OzBargainers - Ruthless bullying tight arse bottom feeders with fake accounts

I was not sure about Ozbargain so I checked out some reviews. I had to be brave - because most "people are actually scared to post on the site because of these tight ass freaks." I did think about registering a fake account to post with… as apparently "most register account are fake (since real accounts like me are getting banned)."

I was quite excited when I saw that there was "a lot of penny pinching bottom feeding going on within the site"…. however I realised my excitement about the pairing of the words 'pinching' and 'bottom' was misguided. As such I have decided that I need to be "very sceptical about some of the things that people say on there."

I am not sure how well this will go…. Mod's will likely be onto it straight away as apparently "Mods know everything about everything as they are some top spies".

"Don't use this site! You deserve better! Don't be treated like rubbish!"


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  • +16

    Not sure what you are trying to say.. are you?

    As far as believing everything you read on an internet forum as being beyond question…?? The internet is no different to talking to your next door neighbour or a bloke at the pub… Both can give you good info or pure bullshit. That is when the onus falls back on you to detect one from the other.
    Just because something is written doesn't mean it is to be believed.

    As far as OZB goes, the opinions and advice shown on here would be some of the best and honest you will find anywhere. There may be the odd bit of bad advice but generally it is very good.

    I don't understand the reason anyone would want a fake account??

    • +18

      I think the OP is being a bit tongue-in-cheek xy; he's not a newcomer as the post implies, hes actually been on the site/posting for about 4 years! I'm going to go and read the review now… I wonder if they signed it with their real name; or a fake one!

  • +10

    Lol, what a laugh! I don't even understand what they mean by "fake accounts". Do they mean that actually, my real name is not "Gnarly Knuckles" (shock/horror)? Or that in reality, there is no person actually called "Waterlogged Turnip"?

    I haven't read the review you've link to yet, but I get the gist of it from your post. It's most likely written by some (profanity) who posted rubbish on the site, or a massive unwarranted whinge, expecting support; and got some honest opinions that they weren't ready for. When this happens, some peeps take it on the chin and move on; maybe even learn from it, and keep visiting the site/interacting. Unfortunately others "lose it", and start picking fights with members… the longer-standing members tend to kind of support each other in situations like this, even if they don't actually agree with each other's opinions on the topic at hand; so it can tend to get worse for the misguided newcomer, if they prolong the situation themselves/can't "move on"/ forget about it.

    That bit about the mods mods in your post (or I should say, in the review you are quoting) is really bizarre. Actually the mods achieve the hard job of "keeping some sort of order" without over-moderating (i.e. censoring/ patronising/ nannying/ pursuing their own agenda etc.) really well on the site, I personally believe. And the mods are quite popular on the site, which I believe means that most users feel the same way I do.

    The quote "real accounts like me are getting banned" is pretty telling… that dude must actually have done something pretty bad to be permanently banned. That review must be their feeble attempt at retaliation. Anyways, I bet it actually has the opposite of the intended effect. If I read such an obviously jaded review as that one, I'd instantly want to visit the site, to check it out!

    • +5

      So Mr T. Arse is a fake name? Noooooooooooooooooooooo…!!

      • +3

        For the record: I really am Scrooge McDuck, just ask scotty!


        • +6

          Yes my friend Donald and his three nephews said so.

  • …..nearly 500 posts and 16 posts to decide to 'check out some reviews', i'm confused as hell!
    For someone so involved it's like you've decided to try 'something' for the first time and decided posting would be fun…..

  • I'm a bit confused. You aren't banned nor ever have been. Are you quoting from somewhere? I don't see that on product review.

    • +10

      He's quoting from several of the one star reviews. In their context they appear to be store reps done for sock puppeting.

      • Ah yes. I do recognize 3 of those negative reviewers. We would respond but it's something like $50/month and we're too cheap.

        • +15

          I am dying. From laughter…so no-one needs to come rescue me ;)

          Too cheap to respond to the being called "penny pinching" and "tight ass" (amongst other things).

          God I love this place. Almost enough to register an account with Product Review and post something nice!


          Time is money after all.

        • +1


          And that, sir/madam, is why we will rate zero stars.
          I agree, that my time would be wasted rating OzB.
          If a reputation site doesn't control for that level of scamming it is worthless.

        • +2

          We would respond but it's something like $50/month and we're too cheap.

          Who would have guessed that !

          However that is a valuable bit of information.
          (The cost bit…)

          So a business may cop some negative reviews, (either real, unjustified or imagined) and to be to respond will cost them money.

        • @Baysew:

          "So a business may cop some negative reviews, (either real, unjustified or imagined) and to be [able] to respond will cost them money."

          Aye, that's a keen observation/good point Bays. So IN THEORY, a bunch of stooges associated with the 'product review' site could serially post negative reviews, specifically designed to get the businesses negatively reviewed by them to pay the site money for the right to respond to those negative reviews. A sort of 'cyber stand-over' type modus operandi. That reminds me a bit of that "Not-good-enough" website that gained initial fame followed by infamy, via "A current Affair" or one of those shows, about 10 years ago…

        • Lol, I want to pos your comment, Neil.

        • Sounds like yelp of the online world. Except those reviews do sound like authentically butthurt reps who failed to make a good enough deal.

  • -7

    Mod delete if you wish but i just have to say the OP is a Bloody idiot.

    • +2

      OP is making fun of all the people posting crazy negative reviews about OzBargain…not actually saying these things about OzBargain himself/herself…hence the use of quotation marks and slightly strange sentence structure. If you click on the link he/she provide you can even read the quotes in all their gloriousness!

  • +8

    I sense some sarcasm.

    • +7

      And figure a 20% reader understanding mortality. Satire that is universally admired is bloody tough.

  • +2

    Who cares.

  • +10

    Lol quality post!

    Going over some heads though :P

  • +1

    Hilarious. What a bizarre collection of 'reviews'.

  • +1

    Welcome to the internet?

  • +5

    I would be offended if OzBargain didn't get zero stars anywhere that counts reputation, because every dodgy outfit will vote us down, but even the best operators only get faint praise.

    • +3

      You'll be wondering for those business getting almost 5 stars average with hundreds of reviews on ProductReview.com.au — how do they actually do it?!

      • Comments from their friends?

  • Whoosh whoosh
    You going to break that wooden spoon

  • +4

    if we look into those account they were prolly created by Gerry Harvey and Ruslan Kogan

  • +2

    I went and left a nice review now. The bad ones were hurting my head

    • I was contemplating doing something similar, but was hesitant to give the site anything even vaguely resembling legitimate information about me; what was the "sign-up" process like? I was actually toying with the idea of submitting a review of their web-site to them, for 'publication' on their website. Just for a laugh.

      • Pretty easy.myou need to confirm your email is correct by responding once you do the review, but once I did that I didn't fill in all my details

  • The site is very accurate

    http://www.productreview.com.au/p/citibank.html (1.3 from 193 reviews)

  • Reviews probably posted by haters from other unsuccessful deal / voucher sites

  • flamer

  • +1

    Can someone rephrase that in English ?

  • People vote with their wallets end of day,

    With OZB, not everyone a tight ass, it's just a matter if what's on offer is needed and represent a good deal.

    I come on 2-3 times a day just to see what's going on,

    Yes we post from time to time, but you can see i post more comments then deals (for our business of cause).

  • +2

    According to www.productreview.com.au:

    How many stars would you give to prodctreview.com.au?

  • Why isn't there a review of Product Reviews on Product Reviews?

    • Just saw this .. see my reply below.

  • +1

    I had a run in with that site some time back, I'm an old member and I tried to raise an issue when one of my reviews was "censored". because it was negative against a particular product.

    Then when I complained to say how dare you censor my review when I was respectful and truthful all along. They couldn't justify it.

    Finally I reviewed their own site ProductReview on productreview. Created a new product added a review that said these guys are sold out and censor negative reviews of their "Favoured" products. I was censored again :-)
    haven't been back there in years.

  • +1

    Some of those comments sound like whiney conplainers
    But the essence is actually true

    I've been on here for many years and I've learned that before posting anything, you need to:

    • Do heavy research into whether what you're posting is the cheapest available through all sources, including ebay, staticice, alibaba, local and foreign sites and whatever else there is.
    • Then you have to make sure there is no duplicate deal. Sounds reasonable enough. But that includes having to search the site using all possible combination of keywords to make sure you did it right
    • Then, yes. Spelling and coherency is picked up and pointed out if done incorrectly. It's just what people do.
    • Once posted. You sit and wait, hoping the brand of the item you have posted is not hated by the community or the website has had a bad reputation that you are unaware off.

    All that's left after all of that is to sit and wait, hoping not to see the dreaded red box..

    So, anyone who pops on here and posts something they thought was good and wanted to share quickly. Gets what can be perceived as "hate" and "flame". Feels bad if you're not used to an online forum/community atmosphere

    I try to be nice to first time posters. Don't neg newbies and provide constructive advice. And mostly everyone here does the same.
    I guess in the small instances where people decided to say something without treading lightly, it can and has caused a negative perception of the site as a whole

    It's a shame if people really feel that way, this site is a jewel for Aussies. I recommend to everyone I know to do a search on here before making any purchases like TV's, personal electronics etc. And so many of those people now light up their once darkened lives with cree torches powered by an endless supply of eneloops

    • I to quite an extent agree with you actually, I find OzB can be polar opposites. An ever increasing source of information and discussion, but also what seems to be the skulking place of some very bitter and jaded people. It's not necessarily a bad thing to critique the quality and punctuality of posted deals, I think the flaw lies with the lynching mentality users get afterwards. What's the point?

  • gerard48 has a good point:"the essence is actually true". I was actually inspired to register in order to praise a US company that I have used over a few years, and one clown attacked me because he assumed that I was sockpuppeting, as I had registered only 10 minutes before. Another clown attacked me for the same posting more than twelve months later and is reluctant to respond to my reply. It hasn't been enough to turn me off, as I have previously been savaged by experts on US websites. I very proudly posted a bargain once, and learned very quickly that it was a duplicate. I have not got the spare time available to do heavy research into alternative prices, or search for the possibility that the bargain might be a duplicate that can be hard to find. I find the very idea that someone will bother to check on how long ago someone registered before posting a forum remark, or assume that any positive feedback must be sockpuppeting (Ozbargain jargon) is amusing. This is indeed a good website, and I check it several times a day now. I had no idea what sockpuppeting was before visiting this site. It has been educational. Sometimes I look for examples of *awky trying to bully someone, or a similar example. I am happy to help anyone being bullied on internet forums.

  • +1

    I generally take Product Review ratings with a grain of salt, just because you're more likely to leave a review if you have had a negative experience rather than a normal, or even a positive one. It definitely skews the perspective.

  • pandalecki is correct about product reviews. All of my experiences with Kogan and myus.com have been positive, and I suspect that is indeed the case with most of their customers. Have no wish to cross swords with anyone who has had a bad experience. All of my experiences with amazon.com have also been positive. Some reviews go too far the other way, and I am brave enough to say that any coffee machine review that directly contradicts Gail and Kath at seattlecoffeegear.com is a false review. I have been under heavy pressure sometimes to change a bad review of a merchant. Some amazon.com reviews of goods are false, and the products have been obtained for free.

  • +4

    Resurrecting an old thread. OzBargain has been getting lots of 1-star reviews over the years. Personally I do not care much about those reviews, however this recent one has called out my name so I feel that I need to make a response. Since OzBargain does not have an active Brand Management subscription on ProductReview.com.au (thus cannot reply to reviews), I'll respond here.

    The reviewer, a representative from Sydney PTE Liverpool, posted a deal at ~1PM today. After reporting a few comments as Personal Attacks, he emailed me at around 5PM to complain about "unprovoked trolling on deal posts in the form of negative comments". Here's my email reply:

    OzBargain is a community forum, and its members are simply reacting to your post. To be honest I do not think PTE is a product that will be useful for OzBargainers.

    I made such response because PTE (Pearson Test of English) is mostly used by international students or migrants for their visa application. That gives the context how "Shristi" quoted me out in the review.

    By 5:30PM the account on OzBargain is disabled, and review on ProductReview was posted at 6:20PM.

    • He or she has got only comment on productreview and that is ranting about ozb… Typical newbie…. Thats why I don't trust those sites..

      • Tends to be the case with everything. People with good experiences are far less likely to write reviews than those with a bad experience. It's unfortunate that some of those reviewers have made their OzBargain identity far too easy.

    • All those one star reviews must really upset you - clearly the low levels of traffic and clickthroughs, not to mention the lack of loyalty from regular visitors indicate that these reviews are hurting the brand. Oh wait.

      • Exactly! I vowed neevr to post again after this helpful expose…but er…5000 comments later.

    • Ya know, the collective stinginess of OzBargain during a good deal has been known to exhaust the bandwidth of substantial e-commerce sites.

      Maybe it's time to…


    • I Googled PTE for alternative meanings, reluctant to accept a description riddled with errors selling English courses.

  • +1

    Some people think they can bluff their wares on here and won't get caught out. Unless you have stayed on here for more than 5 minutes, you realise OB members have the strongest bullshit meters out there. Even if they may err on the false positive from time to time, their lust for a bargain will be overruled for their need for a genuine deal, not one they are either falsely being lured into or worse, is not a deal at all.

    Yes feelings get hurt sometimes, but to be a tight-arse on here, you gotta grow some balls…

  • +4

    Because of all the poor reviews on product review I will no longer be buying ozbargain products!

  • +4

    My review: Came here to save money. Am now broke. 1 star.

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