Raspberry Pi for $35- does it exist?

Hello, I had to do some stuff with the Raspberry Pi for uni and I bought one on Gumtree for $80 but it came with a WiFi dongle, a 32gb class 10 sd card and two cases so I'm pretty happy with that over all but I want more.

So, every article I've ever read about it extols it as the $35 computer, (model B, version 2) but the only place I've ever seen one even close to that is second hand on eBay? Any suggestions?



  • Wish I could +1 this post. I see the same thing, but we aren't American and it hasn't account for Australia Tax.

  • Not AUD, no.

  • +3

    G'day, I get most of my stuff from Element14 they have an Australian page and deliver from a warehouse here, their Raspberry Pi model B is $38 -> here is a link http://au.element14.com/raspberry-pi/raspbrry-modb-512m/sbc-…

    Enjoy, happy hacking :)

    • Remember you need to add GST and shipping. Shipping is free over $50 so you might as well get a case.

      • I order lots of stuff at once, but I did forget about GST needing to be added, still I think it's the most reliable place to order parts from withiin Australia :)

        • Yeah they're pretty good if they have stock. I ordered one evening and it was delivered next afternoon.

  • Element14 had the raspberry pi for close to $35*. Just to get free shipping you had to spend

    Looking at my reciept it was $38, which is less than 11/10*35, so that's good

  • +1

    +1 for Element14. Its our electronics savior for the DIY since discksmith became retail only, and jaycar use their monopoly to gouge prices.

  • What do you guys use them for!? One of our kids was given one by their science school teacher… I've looked up uses for it, and can't find anything of much use to do with it - apart from what we already have two dozens devices that already do those things. Video out… HDTV/computer/DVD player. MAME emulator… computer again. It doesn't seem to do anything that a $30 (or free) computer can!?

    • +1

      In car PC.
      Runs from a 12V to 5V converter.
      2X 128GB USB sticks of MP3's. Hooked up to a touchscreen in the dash.

      Before that, it was acting as an XBMC machine on my bedroom TV, powered off the TV's own 'service' USB port, so it powered up and down with the TV itself.

      Before that it was a 100% unsecured server, allowing anon access to everything. I'd take it to LAN's, plug it in, and see what was there by the end of the LAN. Usually just trolling, but its interesting none the less.

      Once i'm bored with the In Car PC, or get a new head unit, I think it'll become a Hardware Firewall, powered off the routers ' network printer' USB port.

  • What do you guys use them for!?

    As a secure torrent client. The Raspberry Pi is connected to a VPN permanently and runs Transmission. Downloads are started via the web interface and the Pi directly dumps the files onto a separate NAS. I intend to get port forwarding up and running shortly so that I can kick off downloads from my phone/tablet while away from the home network.

    More info on the general idea here

  • Hm… Ok, thanks.

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