phone, and be careful to note down the "reciept numer" that you are issued with. No extra charges will be incurred, if you do that within a week of the deadline.

  • From my experience, long ago now, if you don't pay within the first time period they send you a reminder with another similar time period, eg anothe 28days. If you don't then pay after that they'll send you a nasty letter with an additional fee and threaten to take your licence away. Things may have changed since then though, but at a guess if you've sent the payment before they send you a reminder then you should be fine.

  • They will issue you with another fine, extra $58.00 if not paid for give you more time to pay then if not paid, can issue a warrant for your arrest, sieze your car, community service or court. Sper will send you a new letter to pay, if you cant afford it you can email them to request installments. TRUST ME I forgot to pay one and this is what I just received in the mail.

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