Durable earphones

Hey OzBargain,

I've been going through these past few months with a flow of earphones that have up and died on me.
The problem was that I lost sound from one ear bud as a result of 'damage' and bending of the micro wires near the jack.

This is a common problem with most earphones and I really cannot afford to keep losing money buying earphones that break this way.
Generally I am very careful with my earphones, and the only way I can think of damage is when I am sitting down on the bus listening to music with my phone in my pocket (side pocket). This last pair from OW broke after three uses…

So, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of good, durable earphones you've had experience with that might not break as easily! I also carry books back and to uni so putting my phone in my pocket is kind of necessary :((

Something with a low price would be better haha…

Thanks in advance guys and gals!


  • +2

    The Monoprice 8320's are have an RRP of $7 and they sound pretty good, beating a lot of competitors in the same price range.

    Here's a review from last time it debuted on Ozbargain

    The only issue is that you have to pay international shipping charges which usually adds an extra $10 dollars on top, making it rather uneconomical if you're just after one pair. I suggest buying at least two or three.

    This eBay listing for instance means you can grab one for less than $20 bucks, or two for $31 dollars.

    Also check out https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/151971 and Massdrop for group buy deals.

  • +1

    Buy a pair with a 'L' plug.

  • Thanks for the help !!

  • +1

    Yeah the wire tends to fray at the stress points near each end. What I do now is buy liquid electrical tape and cover all joint areas (even for $300+ headphones) to give it more support.

    • Thanks for the suggestion!!

      And everyone else, thank you for your awake help!

  • -1

    SONY! Sony are the only ones that seem to last, apart from Apple's Earpods…

    Also, Ultimate Ears are atrocious.

  • Try something from Meelectric, or (I prefer) Vsonic. Both brands very good value and durable.

  • +1

    A bit like the tape method mentioned above, use this stuff on all the joints to strengthen them


  • +1

    I would suggest purchasing a short extension for a few bucks (e.g. ebay) for the attachment to the headphone jack if the issue is that typical sitting down and over-bending the wires. Cheers.

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