Hi, and help me please

Hi, I love this site and it has saved me lots of money, which I spent on impulse buys of other bargains found here.

About a month ago I started using a VPN on my desktop computer, and since then I have been unable to comment on threads. I have full account access with my phone and netbook (which are not connecting via VPN) so I am sure the problem is VPN related.

I know that some people use VPNs to get around bans, but I am not doing that.

What do I need to do to get my desktop bargains back?


  • Yes we do block some VPN endpoints from posting deals & comments. Use your normal residential, mobile or business broadband connection and it should work.

  • +1

    Thanks for the reply scotty.

    I guess I'll try some different VPN servers until I find one that works.

    My clumsy fingers make browsing unpleasant on devices that aren't KB + mouse.

    And thanks again for providing such a great site. I have learned a lot about bargain hunting, and got some good ideas and great laughs from the forums

    [edit]Removing the VPN from my desktop would fix my problem, but I want the anonymous benefits and privacy of the VPN more than convenience of bargain hunting right now.

    • Why can't you turn it off to visit ozbargain?
      So you want anonymous on this site?

      • no can do, it's just the way my pc is set up. it is a torrenting box and I want it behind a VPN.

        If I lose some access like OzBargain, that sucks bigtime, but it will be the price I pay for anonymity. It is not like I can not access the site, it is just aquward to use my netbook or phone

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