Auspost travel card problem

I purchased the auspost travel card last week and transferred 10k onto it, and during the week I have withdrawn 1k-2k at times. Untill today when I tried to withdraw 1k of what was remaining, "the card has only been used in australia" it said it had been restricted.

it seems aus post travel card support which is from overseas.
I had a very unpleasant conversation, when I initially called I was told that the card was all fine and they will get technical support to call me within 5 days.

I told them I might not be reachable within those times and requested time or day, and after attempts they refused to offer me a solution. I asked when i do get the call will any number show up so i could call back and was told its from somwhere here and should show up, I asked if i couldhave the number he refused. after I kindly asked with there was a way to retrieve my money, and gave me the same answer. I then asked if I could transfer my money onto my Nab debit card, and refused a again and hung up on me.

Does anyone know what is wrong with the card?
What I don't understand why is t there a dirrect number for this, someone calling you at random times is inconvenient and frrsustrating. Who is going to wait 5 days and hope for a call?

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Australia Post
Australia Post


  • where did you use it ? In some part of Asia, credit card (or any other card) fraud is rampant. Someone might tamper the ATM and got hold of your card detail.

    Then they can do whatever they want,including creating exact replica of your card and withdraw it in Australia or spend it online

    So they decided to restrict it.

  • No, it has only been used in australia, I only purchased it since my other cards have a lower limit. The card has only been used in sydney and purchased in sydney.


    In case you see this thread before you go to whirlpool.

  • Cheers mate alteady tried over there its a dead place so trying over here

    Just recently called them again and spoke to the manager and told me they cant do anything about it since the technical support is austalia post, it has nothing to do with them. Then later called auspost and they told me they have no controll over it, wtf?

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