Still battling Win 8.1 Outlook email - where's the calender?

I did come across the calender once, but now I can't locate it again. I think I found it via the print option, but can't see it now.

If anyone knows where it is, I'd like to add it to the tool bar. I didn't find 'help' very helpful.


  • Is this Outlook 2013?

  • +1 will show you what you need to do

  • +3

    It's a very common misspelling, when you look for calenders on the web you get lots of calendars, so don't feel bad about it.

    This is a calender:

    This is a calendar:

  • pj, yep, it is 2013.

    gp, Thanks, I missed the typo as I can spell … reelly.

    az, thanks but that link didn't help me. I can't find the bloody calender.

    • At the bottom of my Outlook 2013 screen, there are four headings in large letters that say:

      Mail Calendar People Tasks

      Does your Outlook have that?

      Or do you mean that you don't have a calendar on the right side of the Outlook screen? If so, go to the View tab, then in the Layout section, click on the little black down arrow on the To-Do bar entry and select Calendar from the menu that pops up.

  • Thanks pj, that was very helpful, thanks again.

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