Xbox One, PS3 / 4 or Xbox 360 ??

hi all
This is one of the major change I would like to make this Christmas.

I have grown up playing game on computer, still i only play on PC. but now i want to move on playing console.

Let me tell you that i have ZERO knowledge and experience in all these console and have never played before, and i have no idea about which is new or old i.e. Xbox 360 or one.

so far i have played only first person shooting game, except age of empires (my favorite) and not looking play any other type of game in near future.

so here i am, what should i buy ? budget is not issue, just want something easy to control, understand and operator.

thank you.


  • +1

    I'm shocked that you want to move from PC gaming to console…

    Anyway, I recommned doing some research into the type of games you like and seeing if there are any in particular you want to play? Console choices are usually based on exclusives… e.g. if you like Resistance, it is only for PS3. If you like Sunset Overdrive XBone. etc.

    Really no point in choosing a console and find there aren't any games you want to play on it.

  • +3

    As a PC gamer that plays strategy and FPS - I have tried many times to switch to console. Each time I found aiming and just the general functions to be 100% frustration. Its like learning how to game all over again and knowing how good you should be doing vs how bad you actually are doing is very deflating. I own a PS4 and play it when friends are over and that is it, the rest of the time game is done on the PS4. Recommendation would be to play on a mates and see if you pick it up and enjoy it as much as you do on the PC.

    When deciding between consoles, avoid the old gen ps3 / xbox 360 if budget is not an issue, they are already starting to be phased out and games will stop in the near future. Deciding between xbone and ps4, just look at the titles are console specific available now (view few that would swing you) and coming out in the future and let that be your main contributing factor. PS4 is technically a superior console, however you will be hard pressed to notice unless you playing games that only run in 720p on xbone and 1080p on ps4 but these will cease. Xbone has better movement gaming (who cares) and PS4 is a much smaller unit. Also try the controllers in your hands, different hands prefer different controllers, i personally dont like the xbone controller, just dones feel right. Also take into account what your friends play on for multiplaying online, if they all have PS4 and you want to game with them its a no brainer.

    TL:DR - PC Gamers for life - For me PS4 but weigh up the pros/cons for each person individually

    • +1 for PC Master race! lol

    • your comment makes me to re-think about it.

  • +3

    I will be recommending the PS4 at Christmas 2015/2016 when there's more than 2 decent exclusives.

    However, consider what cypher67 has said above, AND THEN consider console exclusive games that get intense scores of around 85-100, (Such as Gears of War, Uncharted, The Last of Us, LittleBigPlanet (If you're into that sorta thing), Metal Gear, Monster Hunter, etcetera, etcetera.

    The PS3 would be my immediate choice. DO NOT BUY A NEXT GEN CONSOLE JUST BECAUSE IT IS A NEXT GEN CONSOLE. That's what the market wants you to do, and the market is dead wrong. The market is more concerned with money and 'coolness' than videogames. The PS3 has a decade of fantastic games in the backlog, some amazing console exclusives, (I would add Valkyria Chronicles to the list but Steam made that argument defunkt 2 days ago.) and free online, so you don't need to worry about another subscription.

    I grew up with a hybrid of both console and PC, and whilst the PC experience is amazing for modding and sheer overwhelming exclusive and indie game choices, (I'll buy a PS4 when they can put Dwarf Fortress on there with no FPS issues :3) you should pick up a cheap console for some fantastic singleplayer experiences.

  • +1

    I would suggest the ps3, I had been solely a PC gamer for 15 years but last year I bought a ps3 and xbox 360 when they were on sale at the release of the next gen consoles, only took a little bit of time to get use to using a controller instead of the mouse. I also bought a ps4 about 6 months ago and only have two games for it, not enough out to warrant the ps4 until the end of 2015 when you'll have a good selection of games, the ps3 has heaps of great games already to keep you busy, as well as the xbox 360. I suggest the ps3 over the 360 as I find the ps3 controller really comfortable to use where as with the xbox controller my hands get sore after a while and also the ps3 controller is rechargeable, when i opened the xbox 360 i was surprised that it uses AA batteries, rather annoying.

    • how did you find using controller ? was it annoying ?

      • +1

        One reason I held off on consoles was I thought the controller would be annoying but besides the layout of the 360 controller they are easy to use, I found thinking of the left thumb stick as aswd and the right as the mouse it was easy to get the hang of moving and looking around, I play FPS and third person shooters with no problems, I found I thought about the controls for maybe the first 30 minutes but then you won't even notice. I haven't played a PC game since getting consoles, another bonus i like is not having to worry if the game will run like you do with PC games. I also find the 360 is noisier than the essentially silent ps3.

  • Ps4

  • I like to call myself a Playstation fan boy and would recommend a PS3 or PS4. I do own a Xbox and Xbox 360 and I only played Halo and Gears of War. Nothing else interested me on those consoles.

    PS3 has free online play.

    PS4 you need to have a Plus account to play online but it also means you get free or discounted games each month. I believe that your plus account goes across all other platforms eg - If you get the Plus pack on a PS4 it also activates on your PS3 and Vita.

    Prefer Playstation controller.

    PS4 has Remote Play. So if you have a Vita, you can play games on your Vita off you PS4, anywhere as long as both are connected to the internet.

    Easy upgradeable HDD. I upgraded my PS3 from a 40GB to a 500GB hard drive. When I get my PS4, I will be upgrading the 500GB HDD to a 2TB HDD.

    Sales wise, the PS4 has been outselling Xbox One. But as mentioned, it is always great to get the same console as your mates. Makes online gaming more fun.

    If you're a fan of FPS like Borderlands, give Destiny a try.

  • Why not get yourself a alienware alpha (or just build your own steam machine).

    Im a long time playstation gamer with the majority of my time spent on my PS4 but If i could start again i would just put a moderately powerful computer into my home entertainment centre and enjoy the enormous library available to me via steam, GOG, etc.

    My opinion had always been that PC gaming is just a bit to fiddley with patches and driver issues, but if the issues with the recently released batch of AAA titles is anything to go by then it doesnt seem to matter where you game, theres going to be issues!

    i always find it amusing that i have to hunt around like crazy to get bargains? for my PS4 when i could just get the game for PC for less day one!

    I love my PS4, but i think that with the right set up i would probably love being a PC gamer more.

  • +1

    they're not that expensive so i dont know why people even care too much about console wars

    i have a ps3 and xbox360 and will most likely buy a one soon but i'm in no rush to get a ps4

  • I've been thinking of getting myself a steam machine. I bought a ps3 last Christmas, but I barely play it. Games are cheaper on steam, and I have a huge library that I want to play, that my laptop just can't run. (Games are also really cheap and plentiful on ps360).

    On controllers, I played Skyrim on ps3 after hearing about what a great game it was, but found the controller was really awful to use so didn't play it again.

    What I really want is a small quite PC that can play games at ps3 level graphics. I'm trying to work out if steam machines will do that.

    I also just read an article claiming that the huge specs on ps4xb1 are pushing PC games to demands higher requirements (I have no knowledge of hardware and can't comment on how accurate a prediction this might be). So if you were into playing the latest games you might want something upgradable.…

  • +1

    If you already have a good computer, i'd go with xbone. If you don't, ps4.

    Xbox has far more quality exclusives, whereas ps4 has the slightly better visuals, which probably ends up being a bigger plus, if you're going to play every 3rd party game on it.

    • "If you already have a good computer, get the console that all the good-graphics PC games will be on as well and miss out on PS4 exclusives"

      What? It's being evidenced that Microsoft is putting most their Bone exclusives on PC as well (Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Titanfall) whilst PS4 are not. I would say if you have a good PC, get all the bone exvlusives on your PC and a PS4 for Bloodbourne and Uncharted and The Last of Us if you were the one person who doesn't have a PS3 and have it already, etc.

      If you have a crap PC like myself and you're super desperate to play the next Fable and Crackdown after the last game in both franchises turned the whole series to mediocre garbage (I love both franchises, but those sequels hurt me) then get a Bone.

      • if there's some games on xbox360/one or ps3/4 that you want that are not on PC and that you want to play, get that console if you have the money

        its really simple

        there will never be forza or gran turismo on pc so i have all the consoles (except ps4)

        but as soon as gt7 arrives the ps4 is mine

        what sells consoles? it isnt 1,080p or better controllers or whatever

        its exclusives or you feel that that particular console has the best version of that game or maybe its what your friends have so you want that community

        its pretty clear to me

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