Would you laugh at someone if he/she stumble and badly injured

Now this is something that can't fit into any particular forum but I thought wise and considerate ozbargainers can be the best people to share with. Long story short, I stumbled on a footpath today, fell on the concrete turf and badly injured my right knee. I couldn't keep my balance. Seeing that someone started laughing from the other side of the road so loudly that instead of looking at me people looked at him and he thought he should laugh even more to prove that he is not a damn stupid. I was really shocked to see such a reaction and when I asked him why he laughed, he said it was really a fun seeing someone stumbled and fall with bad bruise. I asked him whether he would take it as a fun if someone else laughed at him in a similar situation and to avoid look stupid he said he wouldn't mind. Much to my surprise all of his friends came forward and said they had a huge fun out of it.

My question to my ozbargainer friends:

1) Would you laugh if you see someone stumbled and get bad injury? or

2) Would you come forward and help that person stand up and throw some words like "Are you okay?"

Yes there are low lifes in our society but even those low lifes would expect someone to show minimum courtesy when they are in such a situation. Why? Because we are all human being.

This is my very first post in Ozbargain and your thoughtful opinion would at least heal the wound.


    • +1

      glass doors are soooooo funny. I'm sure it must hurt like crazy, but you have to suck it up. Better to be bruised and have a laugh than feel like an idiot and get sympathy, and still be bruised.

    • +1

      well, seen an example there is one person running very fast and hit on the glass door beside the bar gate, the door shattered.

      there are at least 50 peoples lining up right there going home through security bar gate. None laugh at him but "saying WTH"

  • Your first post is to ask if Ozb will laugh at some misfortunate? How interesting..

  • +1

    I remember coming to a stop at a stop sign one day. 2 seconds later, a kid on his push bike came past too busy looking at something else, and he rode straight into a telegraph pole. I was in utter hysterics. Though I did stop and help him when I realised he was hurt. I apologised for laughing and on reflection he agreed it would've been rather hilarious from an outsider perspective. Moral of the story, don't take yourself too seriously. If you come off pretentious, why would you expect the help of others?

  • Sno. You should never laugh at the misfortune of others.

  • If he/she falls and not injured…then yes…

    but if he/she falls and get injury….then will try to help him/her.

  • I might chuckle if it looked funny, and also ask the person if they're okay.

  • The OP itself sounds like it could be an episode from Seinfeld to me.

    Personally I wouldn't laugh and would probably rush over to help but I can see why someone would react like that, especially since quite a few people came forward it was probably a particularly funny slip and one person in the group had a little less self control.

    Naturally I would be worried, but if you had enough energy to ask someone from across the road (who might have actually been too far away to see any visible injury) why they were laughing, it does kind of play down the seriousness of any injury. Especially since I assume you would have probably needed to raise your voice, and even more if you appeared angry. I don't know whether you'd actually raised your voice or gotten angry but it's hard to imagine a scenario other than yelling back across the street as they would have to hear you over their own laughter. In which case I wouldn't consider their follow up reaction to be completely abnormal either. It's not the nicest thing to do, but it's also not uncommon.

    • This did come to mind when I was reading it.

  • Yesterday at the airport a lady's bag strap snapped and as a result she tripped over and seemed to be in a lot of pain. Plenty of people rushed to her aid, no one was laughing.

  • Mostly, when I see someone hurt in a fall or slip, all I notice is 9/10 people just standing around like mullets not laughing, not helping, just standing back. I'm the sort to go over and help. I remember reading though, that terrorists let one bomb off and then when people rush in to help, they let off another one - bit depressing.

  • I'm laughing at your hurt reputation right now.

    Though to answer the question: If it looked like it wasn't that serious, and the fall was a particularly awkward-looking one, I'd likely have a giggle from across the street. If I was behind you when it happened, I'd certainly ask if you were alright. And finally, if I was on the other side of the street and saw you take an actual decent fall (to the ground, can't get up) I'd definitely cross (if safe) to give you an arm up.

    I'd hope to get the same treatment in return. If I stacked it and skinned my knee I'd happily have a giggle with the bystanders.

  • That stuff is Youtube Gold. No ones going to hate you for a little chuckle, but when you realise the person is hurt, you so should put out the hand of help and compassion.

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