Snowboarding goggle & helmet

Hi guys,

Going to the snow in July, just wondering if there are cheap deals (discount) out there for googles and helmets?



  • +1

    The northern hemisphere will start having their end of season sales sooon. But what are you after? The cheapest gear you can get? Are you after a particular brand or style?
    If these are things you want to wear for more than a few weekends away to the snow you really should get into a brick and mortar store to test them out. In fact if you can try them out, definitely do it. Especially the goggs.

    Uncomfortable goggs and helmet can ruin your day.

    I have an odd shaped head so trying gear on is a must!!

    • Uncomfortable goggs and helmet can ruin your day.

      As a skier for over 15 years this is completely true. A well fitting helmet is also extremely important for safety as well as comfort.

      As for where to get them Aldi has reasonably decent gear but you need to be at the Aldi store bang on opening time and prepare for a fight to the death :P

      Rays ski shop in Myrtleford always has a Queen's Birthday sale where there are always reasonable deals(for Australia) on last year's gear.

      Start looking on Amazon and if they don't ship to Australia try box hop or a similar forwarding service, though with the current dollar value prices in the US aren't cheap.

      The REI( sale is always good but again you'll need a forwarding service to ship here.

      Have you got Snowboard pants and a jacket? Others will probably disagree but I'd recommend not cheeping out on Pants and a Jacket. Especially if you are going multiple times per year for several years a good set will last 5-10 years unless you put on/gain weight)….

      Unless you are lucky it WILL rain and unless you have 20000/20000 water proof you WILL get wet and it is bloody uncomfortable.

  • Hmm That's true. I would much prefer to get it in the store or at least try it in the store then get it online if there's a discount

  • Oakley stores at DFO have cheap googles

    go have a look at them

    if ur not fussed u can also wait for the adli sale
    its coming soon!

  • Locally if you are just starting out and not too fussed about brands, Aldi got some ok snow gear just before our snow season start. Costco also has Bolle googles and helmet from time to time,decent prices as well. As pointed out above, northern hemisphere just came out of winter so I usually browse Amazon or other US stores now for gear for the coming season.

  • As others have said, my biggest piece of advice would be to go into a store and try them on and then look to see if you can find online cheaper. You will find that well fitted goggles and helmet will make a huge difference.

    • +2

      My two cents… if you're going to be taking up bricks and mortar store staff's time, do the decent thing and buy from them or at the very least give them the opportunity to match an online store's price.

      • I agree. Ask for their best price… I think you'll find the US to be not that much cheaper if at all with the current exchange rate…

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