How Much % of Your Monthly Income Do You Put Towards Saving/Home Mortgage

Just wondering how much of your monthly income goes towards your savings?

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  • +1

    hmmm… seeing most ozB's put 75%+ makes me want to save more diligently…

  • +2

    I think a better question would be: how much of your income goes towards Ozbargain?

    And one of the responses as: all of it. That would be my vote.

  • +1

    People are really saving or paying off that much off their mortgage? Wowsers. Thought ours was high (we live off my wage and hubby's is all paid to the mortgage/offset account).

  • $eems like I'm the only one spending 75%+ on ozbargain ;)

  • If I had a mortgage it would be 75% but as I rent it is 50%

    I'm not sure that you can really say that making mortgage repayments on a PPOR is the same as saving. You have a fair wack of interest there and housing is an expense. By that I mean, If you sell your home tomorrow you'll still have to pay an expense to live somewhere - either by buying new home or paying rent. The housing market in Australia certainly allows many people to build wealth and I'm not arguing that, but I still wouldn't lump mortgage repayments in with savings.

  • Money in ~ money out, but about 1/3 of that is for mortgage.

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