Need new bed sheets that dont pill

Ok, my bed sheet is driving me nuts and can't sleep well. It's cotton but pills as hell, can anyone recommend a good and well priced brand ishould look for?

I was reading up Egyptian cotton won't pill, but i don't want to buy the wrong sheets that will give me sleepless nights.



  • These:…

    Bought my first set maybe 5 years ago? Haven't bought any other kind since… Haven't found them pilling after all this time and are flat out, the most comfortable sheets I've ever had on my bed…

    AND they're on special… I mean, I haven't opened the last lot I got… BUT THEY'RE ON SPECIAL!

  • I've used Sheridan for many years and have never experienced pilling (had to google what it was). I always buy 400 thread count or higher.

    Unfortunately it fails 'well priced' but keep your eyes open for big specials (not the perma specials) on and COTD. Make sure you buy a set not a single sheet. Ignore the sheet set 'special' currently on the Sheridan outlet homepage it's only 250 TC.

    • Unfortunately it fails 'well priced

      Not really - they're worth every cent. You'd be crazy to buy at full price though because they have specials regularly.

  • @ Adz81
    Made from a bespoke blend of bamboo and cotton fibres, our Home Republic 600 thread count bamboo cotton sheets are a contemporary indulgence for customers who appreciate quality, function and bedroom style. The construction of this range is 600 thread count sateen, with a bias towards bamboo. The resultant fabric is silky smooth, with a unique surface sheen. The use of bamboo introduces its anti-microbial properties, wickability and results in a fabric that breathes. This is perfect for warmer climates and bedrooms. The colour palette is modern, with a new and updated selection of neutral tones. Sizing is generous and our fitted sheets will suit most modern mattresses.

    copy writer went to town ;)

    • +3

      LOL, all of that aside, they are brilliant sheets… I can only assume that the writer had just slept on the sheets the night before and was so refreshed it actually pushed their mind into some sort of overdrive… Kind of like that Limitless movie but a lot less useful :D

    • I think I will have to hire the copy writer to do my wedding speech

  • Just so you know, Egyptian cotton does come from Egypt where it is handpicked (therefore it's the most expensive), and the most common cotton comes from America, China and India where it is grown in large quantities and harvested by cotton picking machinery.
    However they do abuse the term regularly: The name Egyptian cotton is broadly associated with quality products, however only a small percentage of Egyptian cotton production is actually of superior quality. Most products bearing the name are not made with the finest cottons from Egypt.

  • My favorite sheets of all time are the Morrissey branded bamboo ones that sometimes come up on COTD or I like them so much I bought extras to hide in the back of the cupboard for when the first ones wear out. They're incredibly light and soft and smooth. FYI make sure you follow the washing instructions (cool water, no fabric softener).|cmp:PLA|adg:HomeGardenPets|key:BeddingandManchester|cre:HMSETMORBAM400QB&utm_source=GooglePLA&utm_medium=CSE&utm_campaign=SKU&CAWELAID=730008540000512348&CAGPSPN=pla&gclid=CILTnqD9pcECFVglvQodlm0AtA

    The other sheets I buy for my guest bedroom which are incredibly cheap for the quality are from the clearance section of the Canningvale website. You can get 300thread count egyptian cotton sheet sets for $38, or 370tc plain cotton sheet sets from their 'seconds' listing for $30. Their egyptian ones don't pill, and have a clean 'crisp' feeling. I haven't tried the plain cotton ones. Occasionally the Canningvale website will do a free shipping promo.……

  • how are you washing your sheets? Are you using a dryer? that might be the problem

  • I bought these in September with a $10 off coupon I saw on here. They are the most incredible sheets I've ever had. Even without a coupon I think they are incredible value. Cotton 1000TC 100% Cotton. While I'm writing this I'm thinking I should purchase another set.…

  • Has anyone tried the sheet sets from Kogan?


    Maybe after Christmas we'll see deals?

    I've got polyester sheets and they're killing me!

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