Find me cheapest Delivered "Royal Canin Canine Hypoallergenic Food"

Hi All,

My Puppy Panda needs his special food! I'm looking for the 14kg pack, I've found em for around $163 delivered…

Found another site 14kg pack, $137…

But charge $10.50 postage, still alot cheaper then above deal! Will keep looking

Here is his photo :)

Thank you everyone who helps me track down a good price!

Delivered will be to Doolandella (4077) Brisbane area


  • Cute pup!

    I can't help with the dog food side of things though as I don't own a dog (and thus don't know where the best dog food deals are)… but I order my pet food from MyPetWarehouse too and have it delivered to me in Sydney, which still works out a LOT cheaper than everywhere else I've looked online and in store for the same exact product.

    Wouldn't surprise me if they offered the best prices on most things including that dog food :)

    • +1

      Thanks for your kind comments
      Found it listed here…

      But at $163.99

      Think I might try out the guys offering it for $137

      • Derp, I skipped right over that price in your original post lol. $137+10.50 vs. $163… ignore my previous comment about MPW offering the best price on most things lol.


        • Awesome! I did some more research and that website,

          Seems to be only 20minutes from me! so I've emailed them and will see if okay to pickup next week! $137 is alot better then the $160 price I saw for this!

  • -4

    Poor dog, being fed synthetic rubbish - it's no wonder he has digestive problems. How would you like to live on a diet of Cheezels?

    • +1

      Someone who genuinely cares about the welfare of animals would post something more informative and helpful, rather than come in just to drop a sarcastic dig like that. How is your post meant to help the OP at all, if you honestly believe the feed in question is inappropriate or not ideal?

      FWIW, I've come across MANY owners of the same animals I have (not dogs) who feed their pets inferior store-bought food. If you don't act like a dick, and offer them some well researched advice (offering further reading for them in the right direction also helps), they're absolutely going to be more receptive to new ideas and changing than your current approach.

      As it stands, your post still leaves the OP's dog in the same position it was before you even said anything. So what was the point of that?

      (OP - I know nothing about dogs, so I don't mean any of this as a criticism towards you or agreement with iseenya. I just hate when people criticise other pet owners for what they're doing rather than creating intelligent, responsible and mature discussion to increase overall awareness of pet health among all pet owners)


      • fair call :) for anyone wondering panda is doing perfectly fine ;) he got his summer haircut last week and is doing just fine :) his almost 5 years old in human years !

  • Got the 14kg pack for $137 ! :) Went and picked it up, very good deal if you ask me! :D

  • By the way, I'm guessing that pack will last you quite a while, but if you're looking for a place that will deliver the next time you're buying and you haven't purchased from Pawsforlife/Pet Circle before, you get 20% off first order with this promo valid until end of this year.

    14kg is $152.95 (just remember to cancel the subscription unless you want it to be sent at this price later on), 80% is $122.36, shipping is $6.95 so about $129. :)

    • Awesome! Thanks for that info! Will buy from these guys next time round ;) got plenty of food for panda for the time being :)

  • Hey Guys,

    Running low! Got around 4kg left in the bag, so will be on the hunt for more, it's been roughly 4 months now since the previous buy, will probably go back to the same company I purchased it for, unless anyone else knows any better deals going?

    I'm also keen to possibly try him on another brand and just mix in and see how he goes, I know aldi have there own brand of dog food but wondering if he would be alright with it, apparently if his feed anything other then this particular brand he gets itchy skin.. he does scratch every now and again already as is.. so I see it as normal behavior..

    His sometimes feed things like cooked sausages or cooked chicken (No bone) and doesn't show any signs of allergic reactions, so I'm unsure if the previous owners have him on the correct food or not.. I do also feed him those dog bone biscuits as a treat and again no signs of any allergic reaction

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