Having 2 bank ID cards

I just ordered a new bank carr and was told over the phone you can have 2 cards with 2 ID numbers, so I could log into Internet banking with 2 accounts, but over the branch I was told it was not possible. Has anyone successfully got to cards, hope this makes sense, I just don't want my banking details to show up on my current card if I can get a unlinked cards.


  • My partner and I have that exact same setup for our debit and credit accounts..

    Single accounts, 2 cards, 2 logins.

  • You want an online version and another account with no Internet banking? Basically segregation?

    That's just two seperate accounts. Otherwise I'm not really sure what else you're talking about.

    The branch probably got confused too.

    Just have one online and transfer funds to your ATM/no-online account.

    Not really sure of the benefits besides a little bit extra peace of mind with security, but the banks cover that…for now. Up to a certain amount.

  • So basically I want for example one card with 2 banks. So both unrelated, but basiaclly 2 cards with the same bank if that makes sense.

    • Wait, 2 cards at same bank but one card with 2 banks? Two cards at one bank?

      You can get Cheque account and Savings Accounts. Get two ATM cards at same bank. You get two seperate account numbers in your name at the same bank.

  • I just don't want my banking details to show up on my current card if I can get a unlinked cards.

    Does this have something to do with the Mrs? Its your money son: you can do whatever you want with it.

    To answer your question, yes its possible with ING direct.Seems unlikely with other banks.

  • +8

    Literally nothing the OP has said in this thread makes any sense.

    • +4

      I was not surprised when I saw who it is.

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