Fellow OzBargainers! What everyday products DON'T you skimp on?!

We are all bargain hunters here! Some more than others. But what products do you feel you DONT you skimp on?
(Everyday items that are used often)

For me:
1 - Nail Clippers/Tweezers
2 - Steak Knives
3 - White goods (esp. Washing Machine/Dishwasher)
4 - Spring/Summer business shirts (i.e. Charles Tyrwhitt)
5 - Electric Toothbrush (Oral B series)

Everything else I can think of (Electronics, Clothing, Car, Food etc) for me is negotiable and depends largely on the price at the time.

Fellow Ozbargainers - think hard - how many/which products DON'T you skimp on?

Answer the poll below also please!

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  • 5
    4 to 8 Products
  • 9
    1 to 3 Products
  • 25
    9+ Products
  • 52
    Everything is fair game, I skimp on anything!


  • +35

    It is not skimping to wait and only buy at a bargain price. It is skimping to accept a cheaper product because you couldn't be bothered waiting.

    • -1

      Surely waiting if you happen to want* something is skimping though …

      *: almost said need instead of want but really how far do you go with that.

    • So True i all buy only want i want. never skimp any more end up hate on whitegoods and brown goods.

      • +17

        Hmm maybe read back before posting comment next time.

    • I agree but would put it a different way: "Why pay retail when you can pay near or at wholesale when on sale"?

      This means I will never buy Apple or Miele, but every other brand is up for grabs, if it is at the right price.

  • +3

    Hose fittings
    Paper towels (Aldi ftw)
    Dog food
    Internet connection

    • Exactly what I was looking for Janko! - I was tempted to put Internet Connection (have NBN Tier 2 speed) but I guess I skimped as there are 5 speeds you can sign up to. Also agree about Aldi paper towels! Which Dog Food do you purchase?

      • +3

        All of the above.

        I'll add Toilet paper to the mix also. Cheaper brands can be a pain in the ass :p

        Regarding which dog food, for kibble mine are on Black Hawk now. Good quality, Australian, and has the added benefit of lowering the odds that I might encounter an angry Emu oneday.

      • +1

        I get chicken mince and beef offcuts from a wholesale meat place that doesn't mind selling to the public.

  • +23


    Trust me

    • +4

      Sounds like you learned the hard way :P Tim Jr. running around somewhere?

    • Same.

  • +9

    Bed linen for me i like the comfy expensive stuff (which you can get extremely cheap around xmas time).

  • +2

    Pacemaker, CPAP, Defibrillator…

    • -1

      please explain how you can skimp on a defibrillator/PPM

      • Malaysian Medical Holiday or something.

  • +13

    Toilet paper
    Bed sheets (however will always look for a bargain)
    Internet (I liken this to a drug. I'd do terrible deeds to pay for this, regardless of price, as long as I get my hit)
    Work shoes (Will try for a bargain, but if they're uncomfortable, they're worthless)
    Chocolate. Nothing more disappointing that cheap chocolate.

    • +3

      So true for chocolate

    • +2

      Actually, ALDI's chocolates aren't that bad… a bit sweet for my liking (even at 85% dark choc) but otherwise still nice.

      Would that count as skimping?

      • +2

        Most reviews from Choice last year said it was in the top 3. No brainer for the price. The Moser Roth (or something like that) is also quite good.

        • Yeah that's the one I was talking about. For an 85% it is still too sweet IMO, but it's not bad.

        • +1

          Agree. I keep a stash of the individually wrapped 85% in my drawer at work in case of emergency (which strangely occurs around 3pm every afternoon…lucky I keep my gym cycle)

        • +1

          my lowest grade of chocolate is lindt or toblerone

          no point buying cheap stuff, not even cadbury or whatever is acceptable

          granted i'm not a chocoholic… i especially do not eat easter eggs

        • @toristo: LOL if only the gym cycle is enough… I've gained abit since winter started =(

        • +1

          @ProjectZero: What you meant to say was you've adopted an ozbargain approved way of reducing your heating costs

    • -1

      Also don't forget:
      Something that you use frequently no matter what—> Universal for reader

  • +10


    • Do you use one everyday?

    • +2

      For me its Wingsuits. Just dont trust the generic brands when im hurtling towards a small crevice at 120kmh in the cheap chinese helmet i got off ebay

  • +5

    For me

    1. Stockpots
    2. Vacuum cleaner
    3. Mobile Phone (Well, I don't skimp out in that I set a reasonable budget, $400, and go for flagships from the past.)
    4. Skin care product (I did my research on the products on forums and stuff, I don't go for cheaper (or more expensive) products that are not recommended)
    5. Headphones/Earphones (Same goes for this)
    6. Exercise books (I use fountain pen, so crappy papers usually smudge (though nothing majorly expensive + I think since an ink bottle lasts me a year, in the long run I break even).)
    7. Toothbrush (Again, I don't skimp as in, not the cheapest. A person I know told me ones with microfibre are good, since his father is a renown dentist, I follow his advise)
    • Great list! Can you recommend any toothbrush brands then?

      • Well, he basically said, anything with microfibre is pretty much OK.

    • +1

      You follow his advice.

      • :P My brain was in two tracks, where one part of my head was thinking along the lines of what he have advised and the other, his advices. Well, that's my excuse at least.

    • Explorer socks
    • Toothpaste
    • Cat food
    • +4

      As a former Explorer believer I should share that I get better quality than explorer socks from Paddy's markets in Sydney from the stall that sells nothing else. 3 pair for $20.
      They are seriously better wearing, thicker, and they have them in 10 colours.
      I know they will do them for $5 each if you buy 150 pairs (not all for me!)

    • Condoms

    • Electronics

    • Chocolate

    • Formal clothes

    • +1

      Electroncs? Like what?

      • +2

        Particularly computers, phones and battery packs.

        • I am pretty much the same on this….computer parts, cameras, lenses, and most importantly batteries….but I will wait for a good deal to buy if I don't need it straight away.

        • +1

          @aim54x: yep camera lenses is a good one. I never buy grey imports I just wait for a good deal or till I go overseas and get the GST back

  • +25

    I only pick the best stuff out of the council clean ups.

    • scored a 42" plasma tv tonight from hard rubbish collection. bought a remote control from aliexpress for $2.43. In a month I'll be set (no pun intended).

  • +3

    another for bed linen. And doonas. Mine cost $800 and its worth every dollar of that. Its extra long so I can tuck my feet and neck in, so comfy

    Marks and Spencer makes nice bed linen, and cheaper than the same thing in Australia

  • +16

    From what I have observed, must OzBargainers don't skimp on

    • Rechargeable batteries (Japanese made Eneloop)
    • Toilet paper (Quilton)
    • +6

      Quilton toilet paper is the sh1t

    • +1

      But there is that sanyo vs panasonic eneloop debate everytime.

    • +6

      Personally I prefer the Herald Sun

    • I never use Toilet paper, I use other method.

    • -1

      Also Almost forgot:
      Something that you use frequently no matter what—> Universal for reader
      (Sorry for "spam" comment unable to edit my previous post)

  • +4

    Toilet Paper
    Vacuum Cleaner

    the 4 i listed is the type of product where once you experience an really high end product, you never go back.

    • +1

      I guess I'd agree with these too - I'm currently a big fan of Aldi's extra long roll Toilet paper 3ply.

      • Are the Aldi Toilet papers nice? I am running low on my stash so I might grab Aldi's if they are any good.

        • +1

          I reckon if you do an Aldi shop semi regularly, it's worth grabbing this particular long roll 4 pack. Its 3ply, 22c per 100 sheets and does the job well IMO.

        • @rawm:I might do that :) Thanks

        • That's the stuff we use good value

        • I made the mistake of buying the 2ply Aldi cause it was cheap. I usually get the 3ply. But savings I thought.

          Now I use extra sheets to make up for it so there goes any savings. Plus not as soft.

        • +1

          @diddy50: The worst are the public toilet huge rolled up ones. Single ply! Cheap stuff.

    • +1

      I skimped and got an Aldi vacuum cleaner… far better value than Dyson.

  • +4

    Bacon. Once you try the Dorsogna streaky bacon sold at Woolies you just can't go back to regular bacon.

    • +2

      I also used to buy generic deli bacon. Now we buy Hans full strips cryo packed in the fridge, $9.99/kg.
      It is substantially tastier.
      I very occasionally get to taste premium (like $45kg) bacon and it is very, very nice. But hey, $10/kg gets me 75% of the benefit.
      But I always complement that bacon, just to make sure it is still there next time I come back!

  • +7

    Anything that goes between me and the ground - mattress, tyres, shoes (not fashionable/expensive shoes, but comfortable ones).

    - toilet paper
    - computer equipment (though there's no home brand octacore processors around that I know of)
    - alcohol (I try to wait for good products to go on sale, but would never buy the cheapest ethanol-grade booze for the sake of saving $5)

    • Though not home brand… AMD octacores are cheaper then Intel… cheapest AMD octacores are about the same price as an i3… so probably worth looking into.

      • +2

        and AMD octacores probably perform worst than a dual core i3.

        • +1

          LOL probably… but the requirements only stated octacore

    • " no home brand octacore processors around that I know of "


      Did you prefer expensive carpet or quality ceramic?

  • +6

    I still buy Coca-Cola when I know other Colas can be had cheaper (RC and LA). Not really sure why tbh.

    • +3

      Ur not sure why until u taste the other stuff, then u know why. 50-80c per litre saving…mm nar thanks.

  • BBQ Sauce. Mmm.

    • Hah, I'm ok with Woolies generic BBQ, but need brand name tomato!

  • +1

    Food / edible groceries.

    • IMO, a cheap broccoli still taste the same as an expensive no pesticide used broccoli so I'm more then happy to skimp… just gotta make sure you wash the cheap ones really well lol

      • +4

        Nah, I still shop around for the bargains and cheapest if it's the same exact thing. Like I won't purposely pay $3 per kilo for broccoli expecting it to be better than broccoli that is $1 per kilo at Aldi.

        I shop at a range of places every week: Aldi, Woolies, Coles, local asian-run seafood shop (cheap!), asian grocer (cheap!!). Sure it's a pain to have to go everywhere but I know where the specials of my 'needs' for that week are, and I'll buy them from the store selling them cheapest. Applies to fresh produce too - Most of my fruit and veg comes from Aldi.. they're often the cheapest AND the best tasting, IMO. Also get really fresh and equally, if not cheaper fresh produce from my Asian grocer.. things like sweet potato, herbs, green leafy veg. Talking half the price of Woolies or cheaper.

        What I mean by 'not skimping on food' is: I always take into consideration things like where the food is produced/grown. I'd pay slightly more for local produce rather than grab the cheapest that is from China. Anything from China I avoid :P other countries are fine lol. But yeah, local is ideal. Also I'd rather go without apples for a week than buy apples of a type I don't like (fussy - Jazz apples are the besttt, but I'll wait til they go on special and buy kilos to last a while lol).

        I just have my own little habits or rules with food shopping. Cheap is great! Quality and cheap is what I aim for :)

        • Anything from China I avoid :P other countries are fine lol

          Smart move, hearing about fake everything from china kind of turns you off…

          Local asian grocers are usually the cheapest is what I find, just not as many choices as Colesworth… didn't even know ALDI did fruits and veg though.

        • +2

          Not available all year round but Australian garlic is in another league to the imported stuff. Often several times the price but worth it.

          +1 for Jazz apples. It is ridiculous how consistently good they are.

  • +2

    No skimping on skincare!

  • +3

    Anything involving safety.

    • +1

      I would tend to agree, but I am fine with ALDI sun protection, for example, or anything that needs to meet a standard for safety approval (e.g. electrical items). But I would rather brand name impact protection stuff, as an example.

  • +4

    Work boots.
    Blundstone are ok, but they actually raised their prices when they moved production to China from Tassie (arseholes) so I am wearing Redbacks, which are still looking good a year or so old.

  • +2

    Beer. As i walk into the bottleshop cheaper beer never sways me from getting what i want to drink.
    But when i do buy beer ive amost certanly looked to make sure im buying at the best price in town.

    • Yes but.
      When I used to drink macro slops I would buy the cheapest volume by alcohol.
      Now I just stock up on whatever ale Dan's puts at $10 a six pack for members. I would rather drink wine than pay RRP for micro brew. But I will happily pay $10 for 6.

  • +3


    • +4

      The coles organic blend beans or grind is surprisingly ok. The woolies version tastes burnt (I have another 500g or so - I work for you guys)

      • +2

        I buy local roasted and hand grind daily. I really should buy that breville-bcg820bss-the-smart-grinder-pro.

        It's my birthday in 2 weeks.
        Everyone wanna put in for a grinder for me? It's in sale!

        I also only go and drink good coffee from places I know that make good coffee.

        Coffee snob here.

  • +1


    I used that cheap E10 stuff from united for a few years and it pretty much ate away the value guide seals in my previous car (1996 Honda Prelude).

    • +4

      RACQ said it also needs to be at least 5cents per litre cheaper than normal Unleaded because your fuel economy is worse by about that.

      • I was under the impression that the fuel economy was better with e10.

        • I don't know much about this, but I've always heard the opposite. Something about the fact that ethanol burns faster, so worse fuel economy.

          I've been thinking about this myself recently, since finding out my car takes E10!

          Sticking to unleaded for now.

        • +3

          It was in an RACQ magazine a few years back - a search just now I found - your car will consume E10 at a faster rate because it doesn't contain as much energy and consumption is worse by around 3.5 per cent.

        • Ethanol contains much less energy by volume than regular petrol.
          It also has a high octane rating though which means it can be used as an octane booster in petrol to give the petrol an overall higher octane rating. An engine that is tuned for it can get better power/economy from higher octane fuel.

        • +1

          @IamEzza: I thought that if you needed a certain octane rating then you needed it. And going below would damage the engine from knocking. And using a higher octane petrol than required did not benefit the car.

        • +2

          @rolypoly: Pretty much. It's up to the manufacturer how they want to tune the engine from the factory. However there is also the possibility to re-tune the car manually or some cars even have learning and they can automatically advance or retard the timing themselves.
          Any car that has a knock sensor will automatically dial back the timing when knock is detected which will kill economy/performance. Cars that have knock sensors can be tuned more aggressively from the beginning without worrying about damaging themselves with low octane fuel.

    • +1

      Do you think it would have been different with other brands E10?

      • +1

        Didn't mean to + you, but reply: No, it wouldn't. E10 in modern cars is not recommended. For 2008 Holden Astra (not too old) E10 is recommended, but it burns faster hence less km driven or engine's knocking when up of a hill and speed up the car. If E10 is not recommended I am getting 100% engine knocking with E10. Sometimes putting just Unleaded (not premium ) produces knocking in new German cars. In the older cars you still don't save much and it's stress for engine.

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