Starting graduate work soon. What can I do with my money?

Hello everyone.

I will be graduating university this year and starting work at the start of next year. I'm just wondering which accounts would be the best place for me to put my money? Would a high-interest savings account like UBank suffice, or are there other options that would be better? I don't intend to do much with my money other than save it for an end of year holiday or something. I'm also living at home so I won't really have expenses either.

I don't really know much about financial services other than high interest savings accounts and term deposits so any advice/info/know-how will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • Depends on cash flow, how liquid you want the funds to be and time you have to learn/invest in other avenues. eg. shares

    I assume you don't have much time, as you will be spending time ramping/networking for your job and your cash flow is low after expenses. Then go for ubank or any similar online saving account.

  • +2

    Give some to mum and dad. They deserve it.

    • Dw, I intend to.

  • Minimize all existing debt (credit cards etc) - then stick it in a Ubank Ultra Saver. Won't get much better than that risk free.

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