How Many Pair of Work Shoe You Own?

As a bargain hunter how many pair of work shoe you own?

What sort of work you do?

Do you think one should own more than 1 work shoe?

How long your shoe lasts?

should one have at least two pair of work shoes to switch between pair for hygiene reason?

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  • +1

    Just the one. Huntington by Dunham. In actual fact they are essentially sneakers that look like dress shoes. Only available in the US, got a forwarded to me. Super comfortable:…

  • How many pair of work shoe you own? What sort of work you do?
    I own at least 4 black work shoes and also shoes in a variety of different colours such as brown, grey, and tan.
    I wear smart casual so I don't have to wear black shoes every day. Such a pity I cant wear runners at work tho:(

    Do you think one should own more than 1 work shoe?
    Yes! especially if you buy the cheaper ones. To make any shoe last longer, u will need a few pairs to rotate on a daily basis so they dont wear down as much.

    My dilemna is when to say goodbye to them? When the sole wears down?

  • Generally 1, except when they're wearing down, and i get a new pair for some overlap… so 2

  • I have 2 pair of work shoe, one pair for each foot. Work i do is just standing, so my shoe lasts good.

  • -1

    Handful of black, lots of brown shoes.

    I prefer a full leather shoe, leather sole and a good solid heel. Tend to come in at the $300-$400 mark.
    Hard to find something under $300 with a leather sole and can't bring myself to spend more than $500 on a pair of shoes.

  • Can i assume anyone with more than 2 pair of shoes is a woman ?

    • If you work at home, every pair of shoe you own is a workshoe. Just ask scotty :)

  • swtich between two (black)
    have also 3 hush puppies that are ready to be used (was on sale, 50 bucks each)
    have 2 brown ones (impulse cheap buy) that i rarely use
    1 that looked nice for my wedding but is too tight :(

    most of my shoes are purchased on sale at myers etc, around 30-50 bucks, usually when they have those 50-75% off reduce prices sale, so i stock up!

  • Probably about five? All black patent leather. (I work in retail and unless you sell shoes, you can't wear coloured shoes so black patent leather is the next best thing)

  • A 5yo pair of steel cap shoes that are just about worn through

  • Two pairs black leather for the office
    One pair steel capped boots for on site
    Casual shoes for Fridays

    So, 4 pairs

  • 12 pairs. 6 of which have never seen the light of day.

    I switch for hygiene because I don't wear socks.

  • 12 pair? How long you been collecting them?

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