When Is a PS3 Disc Too Scratched?

I bought a couple of PS3 games from a pawn store today, they were ridiculously cheap but when I got home I noticed that some of them were scratched on the painted side, not deep gouges or anything but where you could see a light shining through from the other side? I'm sure that if I take them back tomorrow I'll get a refund no questions asked but do you think this is necessary? I probs won't start playing them for quite some time and I'm sure by the time it (or if) it becomes a problem a refund will be out of the question.

When is a ps3 disc to scratched?


  • +1

    When it doesn't work- test them and make sure the stuff you bought actually works before it's too late to get a refund.

  • Yeah,if it was a movie I could just rip it to the HDD on my computer to see if it the whole disc is readable but with a game it might not stuff up till I'm half way through playing it

  • If you can find a blockbuster store that's still open ,the have a polishing machine for the DVDs they might buzz it for you.

    • EB has also been nice enough to get theirs out for customers from time to time, but I'm almost certain they'll charge you for it.

      • I think it's $5

  • Some pre owned game discs look like kids have strapped the painted sides to their feet and gone ice skating on the data sides. Scratches on the painted sides don't matter as they normally don't cause any difficulties in the game's ability to function, but you're definitely entitled to a refund.

    Regardless, you should put it in to see if it works. If the game boots up at all, it's likely that the entire game will work as it's rare for a large, deep scratch to effect only one level or game function (but has been known to happen)

  • +1

    When you can see the light on the other side, it is gone. Because the laser lens read data by bouncing light off the grooves. When light goes through to the disc, data cant be read properly.

    • I heard that's not so much a issue with BD as it is with CD & DVD?

      • Then im not too sure. I always assumed the structure of BD is similar to CD&DVD. But it is a risk. Up to the OP but I personally wouldnt accept the condition of the disc.

  • Any reason you just don't try them?

  • They all started up fine. Just don't wanna get half way through to have it crash on me

  • its too much to expect a ps3 has a disc checker but is it possible to read the disc in a pc BR reader and then check the data?

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