Cheating on PC vs Xbox

Gday all,

I downloaded Bad Company 2, what with it being free this month on Xbox 360. Normally I dont play Xbox very much, and I very rarely play FPS games on Xbox at all, as I find these games much more fun on PC.

I played a lot of BC2 on PC, and I think my KD ratio was something like 1.5 - not all that good, but not all that crap either. My KD ration on B3 is barely over 1 because I havent played it all that much, so I wasnt expecting much. Surprisingly, despite the fact that I was fumbling over buttons and struggling to aim, I think I went 10:7 the first round. The second round was something similar. In a thrice, my Xbox KD ratio was better than my PC stats, even though the controller felt like a potato in my hand.

I wondered why. I suppose it could be because my PC setup is pretty basic, I just have a $5 mouse, but I dont think it would make much difference. The other difference may be that the players on Xbox are just of a lower standard. The alternative explanation is that cheating on PC is a lot more rife than I previously expected.

There were some obviously good players on Xbox, but they tended to be less relentlessly good than on PC, and there were a lot less of them. One guy aced the game a couple of times in a row but had a fairly quiet game the following round. On PC you sometimes see the same player acing a round time after time without fail.

Food for thought anyway.


  • There's an easy answer to that— PC and console demographics are different. When you consider how much cheaper a game console is to a computer that is specced to run a battlefield game, a console is far more accessible and easier to afford.

    On console you will be playing against the more casual gamer demographic and on PC you will be playing against gamers who have, in total, racked up more gaming hours than the average console gamer.
    So yes, the general skill levels are lower though there may be exceptions to the case.

    And it is much harder to cheat on a console since consoles cannot run unsigned code unless they are jailbroken.

    You'll also notice there will also be a lot of newbies running around during school holidays. This is when most kids have free time to play games.

  • For me its the mouse that plays a massive roll in my play. I played a ton of Battlefield F2P on my laptop with a mouse that came with it and I got fairly good at it, 2 years later I switched to a desktop with a entry level wireless Logitech keyboard and mouse and I became absolutely horrible, couldn't aim for crap and I felt very rough in reflexes.

    I got a usb extension cable and hocked up my laptop mouse to my desktop and things got much better.

    This is one of the major drawbacks to PC multiplayer, the equipment plays a large role in how you perform, where as on consoles everyone's in the same boat and skill comes more into play.

    Also yes, cheating on PC is a huge problem too, sometimes you see people that are just beyond incredible, reflexes and aim that aren't humanly possible, and there's little you can do apart from move to a different session.

    Cheating is much harder on consoles and even if it does happen people report the player and they get looked into, its been ages but back in the Halo 3 days I remember this one guy was just insanely good, snipped me and a friend while flying in the air and only seeing us for a glimpse of a second, and on other occasions he'd manage to show up right next to us and just take us out, we couldn't even touch him, anyway I reported him, he seemed way too good and about a day later I got a message saying that player was cheating and now has been banned.

    Its a hard choice if you're a PC player, there's just this feel that you get that makes you love PC gaming, a mixture of memories and such because you've been gaming in PC for so long, you don't get that with consoles

    But when it comes to multiplayer, I prefer the console experience just because of the hardware being standard.

    • wireless anything sucks for gaming. I have a network cable snaking across the living room, and the keyboard and mouse are all corded. Peeves the wife off but what would she know.

      • I really don't think wired vs wireless KB/M is that big of a deal, maybe in absolute cheaper entry level accessories but certainly not in decent gear.

        A typical optimum game will have 60 frames that's 16.6667ms per frame, a good wireless mouse will maybe ~$50 will do report rates of 1000 reports a second or 1 reading per ms. That means you are always making more mouse movements than your screen can show and let's not even discuss if you can see latency at the 16.6667ms level.

        Perhaps if you have a wired mouse, that could do report rates of 2000 or 0.5ms, would you be able to humanly react to that…I won't go there but it's not something I'd pay for.

      • This was the consensus about 10 years ago, but wireless has come along way since those days. Unless your a dpi wh0re then I doubt you would notice the difference. Only downside is when the batteries run out but thats manageable.

  • The other difference may be that the players on Xbox are just of a lower standard

    I once got booted from a server on Battlefield 2142 for hacking, because I was able to pass claymores without blowing them up.

    Little did they apparently know, you can prone crawl past claymores and not trip them off. Apparently it's really hard to read all those loading screen tips that constantly barf useful information like this at you.

    What was that you were saying, about PC players being of a higher standard?

  • It's not cheating, just the players on pc are better skilled.

    Keyboard and mouse is much more precise that a controller, leaving less to chance

    Also, i have a g9 mouse, really the only think that makes it easier to play is the additional thumb buttons (for knife and grenade). I never change settings or weights etc etc

  • Played some more, I think I can even get my KD ratio above 2 with a bit of work.

    My aim was never good, but I generally move well and have good awareness. Maybe on Xbox where everyone's aim more or less sucks, that is more of an advantage.

    Lots of people trying to bum rush you with knives while you desperately spray in their direction. I get a few lols out of that. It doesnt seem to work out well too often.

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